Summer Share Four June 16/18th 2020

Posted by on Jun 16, 2020 in Uncategorized

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Farm News from Jane
The great e“scape” has begun. What I am referring to is the removal of the seed stalk (scape) from the garlic plant so that the bulb reaches its greatest yield. We had lots of hands today which made harvest go very quickly. The conversations and encouragement abounded! The morning passes so quickly…
The asparagus bunch is a bit lighter this week. We have to alternate between a newer and an older filed for weed control. Hopefully the yield will pick up again this week. Hopefully there will at least one more week of asparagus. Swiss chard and romaine lettuce will be coming soon and I peeked at the beets yesterday and although they are still small, they won’t be long before they make the share box. It always amazes me how fast a circle grows from 2 to 4 inches! Baby beets with greens would be a nice treat! We do like to share the nutritious greens when we are able to spend the time sorting and bunching. Later in the season when the harvest grows, we don’t have the time for that task. Then we trim the leaves and use the vegetable washer to speed up the process.
We are continuing to seed sweet corn and lettuces and this week we will also seed the next round of crucifers. These are all the cabbage family members: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Romanesco, and several varieties of cabbages. The winter squash will be transplanted later this week as they’re almost at that stage. Seeding, planting, transplanting is the summer cycle. Along with harvesting, weeding and perhaps this week watering because there is no immediate rain in the forecast. We have sometimes called it “irritation” instead of irrigation because it has own variety of intricacies. Any time machines are involved there can be “issues” but I guess that’s the same with us people; we have our own quirks or intricacies!
The new moon is this coming week just before the solstice so the dark night skies will bring lots of stars into view. Take time to take in all the beauty especially with the warm, balmy evenings. I am sure that there are a lot of happy kids as the school season is almost over. Enjoy the beginning of summer as we await the summer produce! Thanks for partnering with us, Jane

Produce:   Salad greens   Asparagus   Green Garlic   Garlic scapes   Scallions   Cabbage

Produce tips:
– Garlic scapes are the long thin green stalk that we remove from the garlic stem while it is growing. Removing this stalk which produces seed allows all the plant’s energy to bulb growth. Slice for use in salads or sautés or grill/roast whole as a side dish for your entrée. They’re great with the asparagus or the pesto recipe is really good!
– If you still have your head lettuce from last week; it’s great grilled.
– Scallions are green onions; use them in salads or grill them with your meat.

Radishes; Greens; 1-1/2 t butter; 1-1/2 T chopped garlic scapes; 1-1/2 T chopped fresh chives; salt and pepper Trim and quarter radish bulbs. Heat butter in a large skillet over medium-high flame. Add quartered radishes and cook, stirring often, 2 minutes. Stir in greens, garlic scapes and chive, and cook until wilted, another 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Makes as many servings as desired, use more or less radishes and greens.

1/2 cup butter; 2 garlic scapes, minced; 1 Tablespoon parsley; 1/2 teaspoon oregano
Soften butter to room temperature. Combine other ingredients, mixing well. Use with meats, breads, and vegetables. Yields 1/2 cup

8 oz. scapes cut in 1 in. pieces and processed with 1 cup Olive oil, 2 cups Parmesan cheese and ½ cup lemon juice.

2/3 c. salad oil; 1/4 c. wine vinegar; 1 tsp. sugar; 3/4 tsp. salt; 3/4 tsp. dry mustard; Dash freshly ground pepper; 1 garlic scape, minced
In a screw-top jar, combine all ingredients; shake well. Chill thoroughly before serving. Makes about 1 cup

1/3 cup sesame or olive oil; 1 teaspoon minced garlic, pressed to a paste; 1-2 teaspoons grated fresh gingerroot or 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger; dash of cayenne; 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice; 1 teaspoon sesame seeds; 1 tablespoon chopped green onion, salad greens or Chinese cabbage
Mix all ingredients (except greens); toss with greens. This is also good with Napa cabbage, bok choy, snow peas, or cucumbers. Makes 1/2 cup dressing. Recipe from Oak Ridge Farm

2 C. cabbage, chopped; l C. onion, sliced; l C. celery slices; 1 C. peas; l C. thin sliced carrots; 2 C. creamed corn; 1 stick butter; 21/2-3cps milk; 1 tsp salt; 1/4tsp pepper; 1 tsp thyme; 1/4tsp garlic powder or fresh garlic to taste; 11/2-2cps shredded cheddar cheese.
Sauté cabbage, onions, celery, peas, and carrots in butter until tender, stirring frequently. Add milk and seasonings. Heat over low; add cheese, stirring until melted.

1 large cabbage; 1 large bay leaf; 3 whole cloves; 1 clove garlic; 2 cups beef broth; 3 tbs. grated onion; 4 tbs. butter; 1 tbs. curry powder; 6 tbs. flour; salt and cayenne pepper; 2 cups milk; 1/2 cup grated Gouda cheese
Shred cabbage. Rinse in a colander with lukewarm water. Make a bouquet garni of bay leaf, whole cloves and garlic. Place cabbage, broth and bouquet garni (in a spice bag if available) in a large kettle. Bring to boil. Cook gently 10 minutes, or until cabbage is tender. Melt butter in another saucepan. Add curry powder and cook gently 1 minute. Remove pan from heat. Stir in flour and season to taste with salt and cayenne. Carefully blend in milk. Return to heat and stir constantly until sauce boils. Drain cabbage well and discard spices. Combine cabbage and sauce. Pour into buttered casserole. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in 475°F oven 15 minutes or until top bubbles and is nicely browned. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

¼ cup butter; 1 tsp caraway seeds, crushed; 1 tsp. salt; 2 tbsp water; 6 c. coarsely shredded cabbage
Melt butter in saucepan. Add remaining ingredients. Steam until cabbage is tender, about 10 minutes. Stir to combine. Makes 4 servings.

3 cups coarsely chopped green cabbage, 2 ½ C vegetable broth, 1 14.5 can diced tomatoes, 3 carrots, 3 stalks of celery, 1 onion chopped, 2 cloves garlic, 2 T apple cider vinegar, 1 T lemon juice, 2 tsp. dried sage
Combine cabbage, vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sage in a multi-functional pressure cooker (such as Instant Pot(R)). Close and lock the lid. Select high pressure according to manufacturer’s instructions; set timer for 15 minutes. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for pressure to build. Release pressure using the natural-release method according to manufacturer’s instructions, 10 to 40 minutes. Unlock and remove lid. Recipe from

2t minced garlic, 2T olive oil, 1/2C balsamic vinegar, 1-2T brown sugar, 4 C shredded red cabbage, one 14.5 ounce can chopped tomatoes, preferably fire-roasted, kosher salt, black pepper, protein of choice In a large skillet cook the garlic in the oil over medium heat, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the vinegar and sugar and cook, stirring until the sugar is melted. Add the cabbage, tomatoes and ½ t salt and bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover tightly and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cabbage is very tender, about 30 minutes. If there is still a lot of liquid in the pan, increase the heat to medi8um high and simmer uncovered, until most of the liquid is reduced. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serves four.

Medium size head of cabbage, 2 1/2 lbs. lean ground beef 90/10, 1/2 lbs. cooked bacon coarsely chopped, 1 med white onion, 1/2 cup Italian flavored bread crumbs, 1/2 -3/4 cup white rice; cooked, 1-2 eggs, 1 family sized and 1 10 oz can of tomato soup, salt and pepper to taste, Preheat oven 375 degrees. Coarsely shred the cabbage it thick long pieces and set aside. Cook bacon in the oven, allow to cool, coarsely chop and set aside.
Dice onion and set aside. Cook rice and allow to cool and set aside. For convenience, I used a boil in the bag type of rice. In a large bowl, add meat, bread crumbs, onion, bacon, rice, egg and salt and pepper. Start by only using one egg. If the mixture seems too dry, then add the second egg. In a 9X9 pan, place a layer of the shredded cabbage so that the bottom of the pan is completely covered. Add the meat mixture on top of the cabbage and press into the shape of the pan. Add another layer of cabbage to cover the meat mixture. Pour the family sized can of tomato soup over the top of the cabbage to cover completely. Reserve the smaller can to add additional soup while baking in the oven. Add salt and pepper over the top. Cover with aluminum foil. Place pan on top of a cookie sheet and put in a 375 preheated oven. Cook for approximately 1 hour 45 minutes -2 hours. Recipe from

DRESSING: 1 garlic scape, very finely chopped; 6 scallions, white parts only, finely chopped (reserve greens for salad); 6 Tbsp. lime juice; 1 tsp. salt; freshly ground black pepper; 1/4 cup vegetable oil; 3 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill
SALAD: 1/3 cup finely chopped onion; 2 Tsp. vegetable oil; 2/3 cup each fish or chicken stock, water, and couscous; 1 lb. asparagus, sliced diagonally into 1/3-inch slices, reserve tips; l/3 lb. cooked small shrimp
In a small bowl mix the garlic, scallions, lime juice, salt, and pepper. Set aside. In a medium saucepan sauté the onions in oil over medium heat for about 4 minutes. Add the stock and water. Bring to a boil, then stir in the couscous, remove from heat, and cover. After 5 minutes, fluff with a fork and allow to stand 5 more minutes, then fluff again. Transfer to a large dish and refrigerate. As other ingredients are readied, remove and fluff every 10 minutes. Blanch the asparagus until tender but crisp. Place into iced water for 2 minutes, drain and set on towels to absorb extra moisture. Whip the oil into dressing with a fork, then stir in the dill. Mix the asparagus, radishes, green onions, shrimp, and dressing into the couscous. Serve over a lettuce leaf base, garnishing with the asparagus tips.

1 lb. ground beef; 1/4 lb. sliced mushrooms; 1 10 0Z. can cream of mushroom soup; 1/2 tsp. basil; 3/4 lb. thinly sliced cooked asparagus; 4-5 thinly sliced green onions; 1/4 cup milk
Brown the ground beef and mushrooms in medium skillet. Drain fat. Add mushroom soup, basil, asparagus, green onions, and milk. Lower temperature to simmer. Cook 6-8 minutes or until heated through. Serve over toasted hamburger buns, rice, or noodles.

2 tbsp butter or margarine; 2 tbsp flour; 1/2 cups milk; 1/2 cups chicken broth; 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced; 1/2 tbsp minced onion; 1/2 tsp salt; 1/8 tsp pepper; 2 cups cooked asparagus, cut in 1 1/2″ pieces; 3 hamburger buns, split and toasted; 4 slices bacon, chopped, fried crisp and drained
Melt butter in saucepan; blend in flour. Add milk and broth; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick and bubbly. Add eggs, onion, salt, pepper and asparagus. Heat thoroughly. Serve on toasted bun halves. Sprinkle bacon over top. Makes 3 servings.

1 or more tsp bottled garlic chile paste; 3 tbsp soy sauce; 3 tbsp bottled oyster sauce; 1 tbsp sherry; 1/2-pound lean roasted boneless pork or baked tofu, sliced; 1-2 tbsp peanut oil; 1/2-pound asparagus; 1/2-pound Swiss chard; 1/2-pound spring onions and or scapes; cooked brown rice
Combine chile paste, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sherry in bowl. Add roast pork or tofu and toss to coat. Let stand while you prepare the vegetables: Remove tough ends from the asparagus and peel the stalks. Cut the asparagus diagonally into 3-inch pieces. Cut the Swiss chard and onions and scapes thinly on the diagonal. Heat a wok or large heavy skillet over highest flame for several minutes. Add a little of the oil and swirl to coat inside of pan. Stir-fry each type of vegetable separately, about 3 minutes for each type. When 1 type is done, remove it to a bowl and reheat the pan with a little more oil before adding the next vegetable. When all 3 types are done, stir-fry the pork, to heat through. Return all the vegetables to the pan, stir-fry to heat through, and serve over brown rice. Makes 4 servings. Recipe from MACSAC


8 ounces asparagus, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces; 2 large oranges; 3-4 romaine lettuce leaves, shredded (2 ounces); 2 tablespoons olive oil; 1/2 teaspoon sherry vinegar; salt and freshly ground black pepper
Cook the asparagus in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes, until just tender. Drain and refresh under cold water. Grate the zest from half an orange and reserve. Peel both the oranges and cut into segments. Squeeze out the juice from the membrane and reserve the juice. Put the asparagus, orange segments and lettuce into a salad bowl. Mix together the oil and vinegar and add 1 tablespoon of the reserved orange juice and 1 teaspoon of the zest. Season the dressing with salt and pepper. Just before serving, pour the dressing over the salad and mix gently to coat. Serves 4 Recipe from Vegetarian the best ever recipe collection.

 Ingredients for 4 persons: 9 ounces of risotto rice (Arborio type), 6 stalks of fresh rhubarb, cut in pieces, and skin removed, 10 asparagus including tips and the most tender parts, 5 scallions (or green garlic), 2 tsp pink pepper
1 glass dry white wine (use the rest to drink when serving the risotto) see note1. 8 ounces of cream cheese (originally it calls for Robiola) see note 2. Vegetarian bouillon, follow recipe on the box, 1 tablespoon of butter. Steam the asparagus tips and the most tender parts, or just blanch them for 1 minute. Sauté at medium heat the chopped scallions and the butter. When the scallions are wilted, add the rice and stir it gently so that the butter coats the rice. Add the wine, and let the alcohol evaporate. Finish cooking the rice as directed by substituting the vegetarian broth for water as needed.

2 T unsalted butter, 6 scallions (green onions) or green garlic, 4 C chicken broth, 1# small red potatoes, 1# asparagus cut into ¼ in slices on a bias, 1bunch of spinach or Swiss chard stem removed and torn, 2 C fresh or frozen peas, salt and pepper, 2 T fresh dill or cilantro. In a large pot, melt butter over medium heat. Add green onions or garlic whites and cook until softened about 4 minutes. Add broth, 4 C water, and potatoes to pot. Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender, about 12 minutes. Add asparagus and cook 3 more minutes. Stir in chard or spinach and peas and cook until wilted and peas are heated through, about 1 more minute. Season with salt and pepper and stir in dill or cilantro and scallion greens before ladling into bowls.  Recipe form Sarah Carey editor in chief of Everyday Food

1 lb. asparagus, 1 stalk rhubarb, sliced, 1 shallot, minced, 1 Tbsp + 1-2 tsp olive oil, divided, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, 2 Tbsp sugar, Salt and pepper Preheat the oven to 4000.Trim the woody ends off the asparagus. Peel the bottom third of the asparagus. Toss the asparagus in 1 Tbsp olive oil and place in oven safe dish in a single layer. Roast for 10 minutes, or until the tips are starting to crisp and the stalks are tender when pierced with a fork. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over medium heat, add the remaining 1-2 tsp olive oil (just approximating is fine here). Sauté the shallots for 3-4 minutes or until softened. Add the rhubarb, balsamic, sugar, and a bit of salt and pepper. Cook, stirring regularly for 5-7 minutes, or until the mixture has thickened and the rhubarb is soft. Process the mix in a food processor or blender until smooth. Serve over or alongside the asparagus.

12 oz whole wheat rotini, 5 T extra virgin olive oil, divided, 2 C sliced leeks, white and light green parts only, 1-pound asparagus. Trimmed and cut into ½ “pieces, 2 cloves garlic, minced, 1 ½ C peas, fresh or frozen (thawed), 5T all-purpose flour, 4 C milk, 2 t dry mustard, 1 t slat, ½ t ground pepper, 2 C shredded Gruyere or Fontina cheese, 1 T chopped fresh tarragon, 2/3 C whole wheat panko bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 3750. Coat a 9×13 pan baking dish with cooking spray. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook pasta for 2 minutes less than the package directions. Reserve ½ C of the cooking water, then drain and rinse the pasta. Transfer to a large bowl. Meanwhile, heat 1T oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add leeks; cook, stirring occasionally, until very tender, 6-8 minutes. Add asparagus and garlic; cook, stirring, until the asparagus is tender-crisp, 2-4 minutes. Add peas; cook 1 minute more. Transfer to the bowl with the pasta. Add 2 T oil to the pan and return to medium heat. Sprinkle in flour; cook whisking, until it starts to brown, 2-3 minutes. Whisking constantly, slowly pour in milk, then the reserved water, mustard, salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and cook, whisking until the sauce thickens, 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat; whisk in cheese and tarragon. Pour over the pasta mixture and stir until coated. Transfer to the prepared baking dish. Combine breadcrumbs and the remaining 2 T oil in a small bowl and sprinkle over the casserole. Bake until steaming hot, 30-35 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Serves 8; recipe from Eating Well magazine.

2 bunches asparagus (about 2 pounds). Trimmed, 2 T olive oil divided, ¼ t salt, ¼ t pepper, ¼ C grated parmesan cheese, 1/3 C whole-wheat panko bread crumbs, 3 T toasted hazelnuts, chopped, 2 t lemon zest
Positions racks in center and upper levels of oven; preheat to 4250. Toss asparagus, 1 T oil, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Spread out on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast in the center of the oven until tender, 10 -12 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the remaining 1 T oil with the parmesan, breadcrumbs, hazelnuts, and lemon zest. Remove the asparagus form the oven. Turn the broiler to high. Sprinkle the topping on the asparagus. Broil in the upper third of the oven until lightly crisped, 1-2 minutes.
Serves 4; recipe from Eating Well magazine

3 slices bacon; 1 1/2 Tbsp red wine vinegar; 1/2 T lemon juice; 1 Tbsp water; 1 tsp sugar; 1/4 tsp ground black pepper; 4 c leaf lettuce – washed, dried and torn into bite-sized pieces; 3 green onions, thinly sliced; 1 hard-cooked egg (optional)
Cook bacon over medium high heat until evenly brown. Remove from skillet, crumble and set aside. Reserve drippings. Combine lettuce and green onions in large bowl. To the hot bacon drippings, add vinegar, lemon juice, water, sugar and pepper. Stir over medium heat until hot and sugar is dissolved.  Add warm dressing and toss to evenly coat. Sprinkle with bacon. If desired, garnish with egg. Serve immediately. Makes 3 servings

In a screw-top jar combine ¼-1/3 cup of coarse grain mustard, ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup lemon juice, ¼ cup honey and 2 cloves of garlic, minced. Cover and shake well. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Shake well before serving. Recipe from the Betty Crocker Cookbook

Mix ¼ cup honey, ¼ cup creamy peanut butter and 1 T. lemon juice. Makes ½ cup dressing
Recipe form Betty Crocker Cookbook

3 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces, 1medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup), 1tablespoon Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour, 1tablespoon sugar, 1/2teaspoon salt, dash pepper, 1/2cup water, 1/4cup white or cider vinegar
Cook onion in bacon fat in skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until tender. Stir in flour, sugar, salt, celery seed and pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is bubbly; remove from heat. Stir water and vinegar into onion mixture. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute; remove from heat. Stir in potatoes and bacon.