Working together to grow thriving farms and communities

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between you and a local farm/farmer. As a CSA member, you pre-pay for a “share” of the growing season’s produce ahead of time in exchange for receiving a box of fresh produce that is washed, packed, and ready to prepare at regular intervals throughout the season. Some farms also offer CSAs for meat, milk, eggs, and other products produced on their land. At the Oles Family Farm, we’re proud to offer summer produce shares, winter produce shares and annual shares through our Promised Land CSA.

Our summer produce shares are almost sold out for the 2021 season. Please contact us if you are interested in a summer share at

Tending to rosemary

A CSA is a win-win situation:

  • Farmers receive a steady, fair wage for their work (as opposed to only being paid during the fall harvest). Because the nature of farming is fully dependent on weather and growing conditions, the CSA model allows the inherent risks that come with raising plants and animals to be dispersed over a larger group of members, who also share the rewards during plentiful seasons.
  • As a CSA member, you can rest assured knowing where your food came from, how it was grown, that it was picked at the peak of freshness (most often the same day you pick it up), and that your dollars are helping keep local family farms thriving.

As people become increasingly aware of the value of buying locally, the CSA model is growing: there are currently over 4,000 farms around the country that participate in community-supported agriculture.