Summer Share Ten July 25th 2106

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • Members have inquired about a U pick blueberry event. We hope to host one in August, berries withstanding!

Farm News from Jane

“When it rains it pours” they say and we sure got a good soaker this morning. We measured 1.5 inches before noon! What a glorious site and sound. It almost seemed surreal as it has been so long since we have received such a volume in one shower. So we actually picked green beans in the barn. How is that possible one might ask. As it was still raining with some rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning Daniel and Ben pulled up the bean plants out of the field and placed them on a wagon. It kind of feels like cheating to me! But never look a gift horse in the mouth so we happily stayed dry picking beans in the back of the barn. The rain let up after lunch and we picked blueberries sans raingear. They taste yummy warm and dry, or cool and wet. The insects have been trying them so there are a few more berries that don’t make it into the bucket as we are picking this week.  But all in all the yield has been good.

If you have taken a ride in the country the last few weeks you may have noticed the beautiful blue chicory in blossom. What a pretty site! It never ceases to amaze me how nature can produce beautiful plants without any tending and this year seemingly without any moisture!

“Where oh where has the zucchini gone?  Oh where oh where can it be…’  If you have been wondering why there hasn’t been an abundance of zucchini in the share boxes as in other years; the deer have been enjoying it but leaving the yellow squash and patty pan varieties alone. Do they know something that we don’t? More delicious; more nutritious perhaps? They have also been enjoying the cucumbers; that’s a first for us! Daniel chased a little fawn out of the bean field yesterday. They have been eating the tops off the plants where the blossoms start and mature into beans. As well as enjoying the mature beans. This week’s bean harvest was not as great as last but still plentiful. I guess we’ll have to put electric fence up around the bean field as well as the chard. We will also be putting raccoon fencing up this week to prevent any loss of sweet corn as it is maturing quickly. With the good rainfall the ears should fill out nicely. The first of the sweet peppers are a Bell variety and are good sized. The subsequent blossoms have been dropping with the heat and dry weather so it may be some time before there is another “set” to pick. There will be cubanelle peppers coming too.

So much more to look forward to in the next fifteen weeks; enjoy the first of the sweet peppers and red plums, Jane

P.S. Tomatoes are here…


Produce:   Green beans   Sweet Pepper   Blueberries  

Walla Walla onion   Tomatoes    Garlic   Summer squash   

Sweet Bell peppers   Eggplant   Cucumbers


Fruit share:   Red Plums   Sweet cherries 


Produce tips:

– PATTY PAN SQUASH does not need to be peeled; prepare just as you would any summer squash

TOMATOES are starting you may receive any combination of cherry or saladette tomatoes. We grow orange round ones called Sungold and red round ones called Sweet 100’s; both red and yellow grape tomatoes as well as a brownish red one called Black cherry which has a very complex flavor and saladette tomatoes. All are very sweet. The saladette are growing in the high tunnel and the others are trellised in the field. We may also have some San Marzano’s if they mature well.

SWEET BELL PEPPERS are good sized for stuffing. Get creative and use a different stuffing like you would stuff a turkey; corn bread and sausage or mushrooms with a different grain than rice. Your pantry shelf may be the limiting factor! Try “baking them on the grill instead of heating up the kitchen. This week’s share cries for a creative grill or stir fry night!

– EGGPLANT comes in white, lavender or traditional purple. It is wonderful grilled after marinating slices in a vinaigrette or Italian dressing. Makes a wonderful sandwich similar to a shitake mushroom in consistency!




2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil; 1pound green beans, ends clipped, beans cut in half; 1 clove garlic, minced; 1 sprig rosemary, leaves torn off the stem; about 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes; 2 medium tomatoes, cut into wedges; 1/2 cup sliced onions (peeling is optional); 2 teaspoons dried oregano; salt to taste or 2 tablespoons salted butter; 1/2 teaspoon dried ground thyme

Heat olive oil in deep pan over medium heat. Add garlic and pepper flakes; sauté until fragrant. Add onions; sauté until translucent, 3-5 minutes. Add 1/4 cup water, the dried spices, and green beans. Stir, cover, and steam-cook beans until nearly done, 10-15 minutes. Stir in the rosemary and tomatoes. Cook very briefly, until tomatoes are warmed through and beans are done. Season with salt, or, if you prefer, melt salted butter over the beans before serving. This recipe won a prize in the 2002 Food for Thought Recipe Contest in Madison, Wisconsin.

Makes 4 servings; Recipe from Mora Rosenbloom



1 1/2 lb fresh green beans, trimmed; 2 Tbsp olive oil; 3 cloves garlic, chopped; 1 c chopped pecans; 2 Tbsp packed brown sugar

Heat olive oil in pan over medium heat. Sauté garlic 1 minute. Add green beans; cover, reduce to medium-low and cook 8 minutes, until tender, stirring occasionally. Add pecans and brown sugar; toss. Serve at once. Makes 6 servings



1 large cucumber; 1/2 cup thick sour cream; 1-1/2 tbsp cider vinegar; 1 tbsp chopped chives; 3/4 tsp salt; 1/8 tsp. white pepper; hard-cooked egg yolk

Rinse and pare cucumber. Score 1/8 inch deep by drawing tines of a fork lengthwise over entire surface. Cut into thin slices. Combine sour cream, vinegar, chives, salt and pepper. Pour over cucumber slices. Toss lightly to coat evenly. Chill thoroughly. Garnish with finely grated, hard-cooked egg yolk. Makes 4 servings.



2 tomatoes cut in wedges; 2 small cucumbers, sliced; 1 small red onion, sliced; 1/3 c olive oil; 1/4 c red wine vinegar; 1 T lemon juice; Dried oregano, to taste; Salt and black pepper, to taste; 1/2 c kalamata olives; 1/2 c crumbled feta cheese; Anchovy fillets (optional)

Place tomatoes, cucumbers, optional radishes and onions in bowl. Whisk together olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, oregano, salt and pepper. Add to vegetables and mix, coating, all well. Top with olives and feta cheese. If desired, add anchovies. Serve. Makes 4 servings



1/4 cup sour cream; 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard; 1/2 tsp prepared horseradish; Pinch of ground cumin; Salt and freshly ground pepper; 1 zucchini, grated and drained; 4 mushrooms, thinly sliced; 1/2 cup sliced celery; 2 radishes, grated (garnish); ¼ pound Swiss cheese, cut julienne

Combine first 4 ingredients with salt and pepper to taste. Place cheese, zucchini, mushrooms and celery in bowl and toss gently with sour cream dressing. Sprinkle with grated radish and serve. 2 servings



4 c. flour, 1 ½ c. sugar, 1 pkg. instant lemon pudding, 1/2T soda, 1 t. powder, 4 eggs, 1t. salt, 1 ¼ c. milk, 1 c. oil, 3T lemon juice, 2t. grated lemon peel, 1t. salt, 1t. lemon ext., 2 c. shredded zucchini, ¼ c. poppy seeds.

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, pudding mix, soda, powder and salt. In another bowl, whisk eggs, milk, oil, lemon juice and extract. Stir in dry ingredients until moistened and fold in zucchini, poppy seeds and lemon peel. Pour into 2 greased 9×5 loaf pans. Bake @ 350 for 50-55 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pans.



1 medium onion, chopped; 1 tsp olive oil; 2 cloves garlic, minced; 1 eggplant, skin on, diced; 1 green pepper, cut julienne; 2 c chopped fresh tomatoes; Salt and black pepper, to taste; 1/4 tsp paprika; 1/4 tsp each dry basil, rosemary, & oregano; 1/4 c minced fresh parsley; 1 c water; 1 lb couscous

Cook onion until golden in olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute. Add eggplant and green pepper; cook and stir 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, paprika, basil, rosemary, oregano, J parsley and water; stir. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes, stirring often. Mash eggplant, and then cook 30 minutes more.

Cook couscous according to package directions. Serve sauce over hot cooked couscous. Makes 6 servings



1 large eggplant, roughly chopped; 2 zucchini, roughly chopped; 1/3 cup olive oil; 1 onion, sliced; I garlic clove, chopped; 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and roughly chopped; 1 large yellow bell pepper, seeded and roughly chopped; sprig of fresh rosemary; sprig of fresh thyme; 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds, crushed; 1 1/2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped; 4 basil leaves, tom; salt and freshly ground black pepper; sprigs of fresh parsley or basil, to garnish

Sprinkle the eggplant and zucchini with salt, and then put them in a colander with a plate and a weight on top to extract the bitter juices. Let sit for about 30 minutes. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan. Add the onions and cook gently for 6 minutes, until just softened. Add the garlic and cook for another 2 minutes. Rinse the eggplant and zucchini and pat dry with a clean dish towel. Add to the pan with the peppers, increase the heat and sauté until the peppers are just turning brown. Add the tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook gently for another 10 minutes, until the vegetables are soft but not too mushy. Remove the sprigs of herbs. Stir in the tom basil leaves and check the seasoning. Let cool slightly and serve warm or cold, garnished with sprigs of parsley or basil. Add the herbs and coriander seeds then cover the pan and cook gently for about 40 minutes.



2 large bell peppers; 1 medium onion, finely diced; 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill; juice of 2 small lemons; 8-9 cups vegetable stock; 3 tablespoons olive oil; about 2 1/2 cups Arborio rice; 1/2 cup dry white wine

Heat oven to broiling temperature. Place peppers on baking sheet. Broil close to heating element, using tongs to turn peppers to char skin evenly on all sides. Remove from oven, place in paper bag, and close bag. Let peppers stand while you chop onion and dill and juice lemons. Remove peppers from bag; peel off charred skin, remove stem and seeds (don’t rinse them, as this will weaken the flavor), and cut into small strips. Heat stock in saucepan over medium-low flame. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium flame. Add onions; cook until soft. Stir in rice with wooden spoon until all grains are evenly coated. Add dill, stir 1 minute, then add wine and stir until wine is absorbed. Add 1 cup stock; stir until stock is absorbed. Continue cooking, stirring, and adding 1 cup of stock at a time until the rice is al dente and suspended in a smooth sauce, 15-25 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in lemon juice and red peppers.

Makes 6-8 servings; Recipe from Amy Simonson



15 small fresh mozzarella balls; 1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes; 3 tablespoons basil-flavored olive oil; salt and pepper; 1 bunch of basil; 30 short bamboo skewers or toothpicks

Halve the mozzarella balls and the tomatoes. Toss with basil oil; add salt and pepper to taste. Tear the basil into bite size leaves. Skewer a piece of mozzarella, a piece of basil, and a tomato half onto a skewer or toothpick; repeat with remaining ingredients and skewers. Arrange skewers in concentric circles on a platter. Or forget the skewers and just make a salad with said ingredients. Makes 6 appetizer serving



1/2 cup chopped, blanched almonds; 1 tablespoon honey; 1/2 cup whole wheat flour; 2 tablespoons wheat germ 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/4 cup butter, diced; 2 pounds fresh red or purple plums, pitted and sliced; 1 tablespoon lemon juice; 1 tablespoon honey, or more (to taste); 1 cup plain yogurt or sour cream

In a medium-size bowl, mix the almonds, honey, flour, wheat germ, and salt. Add butter and work into the mixture with your fingers until well blended and crumbly. Refrigerate while preparing the fruit. Preheat oven to 400 F and butter a 9 x 9-inch baking dish. Arrange the plums cut side up in the baking dish. Sprinkle them with the lemon juice and honey. Spoon the almond mixture over the fruit and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until top is crisp and lightly browned. Cool 15 minutes or longer before serving. Serve with yogurt or sour cream. Yield: 6 to 8 servings Recipe from Naturally Delicious Desserts and Snacks.


1/2-3/4 cup wildflower honey , 10 slightly under ripe plums, stones removed, quartered
Cover the bottom of a sauté pan with honey. Place over low heat to warm the honey. Then add the plums, cut side down. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes or until the cut sides are slightly browned. Turn the plums and cook for another 3 minutes or until the fruit is soft but not mushy. Serve with ice cream

Recipe from food



4 cups milk; 1/3 cup Arborio rice; 1 large egg; l/3 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon; 1   pound fresh cherries, stemmed and pitted

In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, warm the milk. Stir in the rice. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Stir the egg mixture into the milk and rice until well blended. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring almost constantly, until the mixture thickens, about 30 minutes. Stir in the cherries. Remove from the heat and let cool. Spoon the mixture into 6 custard cups and cool completely. Serve at room temperature or chilled.

Serves 6; Recipe from The Big Book of Vegetarian.