Summer Share Twenty-Two October 15th/17th 2024

Posted by on Oct 22, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • The final even biweekly share is Thurs. Oct. 31st, which is also the final weekly distribution.
  • There is still room for a few more WINTER SHARES if you have forgotten or were undecided @
We will be sending out a 2025 Summer Share Membership form before this season ends for members who like to enroll now and be ready for next year. Thanks to those who’ve already renewed!!!

Winter Share members do not need a deposit to renew their summer membership. We will send an invoice after the first of the year which can be paid online before April 1st.

  • The final fruit share distributions are next week; Tues. Oct. 22nd and Thursday Oct. 24th. We began a week earlier because the cherries were ready and we didn’t want to miss out on a week of them!
  • Please begin searching for any share boxes that are hiding; especially for those of you who share a membership and have to collect the boxes from several places. We can always utilize boxes that are getting worn for other purposes even if they’re not strong enough for produce shares. Because they are “waxed” they do not qualify for regular recycling.
  • This Saturday Park School is hosting their Annual Country Fair. The MAP mobile market will be there fully stocked with lots of local fruits and veggies including some of our produce. Our own Chef Ben is cooking up one of his famous Farm to Table meals on the Park School campus following the fair.
    See the attached flyer for details.
  • The annual Potluck and Field Walk is Sunday October 20th. See details below:

Fall Potluck and Field Walk information:
– The event begins at 3:00 pm with an educational field walk with U-pick for some vegetables so please be prompt. You may want to bring a wagon for those “little ones” or to haul back a pumpkin or two!
– This is held rain or shine and will conclude at 5:30 pm.
— Weather appropriate outerwear including boots is essential for the farm walk.
– Bring a dish to pass that will feed four or more people. Please include your recipe for the benefit of those who may have food allergies or just love your dish.
– If you bring a dessert, please consider bringing a main dish as well. The food is always awesome and sometimes we run low quickly on main dishes! Although soup is delicious it is somewhat difficult to handle and we do not have enough outlets in the barn to run crock pots.
– We will provide meat, beverages, and cups; please bring your own place settings and chairs.
– When you arrive at the CSA farm @ 2112 County Line Rd Alden, park in the grassy area to the left of the barn. The farm is located 1 mi. north of Rt. 20 or 2.5 mi. south of Rt. 33.
– Please leave pets at home; thank you!

Produce:   Red potatoes   Leeks   Butternut squash   Cauliflower   Cone cabbage
Fennel   Collards   purple Kohlrabi   colorful Carrots   Garlic
Produce tips:
– Cauliflower may have some dark spots which may jbe some dirt from handling. Use a vegetable brush to remove or a paring knife to scrape it off if it doesn’t wash away.
– The fennel was enormous this harvest. Look at the recipe section for ideas.
– Yes! Kohlrabi comes in green and purple. Utilize it the same. The purple may have a bit more “zing” to it. Try it grated in a slaw or slice into a stir fry. Don’t forget to peel it first! Too bad it removes all the pretty color…
Our one huge kohlrabi probably equals 2-3 average ones.
– Collards; bag before refrigerating. Remove center stalk. Stack the leaves on top of one another. Roll them up tightly, then slice thinly so you have a chiffonade of greens. Saute or pre-cook, (boil or steam). To saute, heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat with salt, pepper, and garlic. When oil is hot, add collards and stir often for about 15-20 minutes, until collards are tender. You may want/need to add some water or stock to keep them moist. Putting a lid on them for a while will reduce cooking time. Of course, any leftover bacon fat to saute makes them yummy!

Fruit:   Crispin   &   Maia apples
– Sweet Maia apples are a Midwest Apple Improvement Association variety grown locally in Albion. It is a summer apple with Fall qualities, harvested before Gala and originating from a Honeycrisp x Winesap cross. With its candy-like sweetness and carmine-colored peel, Sweet Maia® branded apples are perfect for snacking.
– The Crispin apple was initially named “Mutsu”. It originated in the Mutsu province in Japan in 1948 as a cross between a Japanese Indo apple and Golden Delicious. The Crispin is aromatic, sweet, and sharp, with juicy flesh. It is suitable for eating on its own, juicing, drying, or cooking, as it maintains its shape well when cooked. It can be kept for up to three months before degrading.

Farm News from Jane
Although it was the first day for a chilling cold and wet harvest for this season, there wasn’t a concern or complaint from our crew about the temperature or the light shower during the “picking”. We dressed appropriately and planned our morning as efficiently as possible and included some of the vegetable processing to be done in a pre-warmed greenhouse for a bit for comfort. The collards were picked, purple kohlrabi, “pulled”, and a few leeks and the fennel and the field work was complete. Our “growing” cache of storge vegetables helps to reduce harvest field time now. Carrots, cabbage, potatoes and squash were brought in from the fields earlier so it made our morning gathering less taxing. The newly built winter storage cooler facility also worked great for processing and packing just as we had planned. It’s very nice to have an area that is warm, well-lit and spacious to work in. Thank-you Ben and crew!!!
We have about three quarters of the high tunnels filled with greens and soon the “growing” houses will be empty; at least of green things. We are utilizing them for squash curing and now popcorn drying. That’s right popcorn! We haven’t grown any in quite a few years but we planted some this year and as it seemed to be the “year of the corn” it was a great success. Now all we have to do is be able to dry it and store it without any friends enjoying it before we do. We will also use the warmth of the greenhouses to cure the sweet potatoes slated for digging this week.
The trees and now brimming with beautiful colors and Saturday was an excellent choice to “get out” and see the beauty. There are enough leaves that have changed and/or dropped that it smelled like autumn yesterday. I just love that smell. There is just a light blanket of leaves on the ground right now but with all the rain that will change. Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day with lots of sunshine which made for a great soccer day. The birds are continuing to gather in formation and our Black walnuts trees make for a great roost while they take a rest. Black walnuts trees and very open-branched with fewer limbs making them an easy “take-off and landing pad”. And talk about a caucus or is it just raucous?! The noise is incredible; who could understand all that “talking” at once. Obviously, they do! The Hunter’s Moon will be the first full moon of autumn when it rises on Thursday. This year’s Hunter’s Moon is a perigean full moon, more popularly called a supermoon. It will also be the third and closest supermoon of the year. According to the Adler Planetarium, a supermoon appears about 30% brighter and nearly 15% bigger than a full moon at its farthest point from Earth. All to enjoy at no cost and for some – from the comfort of your porch. So, enjoy all the beauty you can as the week warms up and dries out; it’s all for our pleasure… And enjoy your produce! Blessings, Jane

1 bunch collard greens, stems cut out and discarded, ¼ cup olive oil, ½ t. salt, ¼ t. pepper, 1t. sugar, 1 t. minced garlic, optional
Wash the collard leaves and stack them (5-10 leaves at a time). Roll them up tightly, and then slice thinly so you have a chiffonade of greens. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat with salt, pepper, sugar, and garlic. When the oil is hot, add collards and stir often for 15-20 minutes, until collards are tender, taking care not to burn the greens. Add more oil if necessary. Makes 4 servings.

2 T coconut oil, 4 garlic cloves, lightly crushed, 2 small shallots, 1 red chili (such as Fresno) thinly sliced, 1” piece of ginger, peeled, thinly sliced into matchsticks, 1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced, divided, kosher salt, 1 small bunch kale, ribs and stems removed and leaves torn, 1 small bunch collard greens, ribs and stems removed, leaves sliced 1 “thick, ½ C coconut milk. Divided, lime wedges (for serving)
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium. Cook garlic, stirring, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Add shallots, chili, ginger, and two thirds of scallions. Season with salt; cook, stirring often, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add kale and collard greens a handful at a time, letting them wilt slightly before adding more. Cook, tossing occasionally, until greens are crisp tender, about 6-8 minutes. Add half of coconut milk and toss to coat. Transfer greens to a serving bowl and top with remaining coconut milk and scallions. Serve with lime wedges. Recipe form Bonappetit

1 T olive oil, 3 slices bacon, 1 large onion, chopped, 2 cloves garlic, minced, 1 teaspoon salt,1 teaspoon pepper, 3 cups chicken broth, 1 pinch red pepper flakes, 1-pound fresh collard greens, stems removed and cut into 2-inch pieces
Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add bacon, and cook until crisp. Remove bacon from pan, crumble and return to the pan. Add onion, and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic, and cook until just fragrant. Add collard greens, and fry until they start to wilt. Pour in chicken broth, and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes, or until greens are tender. Pour in chicken broth, and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes, or until greens are tender. Recipe from Ken Adams;

1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 bunch collard greens – rinsed, stemmed and thinly sliced, 1 large onion, chopped, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup dry red lentils, rinsed and drained, 6 cups water, 2 tablespoons minced garlic, 1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, stir in onion and salt; cook until softened and translucent, about 4 minutes. Stir in lentils, and cook for 1 minute. Pour in water, then bring to a boil over high heat, then turn heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the lentils are tender, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add collard greens, and cook until wilted, about 10 minutes. When the lentils are tender, stir in the collard greens and season with cumin, cinnamon, and garlic; allow to simmer 10 more minutes. Stir in lemon juice before serving. Prep 15 min; Cook 30 min; Ready in 45 min

2 tablespoons canola oil, 1/2 medium onion, coarsely chopped, 1 bunch collard greens, rinsed, stems removed, and finely chopped, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/4 cup Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth or Vegetable Broth, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, freshly ground black pepper
Heat oil over medium heat in a 12-inch skillet. Add onions, collards, salt, broth, and Worcestershire sauce; mix well. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally for 15-20 minutes, or until tender. Season to taste with additional salt and pepper as desired. Goes with Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
Source: Quick & Kosher Meals in Minutes; 15 min cook time; 10min prep time; 4 servings

2 cups chopped cabbage, 4 kohlrabi, peeled and grated, 2 carrots, grated, 2 T minced fresh onion, 1/4 C white sugar, ½ t salt, 1/8 t ground black pepper, 1/8 t celery seed, ½ C mayonnaise, 2 T apple cider vinegar
Toss the cabbage, kohlrabi, celery, carrot, and onion together in a large bowl. Whisk the sugar, salt, pepper, celery seed, mayonnaise, and vinegar together in a separate bowl until smooth; pour over the cabbage mixture and stir to coat evenly. Chill in refrigerator 1 hour before serving. May vary the amounts of each veggie depending on what is on hand!

1 or 2 Kohlrabi peeled, 2 medium Potatoes, 2 to 4 tablespoons sour cream, 2 teaspoons chopped dill, Salt and freshly milled pepper, Prepared horseradish in vinegar

Slice the kohlrabi into julienne strips or wedges. Steam until tender, 5 to 8 minutes. Coarsely cube potatoes and boil until tender. Then put potatoes and kohlrabi in a bowl and toss with sour cream, horseradish, and dill. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Recipe form Red Fire Farm, Granby MA

4 kohlrabi bulbs, peeled; 1T olive oil, 1 clove garlic, minced, salt and pepper, 1/3C grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat an oven to 450 degrees. Cut the kohlrabi into ¼-inch thick slices, then cut each of the slices in half. Combine olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Toss kohlrabi slices in the olive oil mixture to coat. Spread kohlrabi in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven until browned, 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally in order to brown evenly. Remove from oven and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Return to the oven to allow the Parmesan cheese to brown, about 5 minutes. Serve immediately.
Recipe from

1medium kohlrabi, Peeled, chopped into 3/4-inch cubes (about 2 cups), 4 large carrots, cut into chunks to match the size of the kohlrabi, 1⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1tablespoon butter (optional), salt and pepper
Cover the Kohlrabi and carrots with lightly salted water and boil until quite tender (about 15-20 minutes). Drain. Lightly mash, leave a lot of texture don’t try to make them smooth like mashed potatoes. Add nutmeg and butter. Serve. Recipe form

2 kohlrabi, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
Preheat oven to 425°F. Wash the kohlrabi, then use a sharp paring knife or good vegetable peeler to peel. Cut them into thin strips. In a medium bowl, toss the kohlrabi fries with olive oil, chili powder and ground cumin, coating them evenly.
Spread the kohlrabi in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes, flipping once, until they are soft and getting blistered and dark on the outside. Remove and eat warm. Recipe form

1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast; pinch of sugar; 4 cups white bread flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 1 tablespoon butter; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 2 onions, finely chopped; 1 butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed, about 1 lb.prepared weight; 16 sage leaves; 2 x 14-ounce cans chunky tomato sauce; 4 ounces mozzarella cheese, sliced; 4 ounces feta cheese; salt and freshly ground black pepper
Put 1 1/4 cups warm water in a measuring cup. Add the yeast and sugar and let sit 5-10 minutes, until mixture is frothy. Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl and make a well in the center. Gradually pour in the yeast mixture and the olive oil. Mix to make a smooth dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface for about 10 minutes, until smooth, springy and elastic. Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover and let rise in a warm place for 1112 hours. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Oil four baking sheets. Put the butter and oil in a roasting pan and heat in the oven for a few minutes. Add the shallots, squash and half the sage leaves. Toss to coat. Roast for 15-20 minutes, until tender. Raise the oven temperature to 425°F. Divide the dough into four equal pieces and roll out each piece on a floured surface to a 10-inch round. Transfer each round to a baking sheet and spread with tomato sauce, leaving a l/2-inch border all around. Spoon the squash and onion mixture over the top. Arrange the mozzarella over the squash mixture and crumble the feta cheese on top. Sprinkle with the remaining sage leaves and season with plenty of salt and pepper. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the crusts are golden. Serves 4

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel and cube one butternut squash. Add 1-2 Tbsp olive oil to coat. Put squash on a baking sheet and roast until tender, about 30 minutes. This is also a great cooking method for potatoes, carrots, rutabagas and garlic.

1 cup flour; 1/3 cup brown sugar; 5 tbsp butter; 8 oz cream cheese; 1/3 cup sugar; 1/2 cup pumpkin, 2 eggs; 1 tsp vanilla, 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon; 1 tsp allspice
Blend flour, brown sugar and butter into small crumbs. Set aside1/2 cup for topping; place remainder in 8×8 inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cream together cream cheese and sugar, bend in pumpkin and eggs and beat until smooth. Add vanilla and spices. Pour over baked bottom and sprinkle crumbs on top. Bake for another 35 minutes at 350 degrees.

2 T butter or olive oil, 3-4 cloves garlic, mashed with side of thick knife, 1/2-1 C chopped onion, 2 1/2-3 lbs. butternut squash, halved, seeded, and baked until soft, 4 C chicken stock or 2 bouillon cubes dissolved in 4 cups hot water, 1 bay leaf, pinch of sugar, 1/2 t or more curry powder, pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, 2 cups milk
Heat butter or olive oil in large saucepan over medium flame. Add garlic and onions; cook, stirring often, 7-10 minutes. Puree the cooked squash in a food processor and stir into onion mixture. Stir in stock, bay leaf, sugar, curry powder, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Simmer 20-30 minutes. Remove bay leaf. Add the milk; heat but don’t boil. This is adapted from The Complete Book of Soups and Stews, by Bernard Clayton.
Serves 6; Recipe from Linda Taylor, Good Earth Farm

3 cups fresh butternut squash or Pumpkin, peeled and cubed; 1 onion, cubed; Salt and freshly ground black pepper; 1/4-pound bacon, cubed; 1 tablespoon olive oil; 1 clove garlic, minced; Fresh rosemary; 1 box (13 ounces) whole grain or regular penne; Fresh parsley; 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
Cook in boiling salted water to cover until it is just tender. Drain and place half of the squash into a food processor with a little salt and pepper. Puree. Cook bacon in a large skillet until it’s just golden. Remove from skillet and drain. Wipe out the skillet and add a few drops of olive oil. Place onion and remaining ‘squash in the skillet and cook just until the onion turns golden. Add garlic and rosemary. Heat through. Add the squash puree. In the meantime, cook the penne until it is tender. Drain, reserving some of the water, add penne to the squash mixture adding a little of the reserved water if the sauce seems too thick. Serve immediately, drizzling a little of the balsamic vinegar over the top. Garnish with parsley.
Recipe adapted from Barilla chef Nicola Bindini.

1 cup butter; 1 1/4 cups brown sugar; 2 eggs; l tsp vanilla; 2 cups cooked pumpkin; 4 3/4 cups flour; 1 tbsp cinnamon; 2 tsp baking powder; 2 tsp baking soda; 2 tsp nutmeg; 1/2 cup raisins Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 2 cookie sheets. Cream butter or margarine and brown sugar. Mix in eggs, vanilla, and pumpkin. Mix dry ingredients separately, then stir into first mixture. Stir in raisins. Drop by spoonsful onto cookie sheets. Bake 15 minutes. Recipe from Scotch Hill Farm

2 tablespoons olive oil; 1-2 tablespoons butter; 11/2 pounds potatoes, scrubbed and cut into small cubes; 1 large carrot (about ½#), scrubbed and cut into small cubes; salt and pepper; 1/4-1/3 cup finely chopped leeks or onion; 1/3-1/2 cup coarsely chopped parsley
Heat olive oil and butter in a cast-iron skillet over medium flame. Add potatoes and carrots, season generously with salt and pepper, and toss well. Cook undisturbed 4-5 minutes to brown on one side, then toss and brown again for 4-5 minutes. Lower heat, stir in leeks or onions, and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until tender. Stir in parsley. Note: You could add chopped ham, chicken, or hard-cooked eggs to the mixture along with the parsley. Makes 4-6 servings. Recipe from MACSAC

8 potatoes; 1 stick butter; 1/2 lb. chopped bacon (fried); Parmesan cheese; 1/2 lb. Longhorn Cheddar (grated); garlic; salt Cut potatoes into 8 sections. Melt 1/2 stick margarine on 2 cookie sheets in oven. Coat potatoes (with skins) with margarine. Sprinkle with garlic salt, Parmesan cheese and bacon. Bake at 4250 for 25 minutes. Pour off extra grease. Sprinkle Cheddar over potatoes and place in oven until melted. Serve with Ranch dressing. Recipe from Terri Noble

3 T butter, 2-3 leeks, thinly sliced (white and pale green parts only, about 4 cups total), 1t. dried tarragon, 1# potatoes, peeled, and thinly sliced, 4 cups chicken stock, ½-1cup sour cream, 4 T. fresh chopped chives, divided, salt and pepper.
Melt butter in pot over medium-low flame. Add leeks and tarragon; cover and cook slowly, 15-20 minutes. Add potatoes and stock; bring to simmer, cover, and cook until tender, 10-15 minutes. Puree mixture or mash with a potato masher. Return to pot; stir in sour cream and 2 T chives. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle each serving with additional chives. Makes 6 servings

Cut potatoes into bite sized pieces coat with olive oil. Roast in 4250 oven for 20-30 minutes or until done. While the potatoes roast, melt 2 tablespoons butter in a small skillet over medium heat. When the butter starts to sizzle, add 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 medium garlic clove, minced, and cook 1 fragrant, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Transfer roasted potatoes to a serving bowl. Pour spiced butter over the potatoes, toss, and serve immediately.

1 1/4 pounds potatoes; 4 ounces feta cheese; 4 scallions, chopped; 3 tbsp chopped fresh fennel; 1 tbsp lemon juice; I egg, beaten; flour for dredging; 3 tbsp olive oil; salt and freshly ground black pepper
Boil the potatoes in their skins in lightly salted water until soft. Drain, then peel while still warm. Place in a bowl and mash. Crumble the feta cheese into the potatoes and add the scallions, dill, lemon juice and egg. Season with salt and pepper (the cheese is salty, so taste before you add salt). Stir well. Cover the mixture and chill until firm. Divide the mixture into walnut-size balls, then flatten them slightly. Dredge in the flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the patties until golden brown on each side. Drain on paper towels and serve at once.

1 tablespoon olive oil; 1/2 cup finely chopped onion; 1/2 cup finely chopped celery; 1/2 cup finely chopped peeled carrot; 1 cup finely chopped fennel bulb; 1 cup quinoa, rinsed; 1 1/2 cups water; 1/2 cup finely chopped black olives; Salt and freshly ground black pepper
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, warm the olive oil. Add the onion, celery, carrot, and fennel and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is softened, 5 to 6 minutes. Add the quinoa and cook, stirring constantly, until lightly toasted, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the water and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat, and simmer over medium-low heat until the quinoa is tender and the liquid is absorbed, 12 to 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Stir in the olives, season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve hot.
Serves 6 TO 8 Recipe from The Big Book of Vegetarian

2 Tbsp cider vinegar; 1/3 c mayonnaise; 1/2 tsp black pepper; 2 tsp sugar; 1 1/2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill; 1/2 tsp grated lemon peel; Salt, to taste; 1 1/2 lb. fennel bulb
Whisk vinegar, mayonnaise, pepper, sugar, dill, lemon peel and salt together. Cut off and discard fennel stalks. Halve fennel through root end; discard core and any discolored outer leaves. Thinly slice fennel. Toss fennel with enough dressing to coat. Serve. Makes 4 servings Recipe from Farm-Fresh Recipes.

1/3 C raw pumpkin seeds, 1 t plus ¼ C olive oil, salt and pepper, 3 T fresh lemon juice, 1 T Dijon mustard, 2 t maple syrup, 4 C very thinly sliced green cabbage or fennel, 1 ½ C matchstick Asian pear, 1 ½ C matchstick peeled celery root (from about ¼ small) or celery or daikon radish, 3 oz Manchego cheese, shaved, divided
Preheat oven to 3500. Toss pumpkin seeds and 1 t olive oil on a rimmed baking sheet; season with salt and pepper. Bake about 5 minutes; let cool. Finely chop 2 T pumpkin seeds. Whisk chopped pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, mustard, maple syrup, and remaining ¼ C olive oil in a medium bowl; season dressing with salt and pepper. Combine cabbage and or fennel, Asian pears, celery root, daikon, most of the Manchego, and remaining pumpkin seeds in a large bowl. Drizzle dressing over top and toss to combine; season with salt and pepper. Top with remaining Manchego

1 head fennel, Stems from one head of broccoli, 1 green apple (unpeeled), 1 avocado, 2 handfuls chopped walnuts (or to taste), ½ lime, salt & pepper
Salt and pepper to taste Cut up fennel, broccoli, apple and avocado into bite-sized pieces. (I use this order to keep the apple and avocado from turning brown.) If the broccoli stems are long, you can grate them.
Add walnuts. Squeeze in juice of ½ lime. (If you want to take this a step further, zest the lime before you squeeze it.) Sprinkle in salt and pepper to taste. Mix gently (so you don’t mush the avocado) but thoroughly to distribute the lime juice, salt and pepper. Recipe form

1/4 cup red wine vinegar; 2 teaspoons prepared Dijon, mustard; 1/4 cup walnut oil (can be found in specialty stores); 1/2 cup broken walnut pieces; 2 cups sliced fennel stalk or celery; 1 clove garlic, crushed; 1 small cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped; 2 cups seeded, chopped tomatoes; 1 small onion, sliced in rings; 1 cup shredded or cubed Mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup basil, chopped
In a small bowl, combine vinegar and mustard; set aside. Heat oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add walnuts, sautéing until they begin to brown. Toss in fennel and garlic. Cook, stirring constantly until fennel begins to soften, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove pan from heat and mix in remaining ingredients. Blend in vinegar mixture and toss gently. Serve immediately on a bed of lettuce for each serving. Serves 4.
Recipe from Especially Herbs.

5 large apples, cut into ½”-thick wedges, 3 Tbsp. Chardonnay vinegar or white wine vinegar, divided, Kosher salt, 1 small fennel bulb, halved, very thinly sliced on a mandoline, plus coarsely chopped fennel fronds, 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice, Extra-virgin olive oil (for drizzling), Aleppo-style or other mild red pepper flakes
Toss apples in a large bowl with 2 Tbsp. vinegar and pinch of salt to coat. Arrange apples on a platter and spoon any juices left in bowl over top. Toss fennel in the same bowl with lemon juice and remaining 1 Tbsp. vinegar to coat; season with salt. Scatter dressed fennel and fennel fronds over peaches on platter and drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with some red pepper flakes. Recipe from:

This is an easy recipe for this buttery sweet crunchy cabbage.
Cut one cabbage in half and drizzle it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and sprinkle with some cut up onions and roast for about 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees. Then you can sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese on just before they are done and let melt in the oven. Serve immediately.
Recipe from


Half of Conehead cabbage, 1 small red onion (or half of a medium onion), ⅛-¼ cup pistachios, 1 small bunch of dill, 1 small bunch of chives, 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, ¼ tsp salt (or to taste)
Remove an outer leaf (or two) from your cabbage. Slice in half. Chop half of the cabbage into 1-inch squares. Transfer to a salad bowl. Chop onion into small squares. Add to salad. Chop dill and chives into very small pieces. Add to salad. Add mayonnaise, sour cream, and salt to the salad. Mix well making sure there are no clumps of sour cream left. Set aside. Chop pistachios and add to the salad. Mix well. Let rest for half an hour. Serve. Notes: Adding chopped pistachios at the end makes it easier to mix the salad well initially but they can be added in before adding the mayonnaise and sour cream if desired.  Cabbage keeps well in the fridge so the salad can be made again a week later if you are using just a half of the cabbage.
Recipe from:

3 cups coarsely chopped green cabbage, 2 ½ C vegetable broth, 1 14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes, 3 carrots, 3 stalks of celery, 1 onion chopped, 2 cloves garlic, 2 T apple cider vinegar, 1 T lemon juice, 2 tsp. dried sage
Combine cabbage, vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sage in a multi-functional pressure cooker. Close and lock the lid. Select high pressure according to manufacturer’s instructions; set timer for 15 minutes. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for pressure to build. Release pressure using the natural-release method according to manufacturer’s instructions, 10 to 40 minutes. Unlock and remove lid. Recipe from

Medium size head of cabbage, 2 1/2 lbs. lean ground beef 90/10, 1/2 lbs. cooked bacon coarsely chopped, 1 med onion, 1/2 cup Italian flavored bread crumbs, 1/2 -3/4 cup white rice; cooked, 1-2 eggs, 1 family sized and 1 10 oz can of tomato soup, salt and pepper to taste, Preheat oven 375 degrees. Coarsely shred the cabbage in thick long pieces and set aside. Cook bacon in the oven, allow to cool, coarsely chop and set aside.
Dice onion and set aside. Cook rice and allow to cool and set aside. For convenience, I used a boil in the bag type of rice. In a large bowl, add meat, bread crumbs, onion, bacon, rice, egg and salt and pepper. Start by only using one egg. If the mixture seems too dry, then add the second egg. In a 9X9 pan, place a layer of the shredded cabbage so that the bottom of the pan is completely covered. Add the meat mixture on top of the cabbage and press into the shape of the pan. Add another layer of cabbage to cover the meat mixture. Pour the family sized can of tomato soup over the top of the cabbage to cover completely. Reserve the smaller can to add additional soup while baking in the oven. Add salt and pepper over the top. Cover with aluminum foil. Place pan on top of a cookie sheet and put in a 375 preheated oven. Cook for approximately 1 hour 45 minutes -2 hours. Recipe from

1 lb. extra lean ground beef I used 96% lean, 1 medium yellow onion chopped, 3 garlic cloves minced, 5 cups chopped green cabbage about half of a medium sized head, 4 cups 32 oz. low-sodium beef broth, 3 cups tomato sauce (24 oz.), 1 cup shredded carrots, 1/2 cup uncooked white or brown long grain rice, 2 dried bay leaves, 3 tbsp. packed brown sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. dried oregano leaves, 1/2 tsp. ground black , pepper, 1 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
In a large soup pot, add the beef and place over medium-high heat. Break it apart with a wooden spoon. Add the onion. Cook about 8 minutes until the beef is brown, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic. Stir and cook 1 minute. Add the cabbage, beef broth, tomato sauce, carrots, rice, bay leaves, brown sugar, salt, oregano, and pepper. Bring to a boil. Then, reduce the heat to simmer and cover the pot. Cook until rice is tender (25 minutes for white rice and 45 minutes for brown rice). Remove the pot from the heat. Stir in the lemon juice. Let the soup rest uncovered for 10 minutes to thicken up before serving. Remove the bay leaves before serving.
Recipe from

T olive oil, 1 medium onion, quartered and sliced, 5 C chicken broth, 4 C mixed, shredded cabbage and carrots, (or coleslaw mix), 10 oz. cheese or meat filled tortellini, ½ t salt, ¼ t pepper, 1/3 C chopped fresh dill (or 2-3 T dry dill)
Heat 2T oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add broth; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Add shredded cabbage and carrots, tortellini, ½ t salt and pepper; cook until the tortellini are hot, 4-6 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in dill. Recipe from Eating Well magazine; Serves 4

1-2 tbsp olive oil; 4 cups small cauliflorettes; 3 medium carrots, in thin 1 ½ strips; ½ tsp salt; 2 large cloves garlic; minced; 1-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar; black pepper; basil, optional
Heat olive oil in a medium skillet. Add cauliflower, carrots and salt, and sauté over medium heat until tender 8-10 minutes. Stir in garlic during the last few minutes of cooking. Transfer to a bowl; add vinegar, pepper and basil if desired. Serve warm, cold or at room temperature.
About 6 servings. Recipe from The Moosewood Cookbook

2 medium potatoes, cut into small chinks; ½ cup shredded coconut; 1 tbsp mustard seed; 3 medium cloves garlic, peeled; 1 ½ tbsp minced fresh ginger; ½ cup toasted peanuts; 1 tsp turmeric; ½ tsp ground cloves or allspice; 2 tbsp toasted cumin seeds; 1-2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds; ¼ tsp cayenne pepper; ½ cup water; 1-2 tbsp peanut oil; 1 ½ cup chopped onion; 1 tsp salt; 1 large cauliflower, cut into 1 inch pieces; 1 medium carrot, thinly sliced; 1 cup cooked chick peas; 3-4 tbsp lemon juice

Boil the potatoes until just tender. Drain and set aside. Place the next 11 ingredients in a blender and puree until fairly homogeneous. Add extra water, as needed, to form a soft workable paste. Heat oil in a large deep skillet or Dutch oven and add onion and salt. Sauté for 5 minutes over medium heat, then add cauliflower and carrot and mix well. Cover and cook about 10 minutes, add the paste. Mix well. Cook, covered, over low heat until the cauliflower is tender, stirring every few minutes. Add more water, if necessary, to prevent sticking. Add the cooked potatoes, chick peas and lemon juice and cook a few minutes more. Taste to adjust salt and serve hot with rice. Serves 6; Recipe from The Moosewood Cookbook

3 c. shredded lettuce; 1 c. grated raw cauliflower; l/2 c. grated carrot; 3 tbsps. sweet pickle relish; 1/4 c. vinegar; 1/4 c. salad oil; 3 tbsps. Sugar; 1/2 tsp. onion salt; 1/8 tsp. pepper; 1/8 tsp. paprika
Combine lettuce, cauliflower, carrot and pickle relish in salad bowl.  Shake together the remaining ingredients. Pour over salad and toss. Makes 6 servings. Recipe from America’s Best Vegetable Recipes.

1 large head cauliflower; 1/4 # butter, softened; 2-3 large cloves garlic, finely chopped; 6-8 sprigs flat leaf parsley, finely chopped; ground black pepper; 1/2 cup bread crumbs; 4 oz. Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Remove all leaves from cauliflower. Break into large florets. Blanch in boiling water until slightly soft. Drain. Mix butter with garlic, parsley, and pepper. Place blanched cauliflower florets in baking dish. Spread butter mixture over florets. Sprinkle bread crumbs and cheese over entire surface. Broil for 3 to 5 minutes until top becomes crisp. Serves 4. Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand.

1 head cauliflower; 4 eggs; 1 cup flour; 1 small yellow onion, chopped; 1 clove garlic, chopped; Freshly ground
black pepper; Light vegetable oil
Remove all leaves from cauliflower. Break into medium florets. Beat eggs. Place flour in flattish bowl and mix with half the onion, garlic, and pepper. Heat l/2-inch oil in frying pan. Dip florets in egg, roll in flour, and place in hot oil along with remaining onion, garlic, and pepper. Once brown and crisp, remove and drain on paper towels. Serves 4.
Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand


Cauliflower, 1 Tbsp. of sesame oil, 1 Tbsp. of garlic, 8 oz beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, or tofu, 1 cup of diced carrots, 1 cup of frozen peas, 2 eggs, White pepper to taste, 3 Tbsp. of soy sauce, Chopped green onions
Break down a head of cauliflower in a food processor until it’s the size of rice. Heat sesame oil over high. Add garlic and fry until fragrant. Add the beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, or tofu and cook until 80% done. Add carrots and peas, stir until thoroughly incorporated. Push ingredients to the sides of the pan to create a well. Pour in 2 whisked eggs and let it set for 15 seconds. Scramble eggs and fold into the cauliflower rice. Season with white pepper and stir in soy sauce. Garnish with chopped green onions.

1 head cauliflower, trimmed and cut into florets, 3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced, ¼ cup olive, 2 T lemon juice
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place cauliflower in a large mixing bowl. Pour on enough olive oil to coat (a few tablespoons). Lay cauliflower pieces out on a baking sheet. Drizzle any remaining oil from the bowl on top. Bake, turning once, until caramelized on edges and tender, 25 to 30 minutes.

1 medium head cauliflower, broken into florets, 1 medium carrot, shredded, 1/4 cup chopped celery, 2-1/2 cups water, 2 teaspoons chicken or 1 vegetable bouillon cube, 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 2 cups 2% milk, 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce, optional
In a Dutch oven, combine the cauliflower, carrot, celery, water and bouillon. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until vegetables are tender (do not drain). In a large saucepan, melt butter. Stir in the flour, salt and pepper until smooth. Gradually add milk. Bring to a boil over medium heat; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat. Stir in the cheese until melted, adding hot pepper sauce if desired. Stir into the cauliflower mixture.

2 lbs. carrots, trimmed, peeled, and cut on the diagonal into 1/2-inch pieces (I used tri-colored carrots but you can use all orange), 2 T olive oil, 2 to 3 tsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped, 1 tsp fresh thyme, 1 tsp salt, or to taste, 1 tsp pepper, or to taste, 2 to 3 tsp fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, 2 tsp lemon juice, optional
Preheat oven to 450F and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil for easier cleanup. Add the carrots to the baking sheet, evenly drizzle with olive oil, and evenly sprinkle with thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, and toss with your hands to evenly coat. Arrange the carrots in a flat layer with space between the pieces if possible and bake for about 30 to 35 minutes or until carrots are lightly caramelized around the edges and fork-tender. Baking times will vary based on the size of carrots and personal preference for doneness.
Stir and flip halfway through baking to ensure all sides cook evenly. Evenly sprinkle with parsley, evenly drizzle with optional lemon juice (brightens up the dish), and serve immediately.

1 lb. rainbow carrots, cut in half and sliced, 3 T extra virgin olive oil, 2 T balsamic vinegar
1 T honey, ⅛ tsp sea salt, ⅛ tsp. black pepper, Coarse salt for sprinkling, Parsley, diced, for garnish
Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease a baking dish and set aside. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey sea salt, and black pepper in a bowl until fully combined. Toss the carrots and the honey mixture together in a large bowl until evenly coated. Place coated carrots in to the prepared baking dish.
Roast for about 30-35 minutes until carrots are tender (but not mushy!) Cool for 5 minutes. Top with a sprinkling of coarse salt and parsley to serve. Recipe from

2 lbs. whole rainbow carrots, 2 T olive oil, Salt and pepper to taste, 2 T unsalted butter, melted, 4 T good maple syrup – plus more for drizzling at the end
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Wash carrots thoroughly, especially between around the stem. Peel carrots, leaving part of the tops (the green part) on, if desired. Note: I like to roast them whole, so they get a slight crunch in the center. But if your carrots are too thick, split them in half lengthwise.
Arrange carrots on a large sheet pan, without overcrowding, about 1 to 2 inches apart. Toss carrots with olive oil, salt, pepper evenly. Roast for 15-18 minutes, turning halfway through, until almost fork tender. Remove from the oven. Toss carrots with maple syrup and melted butter. Return to the oven and roast for an additional 8-10 minutes until caramelized, watching it so that the maple glaze doesn’t burn.
Recipe from

2 tablespoons butter or butter-flavored cooking spray; 4 cups water, vegetable broth, or chicken broth (or more for a thinner soup); 1 medium fennel bulb, thinly sliced (reserve a few of the fronds); 1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste; 4 cups sliced carrots (approximately 1 1/2 pounds); 1/3 cup orange juice; 1 garlic clove, sliced thin (you can add a couple of garlic scapes, if available); 1/4 cup sour cream
Heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add sliced fennel and cook, stirring often, until soft and beginning to turn golden. Add carrots and garlic; cook and stir for a minute or two. Add water or broth and salt; bring to simmer, cover, and cook until carrots and fennel are tender, about 20 minutes. Puree mixture in a food processor or blender, or with an immersion blender. Stir in orange juice and sour cream until smooth and creamy. Reheat on low heat, but do not boil. Serve each bowl garnished with fennel fronds. Makes 4 servings. Recipe from Edith Thayer, Vermont Valley Farm member

2 lbs. carrots, 1 medium potato, 4 c. water, 1T butter or oil, 1 c chopped onion, 11/2 t salt, 2 medium cloves garlic; minced, ½ t marjoram or oregano, 1 t basil, 1-2 T lemon juice (or to taste), optional: small amounts of finely minced fresh mint, chives and or parsley for the top.

Peel and chop the carrots and potato, and place them in a medium-large saucepan with the water. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer until the vegetables are tender (10-15 minutes). Meanwhile, heat oil in a small skillet. Add onions and salt, and sauté over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and dried herbs and sauté about 5 minutes more, or until the onions are soft. Stir in lemon juice. Purée everything together in a blender or food processor and transfer to a kettle or Dutch oven. Simmer gently 8-10 minutes. Serve hot, topped with a light sprinkling of fresh herbs if desired. Recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook

1 lb. carrots; peeled and coarsely chopped, 2 medium- sized tart apples; grated, 1-2 T lemon juice, 1-2 T honey, (optional), pinch of celery seed, salt and pepper to taste, 1 c. firm yogurt.
Optional additions: 1T poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds, ¼ c. minced almonds or cashews; lightly toasted, ½ c. very finely minced celery, a handful of raisins or currants, ¼ c. shredded unsweetened coconut, lightly toasted, ½ c. finely chopped pineapple (or crushed canned in juice). Combine all ingredients and mix well. Chill. (This preparation goes fast if you use a food processor with a grater attachment.) Yield 4-5 main dishes for lunch; more if serving as a side dish.


4 cups shredded veggies (carrots, Hakurei turnips, radish, kohlrabi), 5 scallions chopped
Dressing: 3⁄4 cup yogurt or 1⁄2 cup mayonnaise, 2 Tbs. lime juice, 2 Tbs. cider vinegar, 1 Tbs. honey, 1⁄4 cup dill, 1 tsp. salt, 3 garlic scapes or cloves of garlic, minced
Blend dressing and toss with veggies. If time, let chill and stir occasionally so the dressing can soak into the veggies. Recipe from Red Fire Farm, Granby MA

2 cups all-purpose flour; 1/4 cup granulated sugar; 1 tbsp baking powder; 1 tsp salt; 1/2 tsp dried thyme; 1/2 tsp cracked pepper; 1/4 cup butter or margarine; chilled, diced; 1 apple; cored, cut into 1/4″ pieces; 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese; 3/4 cup milk; 1 egg, lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 425-degrees. Coat baking sheet with cooking spray. In bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, thyme, and pepper. With pastry blender cut in butter until coarse crumbs form with some pea-sized pieces. Stir in apple, cheese and milk until ingredients are moistened and dough starts to form. On lightly floured surface gently knead dough until it comes together. Shape into 7″-wide disk. Brush with egg. Cut into 8 wedges. Arrange wedges 2″ apart on baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes or until golden. Cool on pan one minute. Remove from pan; cool on rack. Makes 8 servings

3 eggs; 1/4 C whole milk; 1/4 C flour 1\4 tsp salt; 1 tsp almond or pure vanilla extract; 2 ripe pears or 2 tart peeled apples, cored and thinly sliced; 2 T sugar; 1/4 tsp cinnamon; 2 tbsp butter; Confectioners’ sugar or pure maple syrup to taste
Warm an iron skillet in a 4250 oven. With a handheld blender, whisk together the eggs, milk, flour, salt, and extract until smooth. In a separate bowl, toss together pears, sugar, and cinnamon. Melt butter in the warm skillet. Arrange the pears in a single layer on the bottom of the skillet. Carefully pour the batter over the fruit. Bake for 25 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. To serve, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar or drizzle with maple syrup. 2-4 servings

1/4 c butter; 2 c chopped onion; 1 rib celery, chopped; 4 tsp curry powder; 2 medium butternut squash peeled and cubed; 3 medium apples, peeled and chopped; 3 c water; 1 c cider; Salt and pepper, to taste.
Melt better in heavy pot; add onions, celery, and curry powder. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until vegetables are tender. Add squash, apples, and water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 20-30 minutes, or until squash and apples are tender. Drain and reserve liquid. Puree apple-squash mixture with one cup of cooking liquid. Return to pot. Add cider and as much of cooking liquid as needed to reach desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Reheat if necessary, and serve. Makes 8-10 servings