Summer Share Thirteen August 7th 2017

Posted by on Aug 7, 2017 in Uncategorized

Important Information:

  • We need boxes returned especially fruit share boxes!!!
  • If you didn’t catch Farmer Ben on WGRZ Evening news a couple of weeks ago regarding how heavy summer rains have affected farms/crops here is the link:

Farm News from Jane

Well, the rain held off not only long enough to finish today’s harvest but also allowed for us to transplant out another bed of beets. For those of you who are beet lovers we are in the process of transplanting all the different varieties of beets in the field for winter share harvest. And hip hip hurray; the first plantings of carrots are germinating and are already peeking through the ground. If you were with us last season you may remember that we replanted carrots twice before they finally had enough moisture to germinate. We held our breath for most of the late summer and early autumn praying that they would mature by season’s end. This season we actually have a short day length variety of carrots that should be harvested in late autumn for summer shares. We generally only grow carrots to mature in the late autumn as they are much sweeter than carrots grown through the hot summer months. We have planted orange, purple and yellow carrots for this year.

We were very pleased that a few members made the trip out to the farm on Saturday to pick “a few” berries even though it showered lightly off and on. Between the birds, hard rain and quick season it was more of a gleaning this year. But to build anticipation and to encourage more of you to come out to the farm for our annual fall potluck and farm walk, the first of the u pick pumpkins are already turning orange!

The first block of sweet corn germinated very sporadically so the first harvest will be quite light. We had a few “sample” ears which were a bit young but still sweet and tasty. Let the sweet corn season commence…

The full moon is tonight but perhaps we’ll have a better view tomorrow evening. This is a great time of year to enjoy the full moon rising in the warm evening hours; just don’t forget your “bug spray”! The mosquitoes are out “en force” …

Eat healthy and enjoy these glorious days of summer, Jane


Produce:   Red potatoes   Walla Walla onions   Garlic   Romano beans

Green pepper   Sweet corn   Summer squash   Swiss chard

Eggplant (Thursday shares)   Cherry tomatoes


Fruit Share:   Peaches   Apricots   Yellow plums


Produce tips:

The Romano beans were very prolific this week. We weren’t even able to pick them all!! The surplus may be frozen after blanching in boiling water for 2-3 minutes to use in soups/stews this winter.

– Garlic is already quite dry and had a wonderful aroma and flavor. Try roasting it with your potatoes.

– The red potatoes are freshly dug and so the skins are quite thin and delicate; handle with care; don’t peel!!!

– There are five different varieties of cherry tomatoes you may find in your clam shell; red round, Sungold, red grape Black cherry (which are a chocolate brown) and/or yellow pear. All are very sweet and delicious. Don’t eat all of them on the way home from distribution; please save some for the rest of your family!

– Sweet corn can be eaten raw; we call it the real breakfast of champions or Kellogg’s corn on the cob. But please do not boil it for more than two or three minutes you’ll turn the sugars into starch! We place a few ears in briskly boiling water and remove when the water returns to a boil. YES, Stand there and watch the pot or set the timer for 2 minutes. You’ll enjoy it more if it’s tender and sweet!!! The variety we grow is a bi-color corn and called Extra Tender.

– Eggplant: See last week’s newsletter for more eggplant recipes.





You can vary the vegetables for this summery grilled meal according to what available- baby eggplant, patty pan squashes, or any color of sweet bell pepper.

1/3 cup defatted lower-sodium chicken broth; 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar; 2 teaspoons olive oil; 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/2 teaspoon black pepper; 1 1/2 pounds top round steak, cut about 1 inch thick; Vegetable oil spray; 8 branches fresh oregano, plus additional for garnish; 1 zucchini (about 8 ounces), cut into long diagonal slices; 1 yellow crookneck squash (about 8 ounces), cut into long diagonal slices; 1 large red onion, cut into crosswise slices about 1/4 inch thick; 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 6 slices; 1 small yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into 6 slices; 8 ounces Italian bread, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices

In a small bowl, whisk together the broth, vinegar, oil, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. Spoon 2 tablespoons of the marinade into a shallow dish just large enough to hold the meat. Place the meat in the marinade, turn to coat completely, and set aside in a cool room for I hour or refrigerate for up to 8 hours, turning occasionally. Prepare a medium-hot barbecue fire. Make sure the grill rack is well seasoned coat it with vegetable oil spray. Soak the oregano branches in water for 10 minutes. Brush the cut vegetables with some of the marinade. Distribute the oregano branches over the hot coals. Grill the meat and vegetables, turning once or twice and brushing more of the marinade. Cook the vegetables until they are tender and lightly charred at edges, 5 to 7 minutes. Grill the meat until it is cooked the way you like it, 7 to 8 minutes medium- rare, a few minutes longer for well-done. Brush the bread lightly with the remaining marinade and grill until lightly 30 seconds to 1 minute per side. Let the meat rest for 5 minutes, then slice thinly across the grain. Heap the vegetables onto the grilled bread, and serve the meat alongside, garnished with the oregano. Makes 6 servings



1 sweet onion, peeled and quartered; 1 small lemon, quartered; 2 tsp minced parsley; 2 Tbsp butter; Lemon pepper, to taste

Place onion in small iron skillet or a large sheet of aluminum foil. Squeeze lemon over onion, and add lemon piece to onions. Add parsley and butter. Season with lemon pepper. If using foil, fold edges of foil together to seal tightly. Place skillet or foil pouch on grill over medium heat. Cook until onion is soft, about 15 minutes. Stir pan, or turn pouch occasionally. Serve hot as side dish. Makes 2 servings.

Variation: Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over cooked onion prior to serving



2 pounds green beans, stem ends snipped off; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 medium onions, sliced as thinly as possible; 1 cup chicken stock; 1/2 tablespoons sugar; 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar; salt and pepper to taste

Cook beans in boiling salted water until crisp-tender, 2-4 minutes. Drain; immerse in ice water. Drain again and let stand to dry. Melt butter in skillet over medium flame. Stir in onions and cook them slowly until very wilted and deepened in color, about 15 minutes. Boil stock in a saucepan until reduced to 1/4 cup; stir in sugar and vinegar. Stir in onions. Simmer until slightly reduced. Combine onions and green beans; heat through. Season with salt and pepper

Makes 8 servings



1 lb. fresh Romano beans; 1/2 medium-size onion, minced; 1 small clove garlic, minced; 2 tablespoons vinegar; 2 tablespoons soy sauce; 1/3 cup toasted sunflower seeds; freshly ground black pepper

Wash beans, remove ends and cut into I-inch lengths. Cook in as little water as possible until tender, but still firm. Combine beans with other ingredients except sunflower seeds. Chill. Serve chilled green beans on salad greens, topped with toasted sunflower seeds. *Toast sunflower seeds in heavy dry skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly until brown. Yield: 4 to 6 servings



4  cups beans, cut  in 1″ lengths (l lb.); 4 strips bacon; 11/2 tbsp flour; 2 tbsp sugar; 2 tbsp vinegar; 2 tbsp chopped onion; 1 tbsp dill; 1 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp pepper; 2 cup cooked diced potatoes

Cook beans in boiling salted water until just tender; drain, reserving liquid.  Cook bacon until crisp; drain reserving fat. Return 2 tbsp fat to skillet. Blend in flour and sugar. Add vinegar and 1 c. bean liquid (add water if necessary to make 1 c.). Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is thickened and comes to a boil. Add onion, dill, salt and pepper. Combine beans and potatoes in saucepan. Add sauce and heat just until potatoes and beans are hot, stirring occasionally. Serve at once, or keep warm in oven until mealtime. Spoon into serving dish and top with bacon. Makes 8 servings.



1 pounds fresh green beans; 1/8 cup olive oil; 1/8 teaspoon salt; 1/2 large clove garlic, mashed; 1/2 cup packed basil leaves; 1/8 cup parsley leaves; 1 tablespoon pine nuts; 1/8 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Parboil the beans and drain. Make a pesto sauce by putting oil, salt, garlic, basil, parsley, and nuts in a blender and pureeing them. Add cheese and blend again. Dilute as needed with more oil or a little hot water. Toss sauce with the beans and serve at room temperature. Serves 4-6



2 lbs sweet onions, sliced; 1/4 c olive oil; 1/3 c water; 1/4 lb pancetta, slivered; Salt and black pepper, to taste; 2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley; 1 lb bucatini or fettuccine; 1/2 c shredded Parmesan

Sauté onions in hot oil in a large skillet 1 minute. Add water. Cover and cook over low heat 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add water if needed to keep from sticking. Add pancetta. Season with salt and pepper. Cook, uncovered over medium heat, stirring, until mixture turns light golden color. Stir in parsley. Cook pasta until al dente. Reserve 1 cup cooking water, and then drain pasta. Add pasta to skillet; mix. If sauce is too dry add a bit of the pasta water. Serve hot with Parmesan on the side. Makes 8 servings



2/3 cup cornmeal; 1/2 cup flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon pepper; 1 egg, beaten; 1 1/4 cups buttermilk; 1 tablespoon com oil; 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese; 4 tablespoons finely chopped leeks; 1-2 tablespoons chopped sage; 1/2-1 cup cooked corn kernels; additional com oil, for cooking pancakes; spicy tomato salsa; sour cream

Combine cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper in bowl. Mix egg, buttermilk, and com oil in another bowl; stir in cheese, leeks, sage, and com kernels. Mixture can stand at room temperature up to an hour. Heat a griddle or large, heavy skillet over medium ‘lame several minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low and brush cooking surface with com oil. Cook pancakes in batches: Ladle batter into hot griddle, 1/4 cup per pancake. Cook until first side is golden brown and pancakes have set well on the bottom. Flip pancakes and cook on other side until done. Serve hot with salsa and sour cream. Makes 10-12 pancakes.



1 tablespoon butter; 1/2 teaspoon dried ground thyme; 1 teaspoon chili oil (or substitute vegetable oil with a little crushed red pepper); 3/4 cup cooked sweet corn; 3 sprigs fresh oregano, torn up (or other fresh herbs except mint); 1 baking potato, or 3-4 small red potatoes, thin-sliced; 1 leek or small onion, finely chopped; 1/2 teaspoon paprika; salt and pepper; grated Parmesan (optional); 1/2 pound fresh spinach, chard or other mild-flavored greens, washed and stemmed

Heat butter and chili oil in large nonstick skillet over medium flame. Add potatoes and leeks or onions, and season well with salt and pepper. (You may also partially cook the potatoes first in salted water until nearly tender before frying them.) Let the potatoes brown lightly in the pan on one side for several minutes. Toss potatoes, season with more salt and pepper, and let them brown lightly again. When potatoes are almost tender, toss in greens and thyme, then add a little less than 1/4 cup water, cover the pan, and raise heat to high. Let steam until greens are nearly done, 1-2 minutes. Uncover, add corn, oregano, and paprika, and allow potatoes to finish cooking and browning. Season to taste and top with Parmesan, if desired. Serve with fried eggs if you like. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from Morn Rosenbloom



4 c. yellow squash/ zucchini slices, 1/2″ thick; 1/2 c. chopped onion; 1 clove garlic, minced; 1/2 tbsps. Oil; 1/2 c. grated Swiss cheese 1/4 c. cracker crumbs; 1/4 c. chopped parsley; 2 eggs; 1/2 c. milk 1 tsp. salt; 1/8 tsp. pepper

Cook squash in boiling salted water until barely tender. Drain well. Meanwhile, cook onion and garlic in oil until onion is soft. Place half of onion mixture on bottom of greased 1-qt. casserole. Top with half of cheese, cracker crumbs and parsley. Add all the squash, then remaining onion, cheese, crumbs and parsley. Beat eggs, blend in milk, salt and pepper. Pour over squash. Place casserole in pan of hot water and bake in slow oven (325°) 50 to 55 minutes, or until set.

Makes 4 servings



Roast 3 T. whole almonds and coarsely crush. Meanwhile, trim the ends off 1 lb. summer squash (a mix of green and yellow). Using a vegetable peeler, thinly slice the squash lengthwise into strips and transfer to a large bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 ½ ^T. extra-virgin olive oil, 2T. fresh lemon juice, 1 minced garlic clove, and kosher salt to taste. Pour dressing over squash. Let stand a few minutes, then add a few handfuls of baby arugula. Shave a little Pecorino over the squash and toss. Season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish with crushed almonds. Serves 4; Recipe from Bon appétit magazine



1 pound red potatoes, cut in 11/2- inch pieces; 1-4 cloves garlic, chopped; 3-4 tablespoons of your favorite fresh herb: Chopped parsley, rosemary, thyme, fennel, dill, etc; 3-4 tablespoons olive oil; salt and pepper to taste

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat potatoes with other ingredients and spread out on a shallow baking dish. Roast until tender, 40-45 minutes. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from Patricia Schindler



1 tablespoon butter; 1/2 teaspoon dried ground thyme; 1 teaspoon chili oil (or substitute vegetable oil with a little crushed red pepper); 3/4 cup cooked sweet corn; 3 sprigs fresh oregano, torn up (or other fresh herbs except mint); 1 baking potato, or 3-4 small red potatoes, thin-sliced; 1 leek or small onion, finely chopped; 1/2 teaspoon paprika; salt and pepper; grated Parmesan (optional); 1/2 pound fresh spinach, chard or other mild-flavored greens, washed and stemmed

Heat butter and chili oil in large nonstick skillet over medium flame. Add potatoes and leeks or onions, and season well with salt and pepper. (You may also partially cook the potatoes first in salted water until nearly tender before frying them.) Let the potatoes brown lightly in the pan on one side for several minutes. Toss potatoes, season with more salt and pepper, and let them brown lightly again. When potatoes are almost tender, toss in greens and thyme, then add a little less than 1/4 cup water, cover the pan, and raise heat to high. Let steam until greens are nearly done, 1-2 minutes. Uncover, add corn, oregano, and paprika, and allow potatoes to finish cooking and browning. Season to taste and top with Parmesan, if desired. Serve with fried eggs if you like. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from Morn Rosenbloom



First chop the chard leaves and stems separately. Then microwave them separately as the stems will take a bit longer. Knead dough into pan. Massage oil onto dough. Spread on the chopped chard leaves then cover with chopped onion, 4 garlic cloves, oregano, chopped stems and grated parmesan cheese. Cover with another layer of dough which you have rolled out to approximate size. Vent the cover with holes to allow extra moisture to escape. Bake for 25 minutes at 325.



1 bunch Swiss chard, cleaned; 1 tablespoon peanut oil; 1 tablespoon minced garlic scapes; 1 tablespoon soy sauce; freshly ground black pepper

Cut off and discard thick stem ends of chard. Cut out ribs; chop ribs into 2-inch pieces; set aside in a pile. Stack the leaves in small piles; coarsely chop them. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high flame. Add ribs; toss and cook 1 1/2 minutes. Add leaves and garlic; continue to cook, tossing often, until chard begins to wilt, 2-3 minutes. Stir in soy sauce; cook until chard is tender, 1-3 minutes longer. Add pepper to taste. Serve immediately. Makes 2-4 servings.

Recipe from MACSAC



2 c chopped apples; 3/4 c chopped Anaheim or green pepper; 1/2 c chopped onion; 1/4 c lime juice; Salt and pepper to taste; 1/4 c dry white wine; 1/4 c apple juice; 1/2 tsp grated lime peel; 4 medium boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Combine apples, chili peppers, onion, lime juice, salt and pepper; mix well. Set aside about 1/2 hour for flavors to blend. Combine wine, apple juice and lime peel. Pour over chicken breasts in glass dish or sealable plastic bag. Marinate 20-30 minutes. Drain chicken; discard marinade. Grill over medium-hot coals, turning once, until chicken is done. Serve with salsa on the side. Makes 4 servings with salsa to spare


1 large green pepper; 1 tbsp salad oil; 1/4 tsp salt; pinch of garlic salt; pinch of pepper; 1 egg; pinch of salt; 1 tbsp water
Wash pepper, cut off stem ends and remove seeds. Cut in strips. Add peppers to heated oil in skillet and cook over medium heat, stirring with a fork, until they are heated. Do not let peppers brown. Sprinkle with 1/4 tsp. salt, garlic salt and pepper. Lower heat; cover and cook 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Uncover, increase heat to medium and cook to desired tenderness. For best flavor, do not overcook. Beat eggs, pinch of salt and water together slightly. Pour over peppers in skillet; do not stir mixture until eggs start to set; then, with fork or spatula, move mixture to allow all liquid to set. Do not let eggs overcook. Turn onto warm platter.


olive oil; 2 small eggplants (about 1 pound total), sliced into 1/3-inch-thick rounds; salt and pepper; 1 onion, sliced into rounds; 1 red or green pepper, cut into strips; 2 cups tomato sauce or chopped fresh tomatoes; 3-4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil; 1 cup grated mozzarella and/or Parmesan

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in nonstick skillet; add eggplant and cook (in batches if necessary) on both sides until barely tender. lay eggplant in a baking dish and season well with salt and pepper. Sauté onions and pepper strips until barely tender in a bit more oil. (Alternatively, you may brush vegetables with oil and grill them.) Layer onions and peppers over eggplant. Season with salt and pepper. Cover with tomato sauce (or tomatoes) and basil. Top with cheese. Bake at 375 degrees, 45 minutes. This can easily be increased to feed a crowd. Summer squash can be substituted or used with eggplant. Serve with a big salad, fresh bread, and goat cheese. Makes 4 servings



1 medium onion, chopped; 1 tsp olive oil; 2 cloves garlic, minced; 1 eggplant, skin on, diced; 1 green pepper, cut julienne; 2 c chopped fresh tomatoes; Salt and black pepper, to taste; 1/4 tsp paprika; 1/4 tsp each dry basil, rosemary, & oregano; 1/4 c minced fresh parsley; 1 c water; 1 lb couscous

Cook onion until golden in olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute. Add eggplant and green pepper; cook and stir 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, paprika, basil, rosemary, oregano, parsley and water; stir. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes, stirring often. Mash eggplant, and then cook 30 minutes more.

Cook couscous according to package directions. Serve sauce over hot cooked couscous. Makes 6 servings



1 9-inch PIE CRUST

Filling: 2 3/4 cups cooked fresh, frozen, or dried apricots; 2 eggs; 3 tablespoons warmed honey; 1/8 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon lemon juice; 1/2 cup cooking liquid from apricots (or orange juice); dash of nutmeg

Crumbs: 1/4 cup whole wheat flour; 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon; 2 tablespoons soft butter; 1 tablespoon honey

Preheat oven to 450 F. Arrange cooked, drained apricots in pie shell. In a small bowl, beat eggs, add honey, salt, lemon juice, fruit liquid, and nutmeg. Pour mixture over apricots. Blend flour, cinnamon, and butter into crumbs. Add honey. Sprinkle over filling in pie shell and bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 3500 F. and bake 20 to 30 minutes longer, or until set in center. If using fresh apricots for this pie, cook only 3 to 5 minutes; frozen, about 7 minutes; and dried, about 15 minutes. Drain and reserve the liquid. Yield: 1 9-inch pie

Recipe from Naturally Delicious Desserts and Snacks.



3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar; 32 very small firm ripe apricots or 12 to 15 large ones; 1 egg; 3/4 cup cream or a mixture of cream and crème fraiche; 1 drop almond extract

Press the dough into a tart shell and freeze while you preheat the oven to 425°F. Set it on a sheet pan and bake until lightly colored~, about 25 minutes. Combine the 3/4 cup sugar and 11/2 cups water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and stir to dissolve the sugar. Halve the apricots. Crack several of the pits, remove the kernels, and add them to the syrup, Poach the apricots in 2 batches until barely tender when pierce~ with the tip of a knife. This may take only 1 or 2 minutes-they should hold their shape nicely and not turn into jam. Gently lift them into a colander placed over a bowl. When all are done, add the drained syrup back to the pan and continue boiling until it’s reduced~ by about half. (Sometimes I add a few lavender blossoms to the syrup and a few apricots when I have extra or they’re very ripe, the apricots turn translucent and give the syrup body and flavor,) Beat the egg and cream together with the almond extract and remaining tablespoon of sugar. Arrange the apricot halves in the tart shell, the cut sides facing u~ and slightly overlapping. Pour the custard over the fruit and bake until the cream is set and the edges of the fruit are browned, about 25 minutes. Brush a little of the reduced syrup over the fruit. When cool enough to handle, remove the tart from its rim and place it on a serving plate. It’s best served when still a little warm. Makes one 9inch tart; Recipe from Local Flavors.