Summer Share Ten July 25th 2023

Posted by on Jul 25, 2023 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • This is an even numbered distribution week.
  • Please give detailed information if sending someone new to pick up your share. We were short a fruit share but had extra produce at a site last week; thank you!
  • Winter share enrollment will begin next month; details in the next newsletter.

Farm News from Jane
Well it’s finally sweet corn time, and cucumber and tomato time, and combined with summer squash were really into summer eating now! Since I joined my farm family many years ago, I would hear stories of eating out of the garden during the summer months. So, if you didn’t raise any meat products you filled your belly up with lots of fresh veggies. And if you came from the south where it was too hot to process and cure meat except for the occasional chicken you would wait till the frosty fall weather to enjoy pork or beef. My husband’s parents hailed from Kentucky so I enjoyed lots of tales from another era as they were born in 1904. The pace was much slower as horses ruled the day for agriculture and transportation. You didn’t go much farther than the next town in a day. A pickle from the pickle barrel in the general store- (which my grandmother-in-law’s parents owned) was a penny. And penny candy? Lots for a penny! But back to summer eating!
Lots of beans are coming your way. Although we stagger our plantings so we have one variety for each week, the weather has altered our plans and today we harvested the heirloom variety of Dragon Tongue beans and the bean harvester brought in the green beans. I hand-picked a few yellow and green beans and steamed them last evening and combined with a couple of ears of sweet corn and of course butter, salt and pepper, I had that traditional summer feast. The tomatoes were for lunch but I forgot the cucumbers…
Everything is so sweet; it still amazes me. It goes with the health of the soil and the plants and that is measured by Brix levels that indicate the sugar content and of course that correlates to yumminess!
The massive winter veggie planting schedule has continued with beets. Although the cabbages and kohlrabi seedlings are already growing in the greenhouse and some of the cabbage is in the field, we have lots and lots of beets to seed. We stagger the plantings for harvest as well as insurance so that if one planting does poorly there are second chances. There’ll be some direct seedings of radishes and greens yet and of course in another month or two we’ll begin to think about seeding high tunnels greens for winter harvest. As you can tell, the potting shed where we seed and the greenhouses where the seedlings grow until “field time” are very busy places for many, many months. That’s where it all begins! And now, on to the veggies and fruits you’ll enjoy this week!                                           Blessings, Jane

Fruit:      Sweet cherries      Peaches
This may be the last of the cherries but it is the first of the peaches. Lots more to come…

Produce:   Sweet corn   Cucumbers   Zucchini   Yellow squash   Walla Walla onions
Green beans   Napa cabbage   Tomatoes   Carrots   Dragon Tongue beans

Produce tips:
– Napa cabbage has tiny holes from the flea beetles but are only outside blemishes; inside the heads are still very yummy.
– Both varieties of beans are delicious raw just plain or choose a dip like hummus for a balanced snack. Or of course there’s always Ranch or blue cheese dip for the fussier eaters. But no ketchup!
– The variety of sweet corn we grow is a super sweet hybrid. Its flavor is best when it is more mature rather than when the kernels are smaller, on the younger side. The more mature the sweeter it is. Of course, we pick it the morning we pack it so the maturity will vary from week to week. Please DO NOT overcook it and leave it bland and mushy. We place a few ears at a time in vigorously boiling water and when it returns to a boil, we take it out. No more than 2-3 minutes. Putting it all in at once causes it to take it too long to cook and results in less than perfect eating. And you can eat corn raw. Many of us eat it raw when we are picking. Think “Kellogg’s” corn on the cob for breakfast. Very yummy; don’t knock it till you try it!

1 pound pork sausage, 1 cup dry bread crumbs, 1 clove garlic, 1 (32oz.) jar of spaghetti sauce, ½ cup parmesan cheese, ½ cup mozzarella cheese.
Preheat oven to 3500. Trim stems from zucchini and slice lengthwise in half. Scoop out seeds and put in bowl. Mix seeds with sausage, garlic, bread crumbs and parmesan cheese. Stuff squash with sausage mixture and place in 9×13 in. pan. Pour sauce over squash and cover with foil. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until sausage is cooked. Remove foil and cover with mozzarella cheese. Cook until cheese is melted.


1 pound or more Zephyr or other zucchini, 6 to 8 inches long; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; 1/4 cup pine nuts; extra virgin olive oil; freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano; 10 large opal basil leaves, torn
Slice the squash in half lengthwise, then steam or simmer in salted water until tender. Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a dry skillet over medium heat until golden. When the squash is done, arrange it on a platter, cut side up. Drizzle olive oil over it and season with salt and pepper. Grate a veil of cheese over the squash, add the pine nuts and basil, and serve. Serves 4 Recipe from Local Flavors.

1/4 cup sour cream; 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard; 1/2 tsp prepared horseradish; Pinch of ground cumin; Salt and freshly ground pepper; 1 zucchini, grated and drained; 4 mushrooms, thinly sliced; 1/2 cup sliced celery; 2 radishes, grated (garnish); ¼ pound Swiss cheese, cut julienne
Combine first 4 ingredients with salt and pepper to taste. Place cheese, zucchini, mushrooms and celery in bowl and toss gently with sour cream dressing. Sprinkle with grated radish and serve. 2 servings

1 t olive oil, 11/2 C chopped onion, 4# zucchini, 1T dried thyme; crushed, 4 C chicken stock, 1 C heavy cream, 2 tsp. curry powder, ¼ C melted butter, ¼ C all-purpose flour, homemade croutons
In a 6 qt. Dutch oven heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion, cook 4-5 minutes or until tender. Add zucchini and thyme; cook, covered, 12 minutes or until zucchini is softened, stirring occasionally. Add stock, cream, and curry powder. Bring to a boil. In a small bowl combine melted butter and flour; stir into soup. Reduce heat; cook, uncovered, 15 minutes or until zucchini is tender, stirring occasionally. Let cool slightly. Using an immersion blender, blend soup until creamy. Or, working in batches, blend soup in a food processor or blender. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Top with croutons.
Recipe from Better Homes & Gardens August 2018

1 C finely shredded zucchini, 1# ground chicken, 1 egg, lightly beaten, ½ C panko, ½ C grated parmesan cheese, 2 cloves garlic, 1 T chopped parsley, 2 tsp. dried basil, crushed, ¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
Preheat oven to 350. Line a 15×10 inch baking pan with foil; coat with non-stick cooking spray. Line a colander with paper towels; add zucchini. Sprinkle ½ tsp salt over zucchini. Let stand 20 minutes, pressing occasi0nally to remove moisture. In a large bowl combine zucchini, chicken, egg, panko, cheese, garlic, parsley, basil, red pepper, and ¼ tsp salt. Shape rounded tablespoons of mixture into 20 meatballs, place in prepared pan. Bake 25 minutes or until cooked through. Recipe from Better Homes & Gardens August 2018

2 T olive oil, 2 lbs. yellow summer squash, halved, seeded, and sliced, 1 onion, chopped, 2 qts. Vegetable broth, 4 oz. plain yogurt, salt and pepper to taste, ½ tsp. lemon juice, or to taste, 2 T minced fresh dill
Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat and cook onion until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add yellow squash. Cook and stir until starting to soften, about 5 minutes. Pour in broth and bring to a simmer. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer until soft, about 20 minutes. Puree soup using a stick blender until smooth. Let cool to lukewarm. Stir in yogurt and season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Stir in dill and chill in the refrigerator at least 4 hours. Serve chilled
Recipe from

2 medium zucchini thinly sliced, 1 C cherry tomatoes halved, zest of one lemon, juice from one lemon (3 T), 1 T extra virgin olive oil extra for drizzling, 2 z. feta cheese crumbled, Salt and pepper to taste, 10 basil leaves rolled and sliced
Use a sharp knife to slice the zucchini super thin. If you have a mandoline, you can use that. Add sliced zucchini to a large bowl and toss in sliced tomatoes, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, feta cheese, salt and pepper. Gently mix together. Finish with lemon zest, fresh basil and an extra drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Serve and enjoy! *The smaller the zucchini the better.  This salad is best with super fresh, in season zucchini that is nice and tender. Recipe from

1-pound whole-wheat pizza dough, ½ cup roasted red pepper hummus, 2 cups thinly sliced summer squash, 1 cup crumbled feta cheese ½ cup slivered fresh basil, Ground pepper for garnish
Preheat grill to medium-high. Roll dough into a 12-inch oval on a lightly floured surface. Transfer to a lightly floured large baking sheet. Bring the dough, hummus, squash and feta to the grill. Oil the grill rack. Transfer the crust to the grill. Close the lid and cook until puffed and lightly browned, 1 to 2 minutes. Using tongs, turn the crust over. Spread the crust with the hummus and top with the squash and the feta. Close the lid and cook until the cheese is melted and the crust is lightly browned on the bottom, 2 to 3 minutes more. Return the pizza to the baking sheet. Top with basil and pepper, if desired. Recipe from

2/3 cup cornmeal; 1/2 cup flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon pepper; 1 egg, beaten; 1 1/4 cups buttermilk; 1 tablespoon com oil; 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese; 4 tablespoons finely chopped leeks; 1-2 tablespoons chopped sage; 1/2-1 cup cooked corn kernels; additional com oil, for cooking pancakes; spicy tomato salsa; sour cream
Combine cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper in bowl. Mix egg, buttermilk, and com oil in another bowl; stir in cheese, leeks, sage, and com kernels. Mixture can stand at room temperature up to an hour. Heat a griddle or large, heavy skillet over medium ‘lame several minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low and brush cooking surface with com oil. Cook pancakes in batches: Ladle batter into hot griddle, 1/4 cup per pancake. Cook until first side is golden brown and pancakes have set well on the bottom. Flip pancakes and cook on other side until done. Serve hot with salsa and sour cream. Makes 10-12 pancakes.

1 Tbsp lemon juice; 1/2 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp chopped, fresh oregano; 2 cloves garlic, minced; 1/4 tsp chili powder; 1/8 tsp ground cumin; 1/8 tsp black pepper; 2 tbsp vegetable oil; 2 tomatoes, diced; 1 small zucchini, diced; 1/2 c thinly sliced shallots; 2/3 cup corn, uncooked
Whisk together juice, salt, oregano, garlic, chili powder, cumin, pepper and oil in medium bowl. Add tomatoes, zucchini, onions and corn; toss. Marinate at room temperature 1 hour or several hours in the refrigerator.

2 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise; 2 tbsp nonfat plain yogurt; 11/2 teaspoon chili powder; 4 ears corn, husked; 4 tablespoons finely shredded Parmesan cheese; 1 lime, quartered

Preheat grill to medium-high. Combine mayonnaise, yogurt and chili powder in a small bowl. Grill corn, turning occasionally, until marked and tender, 8 to 12 minutes total. Spread each ear with 1 tablespoon of the sauce and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon Parmesan. Serve with lime wedges. Makes 4 servings.

2 tsp minced fresh parsley; 2 Tbsp lemon juice; 1 Tbsp plain, unsweetened yogurt; 2 tsp chopped chives or green onion with green top; Salt and black pepper, to taste; 1/3 c canola oil; 1 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed
Combine parsley, juice, yogurt, chives, salt, pepper, and oil in jar with tight-fitting lid. Shake vigorously. Chill. Blanch green beans 4 minutes; plunge in ice water to stop cooking. Drain. Toss green beans with vinaigrette.

2 pounds green beans, stem ends snipped off; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 medium onions, sliced as thinly as possible; 1 cup chicken stock; 1/2 tablespoons sugar; 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar; salt and pepper to taste Cook beans in boiling salted water until crisp-tender, 2-4 minutes. Drain; immerse in ice water. Drain again and let stand to dry. Melt butter in skillet over medium flame. Stir in onions and cook them slowly until very wilted and deepened in color, about 15 minutes. Boil stock in a saucepan until reduced to 1/4 cup; stir in sugar and vinegar. Stir in onions. Simmer until slightly reduced. Combine onions and green beans; heat through. Season with salt and pepper. Makes 8 servings.

1 lb. fresh green beans; 1 tsp vegetable oil; 1 tsp peeled, minced ginger root; 1 clove garlic, minced; 2 Tbsp water; 1 Tbsp low-sodium soy sauce; 1 tsp cornstarch; 1/2 tsp brown sugar; 1/2 tsp dark sesame oil; 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper Trim beans; place in vegetable steamer over boiling water; cover and steam 5 minutes. Drain and plunge into cold water; drain. Treat large skillet with cooking spray. Add vegetable oil, and place over medium-high heat until hot. Add ginger and garlic; sauté 30 seconds. Add beans; stir 5 minutes until heated through. Whisk together water, soy sauce, cornstarch, brown sugar, sesame oil and red pepper. Add to beans. Cook 30 seconds, stirring, until heated through. Makes 8 servings

2 tbsp olive oil; 1 lb. whole beans, trimmed; 1 cup thinly sliced onion; 10 to 12 garlic cloves, peeled; salt and pepper; 1 to 2 tbsp balsamic or red wine vinegar; 1 cup lightly toasted pine nuts
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Brush a large cookie sheet with 2 tbsp olive oil. Spread the beans, onions and garlic cloves on the tray and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes, occasionally stirring or shaking the tray. Taste a bean to see if it is tender enough for you; cook for 5-10 minutes if still crisp. Remove from oven; transfer to a bowl. Drizzle with vinegar, and some black pepper if desired. Serve at any temperature topped with toasted pine nuts. Serves 6

2 tablespoons sherry vinegar, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, 2 teaspoons honey, 1 1/2 teaspoons chili paste), 1/4 teaspoon salt, a few turns of freshly ground black pepper, 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, For the salad
1- pound Dragon Tongue beans, washed and dried, root ends trimmed, 2 cups loosely packed mixed micro greens, washed and dried, a few red Thai Chile peppers for garnish and added heat if desired
For the dressing: Add the vinegar, mustard, honey, chili paste, salt and pepper to a small bowl. Whisk until smooth. Gradually add the oil while still whisking. Once it’s smooth, set aside.
For the salad: Prepare a large mixing bowl with ice water and set it aside.
Place a steamer rack into a pot with the water level just below it. Over high heat, bring the water to a boil and then add the beans to the rack, sprinkle lightly with salt and cover. Steam just until they’re about 50% more tender, about 3 minutes. Immediately drain and add the beans to the bowl of ice water — this will help preserve any bits of purple still remaining. Let them sit in the ice water until they’re cold, then drain, dry them, and add them to a large mixing bowl. Toss the beans with the micro greens and the dressing. Wash, dry, and slice the red Chile peppers in half for garnish (and added heat) if desired. Serve! Recipe from

1½ cups dragon tongue beans, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2–3 cloves garlic, crushed, 1 teaspoon dried basil (or 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped), Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
Fill a medium saucepan with a few inches of water. Set over high heat and let come to a boil. Place beans in a steamer basket set over the boiling water and let them steam until tender, about 3–4 minutes. Toss with the olive oil, garlic, basil, salt and pepper, and serve. Recipe from

1 lb. dragon tongue beans or green beans, 8 oz. pancetta, chopped into small cubes, 1 T butter, 2 shallots, minced, 4 garlic cloves, minced, 1 1/2 lbs. cremini mushrooms, quartered, Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, 2 T flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Bring a medium sized pot of salted water to boil. Blanche beans for about 5 minutes. Drain immediately and run under cold water. Set aside. In a large skillet, cook pancetta until slightly crispy over medium heat. Transfer to paper towel lined plate. Turn heat to medium low and melt butter. Add shallots and cook until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. Add in garlic and cook for 30 seconds. Next stir in mushrooms and a healthy dose of salt. Stirring occasionally, let mushrooms cook down and release their juices, about 8-10 minutes. Add beans and pancetta to mushroom mixture. Cook for 1-2 minutes more. then sprinkle with black pepper and parsley.
Recipe from

1 lb. Dragon’s Tongue beans, stem ends popped off, 2 T butter, 2 medium or 1 large onion, sliced as thinly as possible, 1 C chicken or vegetable stock (or water), 1 1/2 T sugar, 1 T red wine vinegar, salt and pepper
Cook beans in boiling salted water until tender, approx. 5 minutes. Drain and immerse in ice water to stop the cooking (this will ensure your beans stay crisp and delightful). Melt butter in skillet over medium flame. Stir in onions and cook them slowly until very wilted and deepened in color, 15 or so minutes. Deglaze pan with stock or water and boil for 5 minutes to reduce and concentrate flavors. Stir in sugar and vinegar. Add beans to the onions and heat through (just a minute or two). Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Recipe from

2 cucumbers; 1 tablespoon white vinegar or rice wine vinegar; 2 tablespoons sesame oil; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon soy sauce; 1 tablespoon sugar; 1 Thai Dragon hot pepper
Peel the cucumbers, cut lengthwise in two, and scrape out the seeds. Cut cucumbers crosswise into half-moons. Whisk the remaining ingredients together and toss with the cucumbers to coat them. You can control how hot the dish becomes by removing the seeds and pulp of the pepper or you can use just a slice or two of the hot pepper. If you don’t have a Thai Dragon hot pepper, substitute hot red pepper flakes or hot pepper sauce. Makes 4 servings.

8 oz rotini; 2 c peeled cucumber slices; 1 c quartered cherry tomatoes; 1 (l5-oz) can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed; 3/4 Tbsp dried dill weed; 1/2 c ranch-style dressing; 1/3 c plain low-fat yogurt; Crumbled feta cheese
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water. In salad bowl, toss cooled pasta with cucumbers, tomatoes, garbanzo beans, and dill weed. In a small bowl, blend dressing and yogurt. Add to salad bowl; stir until well-coated. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Crumble feta on top; serve.

1 large cucumber; 1/2 cup thick sour cream; 1-1/2 tbsp cider vinegar; 1 tbsp chopped chives; 3/4 tsp salt; 1/8 tsp. white pepper; hard-cooked egg yolk
Rinse and pare cucumber. Score 1/8 inch deep by drawing tines of a fork lengthwise over entire surface. Cut into thin slices. Combine sour cream, vinegar, chives, salt and pepper. Pour over cucumber slices. Toss lightly to coat evenly. Chill thoroughly. Garnish with finely grated, hard-cooked egg yolk. Makes 4 servings.

15 small fresh mozzarella balls; 1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes; 3 tablespoons basil-flavored olive oil; salt and pepper; 1 bunch of basil; 30 short bamboo skewers or toothpicks

Halve the mozzarella balls and the tomatoes. Toss with basil oil; add salt and pepper to taste. Tear the basil into bite size leaves. Skewer a piece of mozzarella, a piece of basil, and a tomato half onto a skewer or toothpick; repeat with remaining ingredients and skewers. Arrange skewers in concentric circles on a platter. Or forget the skewers and just make a salad with said ingredients. Makes 6 appetizer serving

1/2-pound angel hair pasta; fresh, great-tasting tomatoes, enough to make 2 cups chopped tomatoes or 2 cups halved cherry tomatoes; 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice; 1/4 cup olive oil; salt and pepper; feta cheese
Boil pasta in large quantity of salted water until just tender. Meanwhile, chop tomatoes and place in bowl. (If you’re using paste, or Roma-type, tomatoes, you may first cut a shallow X in the bottom of each, dip the tomatoes in the boiling pasta water 10-20 seconds, and remove skins.) Place lemon juice in a large bowl; whisk in oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Rinse and drain pasta; toss with oil mixture. Transfer pasta to a large, shallow platter and top with chopped tomatoes. Crumble feta on top, as much or as little as you like. Serve at room temperature. This recipe came from a sister’s friend. You can vary the amounts to serve any number of people. Makes 3-4 servings.

1 lb. carrots; peeled and coarsely chopped, 2 medium- sized tart apples; grated, 1-2 T lemon juice, 1-2 T honey, (optional), pinch of celery seed, salt and pepper to taste, 1 c. firm yogurt.
Optional additions: 1T poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds, ¼ c. minced almonds or cashews; lightly toasted, ½ c. very finely minced celery, a handful of raisins or currants, ¼ c. shredded unsweetened coconut, lightly toasted, ½ c. finely chopped pineapple (or crushed canned in juice).
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Chill. (This preparation goes fast if you use a food processor with a grater attachment.) Yield 4-5 main dishes for lunch; more if serving as a side dish.
Recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook.

1 T olive oil, ¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp ground black pepper, ½# carrots, 2T balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a 9×13-inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Combine olive oil, salt, pepper, and carrots in a bag or bowl; toss to coat. Pour the carrots into the prepared baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven until tender, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle the balsamic vinegar over the carrots; shake the pan to coat evenly. Return to oven and bake until the liquid is absorbed, 5 to 10 minutes. Serve hot.
Recipe from

2 bunches of Romaine, chopped or finely shredded or Napa cabbage, 1 bunch green onions, 4 T butter, ½ C. sliced almonds, 2-3 T sesame seeds
Crush noodles, brown in 4 T butter. After browned lightly add almonds and sesame seeds and continue to brown lightly for about 2 more minutes. Set aside.
Dressing: ¾ C oil, ¼ cup vinegar, ½ C sugar, 2 T soy sauce
Warm oil and sugar stirring until sugar is dissolved; add soy sauce and whisk well to combine. Toss greens with dressing and reserved noodles, nuts and seeds just before serving.

5 cups chopped Napa cabbage; 3/4 c. sliced or shredded radishes, 11/2 cups chow Mein noodles (the crunchy ones); 1 cup crushed peanuts; 1/4 cup sesame seeds (black, if available); 2 tablespoons rice vinegar; 4 tablespoons sesame oil; 3 tablespoons soy sauce; 1 tablespoon honey; 1/2-1 teaspoon dry mustard
Combine cabbage, radishes, chow Mein noodles, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Mix remaining ingredients. Toss with cabbage, using just enough dressing to suit your taste. Makes 6-8 servings.
Recipe from Dog Hollow Farm

1/3 cup sesame or olive oil; 1 teaspoon minced garlic, pressed to a paste; 1-2 teaspoons grated fresh gingerroot or 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger; dash of cayenne; 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice; 1 teaspoon sesame seeds; 1 tablespoon chopped green onion, salad greens or Chinese cabbage

Mix all ingredients (except greens); toss with greens. This is also good with Napa cabbage, bok choy, snow peas, or cucumbers. Makes 1/2 cup dressing. Recipe from Oak Ridge Farm

1 1/2 peaches, peeled; 1/2 C light cream or half-and-half; 2 T orange juice; 1 tsp honey; 4-5 Ice cubes
Blend at low speed for 30 seconds, then at high speed for 10 seconds.
Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand.

1 1/2 peaches. peeled; 1/2 cup summer or tropical fruit such as banana, strawberries, pineapple, or blueberries (cut up If necessary); 1/2 cup orange juice, yogurt, or apple cider; 1 teaspoon honey; 5-6 Ice cubes
Blend at low speed for 30 seconds, then at high speed for 10 seconds.
Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand.

6 T (3/4 stick) butter; 1+1/2 cups packed brown sugar; 2 T thawed apple juice concentrate; 1/4 C sliced almonds, toasted; 3 C sliced peeled peaches (about 2 lbs.); 1 large egg; 1 tsp vanilla extract; 11/2 C flour; 1+1/2 tsp baking powder; 1/2 tsp baking soda; 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon; 1/4 tsp salt; 3/4 C buttermilk
Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a l0-inch ovenproof skillet over medium-low heat, melt 3 tablespoons of the butter. Add % cup of the brown sugar and the apple juice and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar melts, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat. Sprinkle the sliced almonds over the brown sugar mixture. Arrange the peach slices in a spoke pattern on top of the almonds, working from the center of the skillet to the edge. In a large bowl, combine the remaining 3 tablespoons butter and 3 cup brown sugar. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed until creamed, about 4 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla and beat well. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Add the flour mixture to the creamed butter mixture alternately with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture; mix well after each addition. Spoon the batter evenly over the peaches. Bake for about 45 minutes, until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, and then invert onto a serving plate. Serves 8 Recipe from The Big Book of Vegetarian.


1 1/2 Tbsp cornstarch; 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon; 1/2 c brown sugar; 1/2 c water; 1 Tbsp lemon juice; 1 Tbsp butter; 4 c peeled, sliced peaches
For topping: 1 c each flour & sugar; 1/2 tsp salt; 1 egg; 4 Tbsp butter, softened
In large saucepan, stir together cornstarch, cinnamon, brown sugar and water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add lemon juice, butter and peaches. Gently stir until peach slices are well coated with sugar mixture. Spoon into buttered 7 1/2- by 11 3/4-inch baking dish. Prepare topping: Stir together flour, sugar, salt, egg and butter until crumbly. If desired, use pastry blender to blend in butter. Distribute over top of fruit. Bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes, or until fruit is tender and topping is lightly browned. Makes 8-10 servings
Recipe from Farm-Fresh Recipes.

5 c pitted and halved sweet red cherries, about 1.7 pounds, 2/3 granulated sugar, 2 T cornstarch, 1/4 tsp. salt, 2T fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1/4 tsp almond extract
For the topping:  1 C all-purpose flour, 1/2 C sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 2 T unsalted butter, cold, cut into pieces, 1/3-1/2 C milk, cold
In a large saucepan, combine the cherries, sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in the lemon juice, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes, or until cherries are tender and juices have thickened. Transfer cherries to an ungreased 8-inch square baking pan.
Make the topping: Preheat the oven to 450°F. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Using a pastry blender, cut in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Gradually add enough milk to moisten the dough. Drop by the spoonfuls over the top of the cherries. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the top is golden brown and biscuit is cooked through. You’ll need about 1.7 pounds of cherries. Use any variety you like. For a sweeter taste, choose dark red cherries such as Bing or Balaton. If you prefer a sour variety, you may need to add 1/4 to 1/2 cup more sugar depending on taste.
*Make ahead tip: The cobbler can be baked up to 6 hours ahead of time and cooled completely. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Before serving, let stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then warm in a 350°F oven for about 20 minutes.