Summer Share Nineteen September 26th/28th 2023

Posted by on Sep 26, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • This is an odd numbered distribution for suburban sites.
  • Winter enrollment time is winding down; register today for your winter share @
    We would like to complete enrollment by October 1st.
    Please email if you have any questions regarding payments.
  • Summer Share registration for summer ‘24 will begin as soon as we complete winter share registration.
  • Please bring your share boxes to distribution; thank you!
  • See information below for Potluck details on Sunday Oct 8th.

Fall Potluck and Field Walk information:

– The event begins at 3:00 pm with an educational field walk with U-pick for some vegetables so please be prompt. You may want to bring a wagon for those “little ones” or to haul back a pumpkin or two!
– This is held rain or shine and will conclude at 5:30 pm.
— Weather appropriate outerwear including boots is essential for the farm walk.
– Bring a dish to pass that feeds four or more people. Please include your recipe with a list of ingredients for the benefit of those who may have food allergies or just love your dish.
– If you bring a dessert, please consider bringing a main dish as well. The food is always awesome and sometimes we run low on main dishes! Although soup is delicious it is somewhat difficult to handle and we do not have enough outlets in the barn to run crock pots.
– We will provide meat, beverages, and cups; please bring your own place settings and chairs.
– When you arrive at the CSA farm @ 2112 County Line Rd Alden, park in the grassy area to the left of the barn. The farm is located 1 mi. north of Rt. 20 or 2.5 mi. south of Rt. 33.
– Please leave pets at home; thanks!

Farm News from Jane
Summer has faded but the song of the cicadas continues on with these beautiful September days. The back-to-school schedules have begun to fall into place although the commutes are much busier with school in session. The fall foliage is beginning to become a beautiful backdrop as you travel along. Each season brings a unique, new beauty. Our farm is surrounded on three sides by woods with lots of sugar maples so it becomes a glorious landscape to work in. The last of the winter squash will be brought in from the field this week and we are also busy digging potatoes for winter storage. Most of the varieties of potatoes we have harvested have yielded nicely. We haven’t dug any of the French Fingerlings yet but I’m hoping that they yield well also. Because of their shape they are more likely to fall through the chains of the potato digger making their harvest more laborious, digging by hand through the top layer of soil that covers them. But they are definitely worth the extra trouble as they are so sweet and flavorful. They are red skinned with golden flesh making them a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. Can you say that they’re my favorite variety?
We continue to harvest broccoli daily as even one extra day of maturation can overmature the flowerettes. That last week of hot temperatures caused the heads to grow distortedly. The cauliflowers are just beginning to reach maturity and the Brussels sprouts plants were “topped” so that they will put all their energy into sizing up the sprouts instead of growing a larger plant. It is the same reason why we remove the garlic scapes from the garlic plants in the spring, so that the bulbs get maximum size before maturation. The field where the garlic will be sown is now being prepared for planting in November. The mustard cover crop which was seeded in the summer is getting turned under giving “green manure” for soil building as well as being a fumigant for small seeded weeds. The mustard crop will be incorporated and then the field rested until the soil cools down sufficiently for planting the garlic cloves in early November. It is seeded in late fall so the garlic does not sprout prematurely and be damaged by the soil freezing in the winter. Rye cover crops have been sown on the fields that were summer vegetables and had been renovated in preparation. They will continue to grow through the winter under the snow and will be turned under with a spader next spring, readying the soil bed for the first of the spring crops. The farm continues to be a busy place well into the autumn. Last year it was not until December before the last of the carrots were dug and the garlic was planted. Sometimes the weather isn’t cooperative and makes for a challenging year’s end. And people ask what we “do” all winter! It is nice to have a slower pace in December and January before we begin to seed in February again. So, we continue to harvest vegetables for the last quarter of summer shares and prepare for winter shares which are only seven weeks away. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Please be sure to mark the potluck on your calendar. We hope to see lots of you there for a great time walking the fields and enjoying a delicious meal together! Welcome to autumn! Blessings, Jane

Produce:  Delicata squash   Garlic   Adirondack Blue Potatoes   Orange Carrots
Collards   Poblano peppers   Celeriac   Leeks   Sweet Corn   Broccoli

Fruit:       Gala Apples     Bartlett Pears
– Pears will turn a golden yellow and soften when ripened.
– Gala apples are a variety which was developed in New Zealand in the mid-20th century and was selected for its mild, sweet flavor, crisp flesh, and versatile nature. Gala apples were created from a lineage of famous apple cultivars. The variety was produced from a cross between golden delicious apples and Kidd’s orange red apples, an offspring of Cox’s orange Pippin and Red Delicious varieties. Gala apples are one of the most commercially cultivated apples worldwide and are grown in both hemispheres, providing year-round production. The apples are considered a multi-purpose variety, often used in fresh, cooked, and preserved preparations and mixology.

– Delicata squash has a tender skin that is edible if not over cooked/ It can be cut in half first and seeds removed before baking or microwave whole like a potato; poking with a paring knife to make vent holes.
– Celeriac is also called celery root. After peeling with a knife cut or shred for recipe or as desired. It will darken after cutting like potatoes so place in water or wrap for storage in fridge. Add to potato dishes and salads, raw.
– Leeks will need to be washed or rinsed with water before use. They “grow” from the root upward and the sandy particles are trapped between the layers. You can either slice them vertically and rinse under running water or cut horizontal slices and place in a strainer and rinse them. Although they can be used raw most recipes utilize them sauteed. You can save any green tops for soup. The white and pale green section is not fibrous like the dark green portion of the leaves.
– Collard greens should be bagged and refrigerated. See recipes section for how to use and prep.

1 1/2-pound whole chicken, rinsed and quartered; 1 quart chicken stock; 1 bay leaf; 5 peppercorns; 2 whole cloves; 2 1/2 cups chopped leeks; 1/2 cup chopped carrots; 1/4 cup pearl barley; 2 tbsp chopped parsley; 1/4 cup chopped prunes (optional); salt and pepper
Place chicken in large pot with 1 quart water; add stock, bay leaf, peppercorns, and cloves. Bring to low boil, skimming as needed. Reduce to low simmer and cook about 1 1/2 hours, skimming as needed. Remove chicken; let cool. Remove any fat floating on stock, then strain through a very fine mesh colander lined with cheesecloth. Clean out soup pot and return stock to it. Add leeks and carrots, bring to boil, and add barley. Simmer until barley is cooked, about 35 minutes. Meanwhile, remove skin and bones from chicken; shred the meat. When barley is cooked, stir in chicken, parsley, and prunes, if using. Heat through. Season to taste. Makes 3-4 servings. Recipe from MACSAC

8 ounces trimmed leeks; 8 ounces mushrooms; 2 tbsp olive oil 3 garlic cloves, crushed; 6 tbsp butter; 1 large onion, roughly chopped scant 1 3/4 cups rice; 5 cups hot vegetable stock; grated zest and juice of l lemon; 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese; 1/4 cup mixed chopped fresh chives and flat-leaf parsley; salt and freshly ground black pepper; lemon wedges and sprigs of flat-leaf parsley, to serve
Wash the leeks well. Slice in half lengthwise and roughly chop. Wipe the mushrooms with paper towels and roughly chop. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the garlic for 1 minute. Add the leeks, mushrooms and plenty of seasoning and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until softened and browned. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add 2 tablespoons of the butter to the pan and cook the onion over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Stir in the rice and cook for 1 minute. Add a ladleful of stock to the pan and cook gently, stirring occasionally, until all the liquid is absorbed. Stir in more liquid as each ladleful is absorbed; this should take 20-25 minutes. The risotto will turn thick and creamy, and the rice should be tender but not sticky. Just before serving, stir in the leeks, mushrooms, remaining butter, grated lemon zest and 3 tablespoons of the juice, half the Parmesan and the herbs. Adjust the seasoning and serve, sprinkled with the remaining Parmesan and herbs. Serve with lemon wedges and sprigs of flat -leaf parsley. Serves 4

1 tablespoon butter, plus extra for greasing; 8 ounces leeks, thinly sliced; 5-6 tablespoons whipping cream; freshly grated nutmeg; 4 eggs; salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Generously butter the bottoms and sides of four ramekins or individual soufflé dishes. Melt the butter in a small frying pan and cook the leeks over medium heat, stirring frequently, until softened but not browned. Add 3 tablespoons of the cream and cook gently for about 5 minutes, until the leeks are very soft and the cream has thickened a little. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Arrange the ramekins in a small roasting pan and divide the leeks among them. Break an egg into each, spoon 1-2 teaspoons of the remaining cream over each egg and season lightly. Pour boiling water into the roasting pan to come halfway up the side of the ramekins or soufflé dishes. Bake for about 10 minutes, until the whites are set and the yolks are still soft, or a little longer if you prefer them more well done. Serves 4

 6- 12 whole or halved hot or semi-hot chiles (Hungarian wax, Poblanos, Anaheim, jalapenos.), 1/4 cup flour; enough to cover bottom of a 9×13-inch pan; 1 1/4 cups milk; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1 pound Monterey Jack cheese, cut into thin strips; 1/2-pound grated cheddar cheese; 5 large eggs; 1/2 teaspoon paprika
Seed the chiles. Slip strips of Monterey Jack cheese inside chiles. Beat eggs and gradually add flour, milk, and salt. Arrange chiles in well-greased pan. Sprinkle on the cheddar. Pour on egg mixture. Sprinkle on the paprika. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees 45 minutes. Recipe from MACSAC and Jose Nancy Crabb, Zephyr Community Farm member

2 c chopped apples; 3/4 c chopped Anaheim or Poblano pepper; 1/2 c chopped onion; 1/4 c lime juice; Salt and pepper to taste; 1/4 c dry white wine; 1/4 c apple juice; 1/2 tsp grated lime peel; 4 medium boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Combine apples, chili peppers, onion, lime juice, salt and pepper; mix well. Set aside about 1/2 hour for flavors to blend. Combine wine, apple juice and lime peel. Pour over chicken breasts in glass dish or sealable plastic bag. Marinate 20-30 minutes. Drain chicken; discard marinade. Grill over medium-hot coals, turning once, until chicken is done. Serve with salsa on the side. Makes 4 servings with salsa to spare

2 large boneless, skinless chicken breast halves; 3 tablespoons olive oil; 1 large Spanish onion, minced; 5 cloves garlic, minced; 2 fresh poblano peppers, chopped; 8 ounces good-quality cured chorizo, sliced and chopped in quarters; 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes; 8 cups chicken stock, homemade or canned; 4 cups fresh corn kernels; Salt and cracked pepper to taste; 1/4 bunch cilantro, stems trimmed, minced; 1 bunch radishes, trimmed and sliced; Queso fresco, crème fraiche, or sour cream
In a heavy stockpot over medium to low heat, cook the chicken breasts on both sides in half the olive oil. Remove the chicken and allow to cool. Add the remaining olive oil to the pot and heat it. Add the onion, garlic, poblanos, chorizo, and red pepper flakes. Sauté until the onion is soft and translucent. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Shred the chicken and add it to the boiling stock. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the corn, cook for about 2 minutes, and turn off the heat. Season the stew to taste with salt and pepper. Ladle the stew into bowls and garnish with the cilantro, radishes, and queso fresco.
Serves 6. Recipe from The Café Pongo Cookbook.

3 lbs. blue potatoes, 2 1/2 oz. roasted garlic, 2 oz. sour cream, 1/2 oz. butter, 1 oz. Parmesan, grated, Salt and pepper
Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. Boil them in salted water for approximately 15 minutes or fork tender. Once potatoes have cooked, drain the water. In a large bowl add the garlic, sour cream, butter, and Parmesan to the potatoes, and mash until desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Recipe courtesy Petty Officer Todd, U.S. Navy

5-6 medium-sized purple or other potatoes, 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 clove garlic, crushed, 1 1/2 teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed, Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Scrub the potatoes well. Dry and quarter them as shown above. Place potatoes in baking pan to form a single layer. Drizzle olive oil over potatoes, sprinkle with crushed garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. Toss potatoes to coat with oil and spices. Cover pan with foil and slide into oven. Bake potatoes for 15 minutes. Slide pan from oven and remove foil. Using a spatula, turn potatoes over. Return pan to oven without foil and roast potatoes another 15 minutes. Slide potatoes from oven, turn them one more time and continue roasting another 10-15 minutes. Remove from oven and serve immediately. Serves 6

1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 large onion, cut into ¼-inch slices, 1-pound purple potatoes, peeled and cut crosswise into ¼-inch slices, ½ teaspoon curry powder (optional), ¾ teaspoon sea salt, divided, 2 T minced fresh thyme, 8 whole eggs, ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Heat a 10-inch, heavy-bottomed skillet over medium heat. Add oil and arrange onion slices in skillet. Cook, turning occasionally, until lightly browned and just tender, about 20 minutes. Arrange potato slices over onion and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of water over vegetables, then sprinkle with curry (optional) and ¼ teaspoon salt, turning to coat. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook until potatoes are just fork-tender, about 10 minutes. Preheat the broiler. Whisk eggs just to blend, and stir in ½ teaspoon salt and pepper. Pour into skillet, sprinkle with thyme and arrange potato mixture in a single layer. Cook over medium heat, until set on bottom, about 10 minutes. Transfer skillet to oven and broil 6 inches from heat source until browned at edges and set all the way through, 5 to 8 minutes. Recipe from Debby Maugans, food writer based in Asheville, North Carolina

1 pie pan lined with pie dough (prepared from scratch or store-bought); 1 cup finely diced broccoli; 2 green onions, chopped; 1 cup shredded cheddar or Gruyere cheese; 1 tablespoon flour; 3 eggs, lightly beaten; 1 cup half-and-half, heavy cream, or milk; 2 tablespoons basil pesto 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/8 teaspoon pepper; 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Prick bottom and sides of crust and line with foil. Bake 8 minutes, remove foil, and bake another 8 minutes. Reduce oven to 325 degrees. Toss broccoli, green onions, cheese, and flour in a bowl. Spread mixture over the bottom of the crust. Whisk remaining ingredients in the bowl. Pour filling into crust. Bake until knife inserted near center comes out clean, about 35-40 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Recipe from Julie Worzolo

2 tsp olive oil; 1 cup thinly sliced scapes; garlic clove finely chopped; 2 cups cooked brown rice; 1 1/2 cups cooked broccoli; 4 eggs; 4 egg whites; 1/2 cup ricotta cheese; 1 Tbsp oregano; 1/2 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper; 3 Tbsp grated mozzarella cheese
Heat oil in large oven proof skillet. Add the scapes and garlic and cook over medium heat, stirring, for 2 m minutes. Add the rice and broccoli and cook, stirring, until heated through, about 2 minutes. Whisk the eggs and egg whites with the ricotta cheese, oregano, salt, cayenne pepper until well blended. Pour eggs mixture over the rice mixture in the pan, stir gently to combine, and cover. Cook over low heat until eggs are almost set, 7-10 minutes. Preheat broiler. Sprinkle cheese over frittata. Place under the broiler, about 5 inches from the heat source, and broil until the cheese melts and the top of the frittata is flecked golden brown, about 2 minutes. Watch carefully to prevent burning. Cut into wedges and serve. 4 main dish servings.

1 head broccoli, flower and stems chopped; 1/2 lb. fried bacon, crumbled; 1/2 cup chopped red onion; 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese Dressing: Stir together:1/2 cup mayonnaise; 2T sugar; 1 T vinegar
Mix all salad ingredients and stir in dressing. Refrigerate at least one hour before serving.

2 bunches collard greens or a mixture of collards and kale; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; 3 medium yellow-fleshed potatoes, scrubbed and coarsely diced; 3 or 4 strips bacon, cut into small pieces, optional; 2 tablespoons peanut or olive oil; 1/2 onion, finely diced; 2 plump garlic cloves, finely chopped; good pinch red pepper flakes; hot pepper sauce or vinegar for the table
Strip the collard leaves from the stems and wash the greens. Bring a few quarts of water to a boil. Add salt and the greens, and then simmer for 10 minutes. Scoop them into a bowl. Add the potatoes to the cooking water and simmer until tender, 7 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until browned. Set it on paper towels to drain, discard the fat, and wipe out the pan. Return the pan to the heat, add the oil, and when it’s hot, add the onion. Cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Coarsely chop the cooked greens, and then add them to the pan along with the garlic and pepper flakes. Scoop some of the potato water into the pan as well so that everything cooks in a little moisture, adding more water as needed. When the potatoes are tender, scoop them out and add them to the greens. Add the bacon, and then toss everything together. Taste for salt and season with pepper. Keep everything distinct or mash the potatoes into the greens. It’s messy-looking this way but especially good. Season with pepper sauce or vinegar to taste.

1 bunch collard greens, stems cut out and discarded, ¼ cup olive oil, ½ t. salt, ¼ t. pepper, 1t. sugar, 1 t. minced garlic, optional
Wash the collard leaves and stack them (5-10 leaves at a time). Roll them up tightly, and then slice thinly so you have a chiffonade of greens. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat with salt, pepper, sugar, and garlic. When the oil is hot, add collards and stir often for 15-20 minutes, until collards are tender, taking care not to burn the greens. Add more oil if necessary. Makes 4 servings.

1 T olive oil, 3 slices bacon, 1 large onion, chopped, 2 cloves garlic, minced, 1 teaspoon salt,1 teaspoon pepper, 3 cups chicken broth, 1 pinch red pepper flakes, 1-pound fresh collard greens, stems removed and cut into 2-inch pieces
Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add bacon, and cook until crisp. Remove bacon from pan, crumble and return to the pan. Add onion, and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic, and cook until just fragrant. Add collard greens, and fry until they start to wilt. Pour in chicken broth, and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes, or until greens are tender. Pour in chicken broth, and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes, or until greens are tender. Recipe from Ken Adams;

1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 bunch collard greens – rinsed, stemmed and thinly sliced, 1 large onion, chopped, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup dry red lentils, rinsed and drained, 6 cups water, 2 tablespoons minced garlic,1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, stir in onion and salt; cook until softened and translucent, about 4 minutes. Stir in lentils, and cook for 1 minute. Pour in water, then bring to a boil over high heat, then turn heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the lentils are tender, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add collard greens, and cook until wilted, about 10 minutes. When the lentils are tender, stir in the collard greens and season with cumin, cinnamon, and garlic; allow to simmer 10 more minutes. Stir in lemon juice before serving. Prep 15 min; Cook 30 min; Ready in 45 min

2 tablespoons canola oil, 1/2 medium onion, coarsely chopped, 1 bunch collard greens, rinsed, stems removed, and finely chopped, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/4 cup Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth or Vegetable Broth, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, freshly ground black pepper
Heat oil over medium heat in a 12-inch skillet. Add onions, collards, salt, broth, and Worcestershire sauce; mix well. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally for 15-20 minutes, or until tender. Season to taste with additional salt and pepper as desired. Goes with Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
Source: Quick & Kosher Meals in Minutes; 15 min cook time; 10min prep time; 4 servings

1 lb. whole-wheat pizza dough, 3 tablespoons garlic-flavored olive oil, 2 cups thinly sliced cooked collard greens, 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, ¼ cup crumbled cooked bacon
Preheat grill to medium-high. Roll dough into a 12-inch oval on a lightly floured surface. Transfer to a lightly floured large baking sheet. Bring the dough, oil, collards and Cheddar to the grill. Oil the grill rack. Transfer the crust to the grill. Close the lid and cook until puffed and lightly browned, 1 to 2 minutes. Using tongs, turn the crust over. Spread the crust with the oil and top with the collards and Cheddar. Close the lid and cook until the cheese is melted and the crust is lightly browned on the bottom, 2 to 3 minutes more. Return the pizza to the baking sheet. Top with bacon.

1-pound Delicata squash (about 1 large); 2 medium ripe but firm pears, sliced; 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil; 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper; 2 slices bacon; 2 tablespoons water; 1 tablespoon light brown sugar; 1 teaspoon chili powder
Preheat oven to 425°F. Cut squash in half lengthwise; scoop out the seeds. Cut crosswise into Y4-inch slices. Toss in a large bowl with pears, oil, salt and pepper. Spread on a large baking sheet.  Roast the squash and pears until just tender, stirring once or twice, 20 to 25 minutes. .4. Meanwhile, cook bacon in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until crisp, 4 to 6 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate. 5. Discard all but 2 teaspoons fat from the pan. Over medium heat, stir in water, brown sugar and chili powder. Add the squash and pears; toss to coat. Crumble the bacon on top. MAKES: 4 servings

1-pound Delicata squash (about 1 large); 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil; 2 shallots, halved and sliced; 1 teaspoon orange zest; 31/4 cup orange juice; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper; 2 tablespoons chopped salted pistachios
Cut squash in half lengthwise; scoop out the seeds. Thinly slice crosswise. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add shallots and cook, stirring, until softened and beginning to brown, about 2 minutes. Add the squash, orange zest and juice, salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and cook, stirring once, until the squash is almost tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Uncover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is absorbed and the squash is tender and beginning to brown, 12 to 15 minutes more. Serve sprinkled with pistachios.  MAKES: 4 servings, about 1 cup each

1-pound Delicata squash (about 1 large); 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil; 1 tablespoon apple cider or apple juice; 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper; 1/4 cup chopped dried apricots; 1/4 cup dried cranberries; 2 tablespoons finely chopped chives; 2 tablespoons toasted sliced almonds
Cut squash in quarters lengthwise; scoop out the seeds. Very thinly slice crosswise. Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in a sauce pan fitted with a steamer basket. Steam the squash until just tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Whisk oil, cider (or juice), salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add the squash, apricots cranberries and chives; toss to coat. Serve sprinkled with almonds. Makes 4 servings

2 lbs. Delicata squash, 1 medium red onion, sliced, 2 T extra-virgin olive oil, divided, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary, 1 T maple syrup, 1 T Dijon mustard
Preheat oven to 425°F. Cut squash in half lengthwise, then crosswise; scoop out the seeds. Cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick wedges. Toss with onion, 1 tablespoon oil and salt in a large bowl. Spread in an even layer on a baking sheet. Roast, stirring once or twice, until tender and beginning to brown, about 30 minutes. Combine the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, rosemary, syrup and mustard in a small bowl. Toss the vegetables with the dressing. Recipe from Eating Makes 4 servings, about 1 cup each

2 lbs. carrots, 1 medium potato, 4 c. water, 1T butter or oil, 1 c chopped onion, 11/2 t salt, 2 medium cloves garlic; minced, ½ t marjoram or oregano, 1 t basil, 1-2 T lemon juice (or to taste), optional: small amounts of finely minced fresh mint, chives and or parsley for the top.

Peel and chop the carrots and potato, and place them in a medium-large saucepan with the water. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer until the vegetables are tender (10-15 minutes). Meanwhile, heat oil in a small skillet. Add onions and salt, and sauté over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and dried herbs and sauté about 5 minutes more, or until the onions are soft. Stir in lemon juice. Purée everything together in a blender or food processor and transfer to a kettle or Dutch oven. Simmer gently 8-10 minutes. Serve hot, topped with a light sprinkling of fresh herbs if desired. Recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook

1 lb. carrots; peeled and coarsely chopped, 2 medium- sized tart apples; grated, 1-2 T lemon juice, 1-2 T honey, (optional), pinch of celery seed, salt and pepper to taste, 1 c. firm yogurt.
Optional additions: 1T poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds, ¼ c. minced almonds or cashews; lightly toasted, ½ c. very finely minced celery, a handful of raisins or currants, ¼ c. shredded unsweetened coconut, lightly toasted, ½ c. finely chopped pineapple (or crushed canned in juice).
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Chill. (This preparation goes fast if you use a food processor with a grater attachment.) Yield 4-5 main dishes for lunch; more if serving as a side dish.
Recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook.

Cook 4 oz. spaghetti according to package directions about ten minutes. Drain and rinse to cool. In a large bowl, whisk 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter, ¼ cup water, 3 T each seasoned rice vinegar and lime juice, 1 T packed brown sugar, 1T low sodium soy sauce and 1 tsp. (or to taste) siracha until smooth.
Add spaghetti, 21/2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken, 6 cups shredded cabbage, 2 cups shredded carrots, 3 thinly sliced scallions and 1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro or parsley. Toss well. Scatter ¼ cup chopped roasted peanuts over the top. Recipe form FAMILYCIRCLE.COM

1 T olive oil, ¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp ground black pepper, ½# carrots, 2T balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a 9×13-inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Combine olive oil, salt, pepper, and carrots in a bag or bowl; toss to coat. Pour the carrots into the prepared baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven until tender, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle the balsamic vinegar over the carrots; shake the pan to coat evenly. Return to oven and bake until the liquid is absorbed, 5 to 10 minutes. Serve hot.
Recipe from

1 cup strong ginger beer, such as Reed’s Extra Ginger Brew, 1 cup chicken stock, 2 1/4 lbs. carrots, peeled and cut into 2-inch segments, 2 tsp. butter, 4 tsp. chopped fresh parsley, 1 tsp. chopped garlic, 1 tsp. chopped orange zest
In large skillet, boil ginger beer and stock until reduced to 1 cup, 10 to 15 minutes. Add carrots and butter; season. Cook over medium-high, stirring occasionally, until tender and glazed, about 15 minutes; season. Chop together parsley, garlic and zest. Sprinkle over carrots.

1 small celeriac bulb; 4 large carrots; 1 clove garlic or 1 small shallot, minced; 1 tbsp lemon juice; 1/8 tsp salt; 1 tsp Dijon mustard; 2 tbsp olive oil; 1/2 tbsp sour cream; freshly ground black pepper
Peel celeriac with a sharp knife. Grate on large holes of box grater. Peel carrots and grate the same way. You’ll have about 4 generous cups. Mix minced garlic or shallot, vinegar, salt, and mustard in small bowl. Whisk in olive oil until smooth and thickened. Stir in sour cream and fresh ground pepper to taste. Add more salt if necessary. Pour over grated vegetables and toss gently. Allow to marinate for 30 minutes.
Makes 4 generous servings.

3lbs. celery root; salt; 1-1/2 cups cooking liquid; 1/2 cup butter; 6 tbs. flour; cayenne pepper; 1 cup (1/2 pt.) whipping cream; 2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese; dry mustard; 1/4 cup soft bread crumbs

Peel and dice celery root. Put cubes in water with a little lemon juice added to prevent darkening. When ready to cook, drain and place in saucepan with enough water to cover and a little salt. Bring to boil. Cook about 20 minutes, or until barely tender. Strain cooking liquid and reserve 1-1/2 cups. Drain cooked celery root very well. Melt 6 tablespoons butter in a saucepan. Remove pan from heat and stir in flour. Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Combine cream and reserved liquid. Blend with butter and flour. Return to heat and stir until sauce boils. Add 1/2 cup cheese and a pinch of mustard. Stir over medium heat 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add celery root. Mix well and turn into a large flat casserole. Sprinkle heavily with crumbs, remaining cheese and butter. Bake in 350°F oven 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Recipe from the Fresh Vegetable Cookbook.

2 medium firm celeriac; 2 T lemon juice; 4 hard-cooked eggs; 1/4 C chopped onion; 1 T. minced parsley; 1/8 tsp. pepper; 4-5 T. mayonnaise or salad dressing; Salt to taste; pimiento-stuffed olives; paprika
Peel celery roots, cutting away fibrous roots at bottom and any adhering top growth. Cut in halves; cook in boiling salted water to cover, with 1 tsp. lemon juice added, until tender, 20 to 30 minutes for halves, about 40 to 60 minutes for whole roots. Drain; cut in cubes, place in bowl and add remaining lemon juice (or French salad dressing) to help keep it white instead of turning gray. When celery roots are cool, add 3 diced hard-cooked eggs, onion, parsley, pepper and mayonnaise. Add more salt, if needed. Mix well; turn into serving bowl. Garnish with slices of hard-cooked egg and olives and sprinkle with paprika. Chill 1 hour, or several hours, before serving. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Recipe from America’s Best Vegetable Recipes.

1/2 cup wild rice; 1 celery root (about 1 pound); 2 large leeks, white parts only; 2 tablespoons unsalted butter; 1 celery rib, diced; 1 cup thinly sliced russet potato; 1/4 cup chopped parsley, plus extra for garnish; 1 bay leaf; 1 large thyme sprig; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; 2 cups Vegetable Stock, chicken stock, or water; 2 cups half-and-half or milk truffle oil, optional
Cover the wild rice with 5 cups water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes or until tender. Thickly cut away the celery root skins, then quarter and chop the root into bite-sized pieces. You should have about 3 cups. Chop and wash the leeks. Melt the butter in a soup pot. Add the vegetables, parsley, bay leaf, thyme, and 1 1/2 teaspoons salt. Cook over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, then add the stock. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the half-and-half and simmer until the vegetables are tender. Taste for salt and season with pepper. To give the soup a creamy background, puree a cup of the vegetables and return them to the pot. If the soup is too thick, thin it with some of the rice water or additional stock. Divide the soup among 4 or 6 bowls and then add a mound of the wild rice to each. Garnish each bowl with parsley and a drop of truffle oil, if using, and serve. Serves 4-6 Recipe from: Local Flavors.