Summer Share Ten July 25th 2023

Posted by on Jul 25, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important information: This is an even numbered distribution week. Please give detailed information if sending someone new to pick up your share. We were short a fruit share but had extra produce at a site last week; thank you! Winter share enrollment will begin next month; details in the next newsletter. Farm News from Jane […]

Summer Share Nine July 18th 2023

Posted by on Jul 18, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important Information This is an odd biweekly distribution. Please remember to return both your produce and fruit share boxes; thanks! Farm News from Jane Well, it’s almost time; next week there will be tomatoes and sweet corn. We didn’t find enough ripe cherry tomatoes to harvest today for shares and the sweet corn is just […]

Summer Share Eight July 11th/13th 2023

Posted by on Jul 10, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important information: This is an even biweekly distribution for city and farm sites. This is the first fruit share for biweekly even numbered distribution sites. The fruit shares are in separate boxes with red and yellow peppers on them. Please check the distribution sheet to check if you signed up for one. Please save and […]

Summer Share Seven July 5th/6th 2023

Posted by on Jul 3, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important information: There is no distribution on Tuesday July 4th; it will be on Wednesday instead; same hours. It is an odd numbered distribution week for the suburban sites. Thursday distribution remains the same. Please return all boxes. Farm News from Jane Lots of rain, Yea! What nice soaking rains we’ve had since last week. […]