Summer Share Six June 25th 2024

Posted by on Jun 25, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • Next Thursday is the July 4th holiday. Distribution at the farm, MAP and city home delivery sites will be on Wednesday July 3rd. Please contact us if you need to make other arrangements.
  • This is a biweekly distribution for the even week at the farm, MAP and city home sites.
  • This is the first week for fruit share for weekly members and even biweekly members.
  • Fruit shares are in a separate box which has red and yellow peppers on it.

Farm News from Jane
Welcome to summer! Peas are in and most schools are out; Yea!!! Let the games begin. My grandkids have been enjoying some half-days and some are already finished and the party to start it off yesterday was actually Ben’s birthday party. His actual birthday is today; everyone say Happy 40th Birthday Ben! How quickly forty years go by…
This week we have shelling and sugar snap peas. They have been such a pleasure to pick. The vines are lush with strong upright vines. Rain and irrigation brought lots of blossoms and the vines are fairly upright and not laying on the ground as much this year, making them easier to pick. The vines are lush with strong upright vines. Rain and irrigation brought lots of blossoms but the vines are fairly upright not so flat on the ground, making them easier to pick. The second planting of sugar snaps is not as high yielding which is not unusual given the weather and past the summer solstice. Peas are like strawberries and know their season almost too well. There has been lots of research developing many different strawberries for early, mid and late season but peas mature as they please- with the sun! And, that’s OK because we hope to have another week of peas and the beans are already blossoming so get ready. Once we start harvesting beans, we usually have them for eight to ten weeks; green, yellow, burgundy, Roma, and Dragon Tongue. The summer squash will appear in your box soon too! We’re easing into summer fare. There were a few nearly ripe cherry tomatoes from the high tunnel cultivation; the tomato plants look stellar this year in them. The field tomatoes are growing nicely as well. And the corn will be shoulder high by the fourth of July; but not quite as high as an elephant’s eye. Of course this isn’t Oklahoma! I hope that you had a chance to see the beautiful colors and light display from the heat lightning last week and the Strawberry moon rising big and rose/ orange colored depending on the cloud coverage and air quality. A friend described the setting moon as a gorgeous pink lemonade color. Oh, for the language of an artist’s eye… Summer is here by the calendar and the fruit. Get some of the last of the strawberries for this season. We’ll wait another full year for the flavor of those most deliciously sweet local strawberries…
Enjoy all the flavors of the season. Blessings, Jane

Produce:   Napa cabbage   Scallions   Salad greens   Fennel   Golden beets
Shelling peas   Sugar Snap peas   Garlic scapes 

Fruit Share:   Summit sweet cherries & Hartland sweet cherries (both in one separate box)
The Hartland cherry is a “black” sweet cherry developed by Cornell at the Geneva Experimental Station. The brighter red sweet cherry is the Summit variety. Let us know what you think of their uniquely different flavors.

Produce tips:
– Shelling Peas do not have edible pods. They have a straight pod versus the curved sugar snap variety. You will know it you try to eat them whole that the shells are quite fibrous! “Unzip” from the pretty cap at the top. They will be like the prize in the box of Cracker Jacks. You won’t know what the prize/size is until you open them. There are quite of variety of sizes of peas. If they happen to be tiny, they are just perfect to just pop into your mouth and enjoy their super sweetness. As they mature their sugar content changes and they become more dense and higher in protein. Those are the ones I save out for salads or chicken and gravy! Or a vegetarian’s delight!
– Napa cabbage is more like a light lettuce than a hearty cabbage. Enjoy either way, fresh or cooked. Just remember it will cook faster than traditional cabbage. It’s great in a stir-fry.
– Sugar snap peas are the one with edible pods. They also are small and slender to large and round. They are sweet regardless of their size.
– The fennel is from the field this time and is much larger. Try adding it to your salad or stir fry. And the fonds or “ferns” are great additions to a salad. Please check out the recipe section. Fennel has been used for centuries as food, medicine herb and even insect repellent. It is used as a digestive aid and eaten in India after spicy foods as a breath freshener and an anti-flatulent! It belongs to the umbel family like the carrots, celery, parsley, dill and anise.

1 stick lightly salted butter, softened; 2 tablespoons chopped fennel fronds; grated zest of half a lemon; a little freshly ground black pepper
Put the butter, fennel, lemon zest, and pepper in a bowl and beat them until the butter is evenly speckled green. Pat it into a roll, cover with plastic wrap, and chill. Makes about 1/2 cup Recipe from a handful of herbs.

Salad: 4 large or 6 small beets; 1 bulb fennel; Cracked black pepper to taste
Dressing: 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil; Grated zest of 1 Clementine; Juice of 3 Clementines; 4 teaspoons rice wine vinegar; 1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary, plus 4 teaspoons rosemary leaves for garnish; 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest
For the salad: Rinse the beets; put them in a pan with water to cover, and boil covered until they can be stabbed somewhat easily with a fork. Drain them and cool under cold running water. As the water is running, you can rub off the peels and stems of the beets. This will dye your hands red, but it is quick and easy. Slice the beets very thin and refrigerate them. Trim any discolored outer parts from the fennel. Trim the tops and the base. Using a mandolin, shave the fennel crosswise in almost paper-thin slices. If you don’t have a mandolin cut the fennel lengthwise in half, lay the halves down on their flat sides, and slice crosswise as thin as possible. Soak the fennel in ice water while you prepare the dressing.
For the dressing: Whisk together all the ingredients. To finish the dish: On 4 salad plates, arrange the beet slices so they are covering the bottom of the plates. Shake the water off a tuft of fennel and place it on top of the beets. Sprinkle about 4 teaspoon fresh rosemary needles on top of each salad. Pour the dressing over the chilled salads. Crack the pepper over each plate at the table.
Serves 4. Recipe from The Café Pongo Cookbook.

1 large fennel bulb, including the greens; 1 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tbsp olive oil; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon; 1/2 garlic clove, minced; 1/4-to-1/2-pound fettuccine; Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Peel or discard, if badly bruised, the tough outer layers of the fennel, then quarter the bulbs, setting aside the greens, and slice thinly. (The core will cook to tenderness.) Heat a large pot of water for the pasta. Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter with the olive oil in a wide skillet. Add the fennel and sauté over high heat, stirring occasionally, until browned in places, 7 to 10 minutes. Season with 1 teaspoon salt. Toss with the lemon juice, and then add 1 cup water. Reduce the heat and cook, covered, until the liquid has evaporated. Add another 1/2 cup water and continue cooking in this fashion until the fennel is very soft and deep gold in color, about 25 minutes in all. Season with pepper. Chop a handful of fennel greens-enough to make about 1/3 cup-with the garlic and lemon zest and set aside.  Add salt and the pasta to the boiling water and cook until the pasta is al dente. Scoop it out and add it to the pan with the fennel and the chopped greens. Taste for salt and season with pepper. Serve with the cheese, finely grated or thinly shaved over the top. serves 4 to 6

/2 small cabbage; 1 large fennel bulb, quartered; 1 large leek, white part only; 4 tbsp unsalted butter; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; juice and zest of 1 lemon; 3 tbsp chervil or parsley leaves
Cut the cabbage, fennel, and leek into very thin slices and wash. Don’t dry, though. Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in a large, wide skillet. Add the vegetables and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cover the pan and cook gently for 10 minutes. Check after 5 minutes and make sure there’s a little moisture so that the vegetables steam and don’t brown. Meanwhile, simmer the lemon juice in a small skillet until only 1 tablespoon remains. Remove from the heat and whisk in the remaining butter. Finely chop the lemon zest with the chervil. Stir half into the butter and add the other half to the vegetables. Toss well, taste for salt, and season with pepper.

6 large eggs (not too fresh! they will be difficult to peel if very fresh); 1/3 cup finely chopped fennel stalk; 2-3 tablespoons chopped fennel leaves; 2-4 tablespoons finely chopped sweet red onion; 4 tablespoons mayonnaise; 1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar; 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard; salt and pepper to taste
Place eggs in saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to boil. Turn off heat. Cover pan tightly and set timer for 9 minutes. When timer goes off, drain eggs and immerse them in ice water 10-15 minutes. Peel and quarter eggs; place in food processor and, using the pulse button, pulse until finely chopped, 8-12 times. Add remaining ingredients; pulse until ingredients are well blended, 3-6 more times. Use as a sandwich filling, a spread for crackers, a cold sauce for chilled asparagus, or a garnish for tossed green salads. Makes 2 cups. Recipe from MACSAC

5 cups chopped Napa cabbage; 3/4 c. sliced or shredded radishes, 11/2 cups chow Mein noodles (the crunchy ones); 1 cup crushed peanuts; 1/4 cup sesame seeds (black, if available); 2 tablespoons rice vinegar; 4 tablespoons sesame oil; 3 tablespoons soy sauce; 1 tablespoon honey; 1/2-1 teaspoon dry mustard
Combine cabbage, radishes, chow Mein noodles, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Mix remaining ingredients. Toss with cabbage, using just enough dressing to suit your taste. Makes 6-8 servings.
Recipe from Dog Hollow Farm

1/3 cup sesame or olive oil; 1 teaspoon minced garlic, pressed to a paste; 1-2 teaspoons grated fresh gingerroot or 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger; dash of cayenne; 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice; 1 teaspoon sesame seeds; 1 tablespoon chopped green onion, salad greens or Napa cabbage
Mix all ingredients (except greens); toss with greens. This is also good with Napa cabbage, bok choy, snow peas, or cucumbers. Makes 1/2 cup dressing. Recipe from Oak Ridge Farm

2 tbsp oil; 1 medium-size onion, sliced; 8 cups coarsely shredded cabbage; 1 tsp celery seed; 1 tsp paprika; 1 tsp coriander 1/4 tsp salt. Heat oil to medium-hot in large skillet or wok. Stir-fry onion in oil for a minute or two, then add cabbage and seasonings. Stir-fry for 5 to 10 minutes until cabbage is tender but firm. Pan may be covered briefly toward the end of the cooking process to hasten tenderizing. Serve immediately.
Yield: 4 servings

1 1/2 c fresh peas; 1 small head cabbage, chopped; Salt and pepper to taste; 2 tbsp butter
Cook peas in boiling salted water in saucepan until tender; drain. Cook cabbage in another saucepan in a small amount of water until tender crisp; drain. Combine vegetables; season with salt, pepper and butter.

1# cabbage; thinly sliced, 1 small fennel bulb; diced (1cp.), 5T. chopped fresh fennel fronds or dill (if desired), 2/3 c golden raisins, 1/2 c yogurt, ½ c mayo. 3 T lime juice, 2 t honey
Toss together cabbage, fennel fronds, and raisins. Combine yogurt, mayo, lime juice, and honey in separate bowl. Stir in cabbage mixture, and season with salt and pepper, if desired.
Recipe from Vegetarian Times. Serves 6.

The Salad: 1/2 C skinned raw peanuts; 1 tsp peanut oil; 1 large carrot; 4 cups thinly sliced Napa cabbage; 2 cups slivered lettuce leaves; 3 thin scallions, including some of the greens, finely sliced diagonally; 1/4 cup chopped cilantro; 2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves; 2 tablespoons torn basil leaves, preferably Thai basil
The Dressing: 1/2 jalapeno Chile, finely diced; 1/4 cup rice vinegar; 1 teaspoon sugar; 1/4 teaspoon sea salt; 1/4 cup roasted peanut oil

Heat the peanuts in the oil over medium-low heat, shaking the pan occasionally, until lightly browned after a few minutes. Blot with paper towels and set aside. Peel the carrot with a vegetable peeler and discard the skins. Then, with the vegetable peeler, continue removing long strips of the carrot until you’ve reached the core. Combine the cabbage, lettuce, and carrot with everything except the nuts. Whisk the dressing ingredients together and toss with the greens. Add the peanuts just before serving.
Serves 4-6 Recipe from Local Flavors.

1/8 cup real butter; 1/2 cup heavy cream; 4 medium beets, cooked; Freshly ground pepper to taste; 1 1/2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley; Salt to taste
Cut beets in thick julienne strips, cube, or slice as you prefer. In a large skillet, melt butter. Add beets and sauté for 2 minutes, stirring to coat beets evenly with butter. Season with salt; add cream and continue to cook until reduced to glaze just coating beets. Sprinkle heavily with pepper and parsley. Serve immediately. Serves 3

1/2 lb. beets, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch cubes; 1/8 cup cider vinegar; zest of 1 orange, grated (about 1 tbsp.); 1/8tsp. ground mace; 1/8 tsp. ground cloves; 1/8 tsp. salt; freshly ground black pepper; 1/8 cup plain low-fat yogurt; 1 tbsp. fresh orange juice; 1/2 tsp. honey
Preheat the oven to 3750 F. In an 11/2-quart ovenproof casserole with a lid, combine the beets, vinegar, 1/4 cup of water, orange zest, mace, cloves, salt and pepper. Bake the beet mixture, covered, for one hour. Meanwhile, to make the sauce, mix together the yogurt and orange juice in a small bowl. Refrigerate the sauce until ready to serve. Remove the beets from the oven and stir in the honey. Serve immediately, topped with the yogurt sauce. Serves 2

1/2-pound beets, cooked; 1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger; 1/2 tsp grated orange rind or 1/4 tsp ground ginger; 1/3 cup orange juice; Salt and freshly ground pepper; 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice to taste; 1/2 tbsp cornstarch; 1/2 tbsp butter or margarine; 1 tsp sugar; Grated orange rind for garnish
Cut cooked beets in julienne strips; set aside. In small bowl mix orange rind and juice, lemon juice, cornstarch, sugar, ginger, salt, and pepper to taste. Melt butter or margarine in saucepan; add orange juice mixture. Stir over medium heat until mixture boils; reduce heat. Add beets and return to boil again. Remove and serve with sprinkling of grated orange rind for an extra touch. Serves 2

4 medium-size beets peeled and coarsely grated; 5 cups beef stock; salt; freshly ground black pepper to taste; 2 cups tomato juice; 2 1/2 cups orange juice; yogurt; chopped chives
Bring grated beets to a boil in beef stock which has been seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Turn down heat and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Add tomato juice. Puree mixture in electric blender, then add orange juice, mixing well to combine. Refrigerate for several hours. Serve with a dollop of yogurt and chopped chives. Yield: approximately 10 cups

¼ cup honey; 1 tbsp vinegar; 1 lb. cooked, sliced beets; 1 tbsp butter; 1/2 medium onion, sliced and separated into rings
In a saucepan blend honey, vinegar and 1 tbsp water. Add butter, beets and onion rings. Simmer until heated through, stirring occasionally. Do not overcook as onion rings should remain crisp. Serves 4.

6-8 small beets, scrubbed, tops trimmed to 1 inch; 4 tbsp white wine vinegar; olive oil; 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil; salt and pepper to taste; 4 cups baby salad greens; 1/4 cup pecans; 1/2 small sweet onion, thinly sliced; 1 tbsp Dijon mustard; 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
Heat outdoor or indoor grill. Place beets on heavy foil; drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap tightly; grill until beets can be easily pierced with a fork, about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, toast pecans in a dry pan on the grill, tossing frequently. Finely chop the nuts. When beets are cooled a bit, use a paper towel to remove the peel, stems, and tails. Cut beets into quarters. Combine mustard and vinegar in a bowl. Whisk in olive oil until thickened. Add salt and pepper. Toss salad greens in a bowl with a little dressing. Portion the greens onto 2-4 plates. Top with beets, onions, blue cheese, and pecans. Drizzle with as much more dressing as you like. Makes 2·4 servings.
Recipe from Jenny Bonde and Rink DaVee, Shooting Star Farm

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil or unsalted butter, 2 cloves garlic, minced, 2 cups fresh shelled peas or frozen peas (10 oz), 1/8 teaspoon salt, freshly ground pepper, to taste, Chopped fresh dill or chives for garnish Heat oil or butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add in peas, salt and pepper, and cook stirring until the peas are crisp tender and still bright green, 3 to 5 minutes. (For fresh peas, they should not taste “starchy” anymore.) Remove from the heat and sprinkle with dill or chives if desired. Serve hot.

1 # boneless, skinless chicken breast, 2 bay leaves, 6 cups water, 1 (20 ounce) package fresh cheese tortellini, ½ cup peas, fresh or frozen, ¼ cup creamy salad dressing, such as ranch or peppercorn, 2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar, 5 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs, such as basil, dill and/or chives, divided, ½ cup chopped marinated artichokes plus 2 tablespoons marinade, divided, ½ cup julienned radishes, 1 cup pea shoots or baby arugula, 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
Combine chicken, bay leaves and water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part registers 165°F, 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a clean cutting board to cool. Remove the bay leaves. Add tortellini to the pot and return the water to a boil; cook, stirring occasionally, until the tortellini are just tender, about 3 minutes. Add peas and cook 1 minute more. Drain and rinse with cold water. Meanwhile, combine dressing, vinegar, 3 tablespoons herbs and artichoke marinade in a large bowl. Shred the chicken and add to the dressing along with the tortellini, peas, artichokes, radishes and pea shoots (or arugula); stir to combine. Serve the salad topped with the remaining 2 tablespoons herbs and sunflower seeds. Recipe from

¾ cup buttermilk, 3 Tbsp. plain whole-milk Greek yogurt, 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice, 1 small garlic clove, finely grated, A large pinch of kosher salt, 8 oz. sugar snap peas, strings removed, thinly sliced, 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, plus more, 1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest, plus more, Flaky sea salt, freshly ground black pepper
Whisk buttermilk, yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, and a large pinch of kosher salt in a medium bowl. Toss sugar snap peas, 2 Tbsp. oil, and 1 tsp. lemon zest in another medium bowl; season with sea salt and pepper. Pour dressing into a shallow bowl and pile sugar snap peas in the center. Drizzle with more oil, season with more pepper, and top with more lemon zest. Recipe from Bon Appetit

2 cups water, 1 cup quick-cooking barley, 8 ounces sugar snap peas, trimmed and sliced into matchsticks, ½ cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, ¼ cup finely chopped red onion, 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ¾ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add barley and cook, covered, for 10 to 12 minutes, or according to package directions. Remove from the heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Rinse the barley under cool water and transfer to a large bowl. Add snap peas, parsley, onion, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and toss to combine. Recipe from

1 lb. fresh sugar snap peas, 6 T. toasted sesame oil, 2 tsp. seasoned rice vinegar, 1 tsp. Aleppo chili flakes, 1 clove of garlic, mashed, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sesame seeds
Put the snap peas in a medium bowl or a gallon size zip-top bag. In a small bowl, whisk together the sesame oil, rice vinegar, chili flakes, garlic, and salt. Taste and adjust seasoning if you’d like it a little saltier, etc. Pour dressing over the snap peas and toss to coat well. Sprinkle on sesame seeds and toss again to distribute them. Keeps well in the fridge for a day. Serves about 4 as a side salad.
Recipe from The Hungry Mouse website

1 large Vidalia onion, minced; 1 tablespoon butter; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 4 cups chicken or vegetable stock; 1 pound sugar snap peas, ends trimmed; 1/2 cup heavy cream; 2 tablespoons minced fresh mint leaves, plus small sprigs for garnish; salt and cracked pepper to taste; Crème fraiche, clotted cream, or sour cream for serving; Minced radishes for garnish
In a heavy stockpot over medium heat, sauté the onion in the butter and oil until translucent. Add the stock and bring to a rolling boil. Drop in the sugar snap peas and let boil for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Puree the soup and stir in the cream, mint, and salt and pepper. Allow the soup to cool to room temperature, and then chill in the refrigerator. Serve with a dollop of crème fraiche in the center of the bowl. Garnish with minced radish and mint sprigs. Recipe from The Café Pongo Cookbook

1C uncooked instant brown rice, 1 ¼ C water, 2 T butter, 1orange, red or yellow bell pepper, finely chopped, 1 C fresh or frozen sweet peas (from 12-oz bag), 2medium green onions, thinly sliced (2 T), ¼ C grated Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Cook rice in water as directed on package. Meanwhile, in large skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add bell pepper; cook about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until pepper begins to soften. Add peas and onions. Cook about 3 minutes longer, stirring occasionally, until bell pepper is crisp-tender and peas are thoroughly heated. Add cooked rice to skillet with vegetables; stir to combine. Stir in Parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Add cooked chicken, shrimp or beef for extra protein.

sea salt and freshly ground pepper; 1/2-pound small pasta shapes; 4 tbsp butter; 1/4 cup finely diced scallion; 1 pound sugar snap peas; 3 tbsp chopped basil; 1 tsp grated lemon zest; 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs; ½ cup chopped parsley or more basil
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add salt and the pasta. While the pasta is cooking, heat 2 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet, add the scallion, and cook gently for a few minutes, until softened. Add the peas, basil, and 1 cup of the pasta water and stew until the peas are bright green and tender, 1 or 2 minutes. Add the lemon zest. Crisp the bread crumbs in the remaining butter or oil in a small skillet. When the pasta is done, drain it, add it directly to the peas, and toss. Taste for salt, season with pepper, and toss with the parsley and bread crumbs.

You can also substitute sugar snap peas for the shelling peas.
2 c. shelled peas; 1 tsp. Sugar; 1 tsp. salt; Pea pods; 1 small green onion with top, chopped; Water; 1 tbsp butter; 1 tsp. pepper; 1/2 c. light cream
Cook peas with sugar, salt, 5 or 6 pea pods, onion and enough water to cover for 10 to 15 minutes, or until just tender (water should almost evaporate). Add butter and hold over teat to melt. Add pepper and cream. Heat but do not cook. Makes 3 to 4 servings.
With Bacon: Sprinkle ½ c. finely crumbled bacon over top of peas just before serving.

Layered salad is pretty self-explanatory; the idea of layering whatever veggies over greens and topping with cheese or even julienne strips of meat garnish with olives or hard-boiled eggs. So be creative and if you’re also entertaining start with a glass bowl. Start with your greens then layer with shelled raw peas, zucchini, and celery if it’s on hand, and green onions. Add a layer of Swiss cheese or meat julienned or finely chopped. Sprinkle with 2 tsp of sugar. Mix together 1/4 cup mayo, 1/4 cup sour cream and 1 T. of horseradish if desired until well blended. Spread evenly over the top. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup of Romano cheese. Cover and chill overnight. Serve with the following Vinaigrette dressing if desired. 1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil 3 T. wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp. salt. Pepper to taste (freshly ground is always a nice touch), and 1/2 tsp. of dry mustard. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend well. Serve over layered salad. Garnish with black olives and sieved hard-boiled eggs. You may always substitute yogurt for some of the mayo or sour cream if you’re watching your fat intake.

1 1/2 c fresh peas; 1 small head cabbage, chopped; Salt and pepper to taste; 2 tbsp butter
Cook peas in boiling salted water in saucepan until tender; drain. Cook cabbage in another saucepan in a small amount of water until tender crisp; drain. Combine vegetables; season with salt, pepper and butter.

4 cups pitted cherries; 1 ½ tbsp cornstarch; 3-4 tbsp sugar; ¼ cup lemon juice; ½ tsp grated lemon rind; ¾ tsp almond extract; ½ cup slivered almonds
Place cherries in a heavy medium-sized saucepan, and cook over medium heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, combine cornstarch and sugar in a small bowl. Add lemon juice and whisk until smooth. Stir this into the hot cherries, and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until thick 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in lemon rind, almond extract and slivered almonds. Serve with whipped cream or yogurt. Makes 6 servings. Recipe from The Moosewood Cookbook.

4 cups milk; 1/3 cup Arborio rice; 1 large egg; l/3 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon; 1-pound fresh cherries, stemmed and pitted
In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, warm the milk. Stir in the rice. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Stir the egg mixture into the milk and rice until well blended. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring almost constantly, until the mixture thickens, about 30 minutes. Stir in the cherries. Remove from the heat and let cool. Spoon the mixture into 6 custard cups and cool completely. Serve at room temperature or chilled. SERVES 6 Recipe from The Big Book of Vegetarian.

1 C blanched almonds; 1 C plus 2 T all-purpose flour; 1 tsp baking powder; 1/2 tsp sea salt; 1/2 C (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature; 3/4 C plus 1 tsp sugar 3 eggs, at room temperature; 1/4 tsp almond extract; 1/2 tsp vanilla extract; 2 1/2 C pitted cherries; confectioners’ sugar
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Butter and flour a 5×8-inch loaf pan. Coarsely chop the almonds in a food processor. Remove 1.4 cup and set it aside. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt to the remaining almonds and process until the mixture is smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Cream the butter with the 3/4 cup sugar in the food processor, then add the eggs one at a time, incorporating each one fully as you go. Add the flavorings, then half the flour-almond mixture. Pulse several times to incorporate. Add the remainder and pulse until smooth. Scrape into the prepared pan and cover with the cherries. Mix the reserved almonds with the teaspoon of sugar and sprinkle over the top of the cake. Bake the cake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Let cool in the pan, then turn it out and transfer to a cake plate. Dust with confectioners’ sugar just before serving. Serves 8 Recipe from Local Flavors.