Summer Share Two May 28th/30th 2024

Posted by on May 28, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information: This is the first even biweekly share for farm members, MAP and city home deliveries. The next biweekly even share is June 13th. It is also a weekly share. Please be gentle opening the boxes. They have a fold line which hinges open, pulling harder to get the top open tears the box […]

Summer Share One May 21st/23rd 2024

Posted by on May 21, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information: This is the first biweekly shares for Depew, Lancaster, East Amherst, Leicester, Park School and also suburban home deliveries. The next biweekly odd distribution is Tuesday June 4th. This is also the first of twenty-four-weekly share. Winter Share members at Depew, East Amherst and Park School please remember that your distribution day is […]

Summer Information May 13th 2024

Posted by on May 21, 2024 in Uncategorized

Hello Friends, old and new! Well, here we are in mid-May almost ready to begin summer shares. We have been busy seeding, planting and transplanting in the greenhouses, high tunnels and fields. We have planted lettuce, beets, fennel, Swiss chard, scallions and lots of varieties of onions into beautifully worked beds. There are two blocks of […]

Winter Share Twelve May 2nd 2024

Posted by on May 2, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information: This is the final winter share. Still room for a few more summer shares! Please take a few minutes to look around for any stray boxes that might have collected in the garage, porch, car trunk or patio; thank -you! We’ll be sending out summer share information with start dates in a few […]