Summer Share Ten July 30th/Aug. 1st 2019

Posted by on Jul 30, 2019 in Uncategorized

Important information:

  • This is an even biweekly share distribution.
  • Please return all share boxes weekly.
  • The blueberries this season are not sufficient to pick for shares so we are opening our small “patch” to members. There will be a you-pick blueberry event on Saturday August 3rd for members only. Of course, please do bring your kids along. Details follow: This Saturday only; 10-1 pm rain or shine. The CSA farm is located at 2112 County Line Rd. Alden. Please come via Rt. 33 (Genesee St.) or Rt. 20 (Broadway). GPS directions are not necessarily helpful. Bring containers to pick into and please leave ALL pets at home. Park in the grassy area to the left of the barn and come into the barn for directions.

Farm News form Jane
The cicadas are singing! I first noticed them the Saturday before last as I was picking some raspberries. The summer heat brings their song of joy or perhaps it’s a “love song”. I had to find the details so “hear” it is… As soon as the temperature rises above 28 °C (82.8 Fahrenheit) the air begins to vibrate with their song, one of the loudest any insect can produce. Some cicada songs can reach up to 120 dB, as loud as a power saw or a motorcycle. Whether you call it noise or music, the cicada song is a love call. to me it’s the sound of summer, (not a lawn mower)! Coincidentally, I also noticed a small flock of little birds swooping and diving around the tomatoes when I was trellising that same day. I am not an amateur “birder” or bird watcher so I can’t tell you the species. Hopefully they were enjoying some of the insects that we don’t enjoy on our veggies! They were friendly enough to perch close to me on the tomato stakes; pretty little gray things… I so enjoy seeing other creatures while I work outside; especially when I am alone and take the time to stop- and “smell the roses”. I am not especially good at that. I tend to be a very single focused worker; “head down and nose to the grindstone” type of girl. But life is too short not to enjoy all of the beauty that surrounds us.
And now on to the vegetable segment of the newscast… The first of the sweet corn is here! As I write this we have not as yet picked so I don’t know how many fears for the first week. We’ll pick in the morning fresh each day of distribution as much as possible. Occasionally, we have to pick ahead as it sometimes comes to maturity too quickly and we don’t want to see any of go to waste! And we also have pulled sweet onions to go with the peppers. As soon as the tomatoes are ready for harvest, we’ll be in full summer harvest mode. When we operated our roadside market there were a few favorites people shopped especially for in summer; cucumbers, sweet corn, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers. The first comment from an older gentleman would be, “Oh Honey; now we can have stuffed peppers! Not my fave but everyone has their own preferences. Fried with onions and peppers with a good steak or hamburger and I’m satisfied. So, we almost “have it all” for summer favorite fare. Tomatoes soon…
Take a look at the stars this week as the new moon is here on Friday. If it’s clear the sky will be lit up for miles around. Enjoy the fruits of our labor and the beauty of the season, until August, Jane

Produce:   Walla Walla onions   Cucumbers   Zucchini & Yellow squash   Green Bell peppers
New red potatoes   Swiss chard   Burgundy beans   Sweet corn

Fruit Share:   Sweet cherries   Apricots   Plums (red or yellow)
*See recipes for fruit including last week’s tart cherries 

Produce tips:
– Sweet corn is of course not sprayed for pests. Sometimes there is a “hole” in the husk where an “intruder” made a home. If this is at the tip of the ear just cut of the end of the ear (if these things bother you). It is the sweetest corn variety that we have ever grown; ENJOY!!!
– Burgundy beans are SO beautiful; unfortunately, they lose their color when they are heated… They are still very delicious and nutritious!
– New potatoes cooking tips: New potatoes are classically served simply boiled and buttered: Cover the new potatoes with cool water and bring everything to a boil. Add enough salt to make the water taste a bit salty (this is how the potatoes get seasoned, so don’t be stingy!). Cook, gently boiling, until the potatoes are fully tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the potatoes, shaking off as much water as possible. Transfer the potatoes to a serving dish and top with pats of butter. Gently toss to melt the butter and coat the new potatoes simultaneously. Sprinkle with chopped parsley or other green herbs, if you like.
– Sweet corn should be placed in a pot of briskly boiling water and when the boil returns take them out. Sweet corn can also be eaten raw so please don’t cook away all the flavor by boiling it 5-10 minutes like grandma did. And you don’t need to put salt or sugar in the pot either! It’s perfect with a bit of salt added before eating.


You can vary the vegetables for this summery grilled meal according to what available- baby eggplant, patty pan squashes, or any color of sweet bell pepper.
1/3 cup defatted lower-sodium chicken broth; 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar; 2 teaspoons olive oil; 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/2 teaspoon black pepper; 1 1/2 pounds top round steak, cut about 1 inch thick; Vegetable oil spray; 8 branches fresh oregano, plus additional for garnish; 1 zucchini (about 8 ounces), cut into long diagonal slices; 1 yellow crookneck squash (about 8 ounces), cut into long diagonal slices; 1 large red onion, cut into crosswise slices about 1/4 inch thick; 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 6 slices; 1 small yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into 6 slices; 8 ounces Italian bread, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices In a small bowl, whisk together the broth, vinegar, oil, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. Spoon 2 tablespoons of the marinade into a shallow dish just large enough to hold the meat. Place the meat in the marinade, turn to coat completely, and set aside in a cool room for I hour or refrigerate for up to 8 hours, turning occasionally. Prepare a medium-hot barbecue fire. Make sure the grill rack is well seasoned coat it with vegetable oil spray. Soak the oregano branches in water for 10 minutes. Brush the cut vegetables with some of the marinade. Distribute the oregano branches over the hot coals. Grill the meat and vegetables, turning once or twice and brushing more of the marinade. Cook the vegetables until they are tender and lightly charred at edges, 5 to 7 minutes. Grill the meat until it is cooked the way you like it, 7 to 8 minutes medium- rare, a few minutes longer for well-done. Brush the bread lightly with the remaining marinade and grill until lightly 30 seconds to 1 minute per side. Let the meat rest for 5 minutes, then slice thinly across the grain. Heap the vegetables onto the grilled bread, and serve the meat alongside, garnished with the oregano. Makes 6 servings

Bell peppers; low-fat cheese Using tongs or long-handled fork, hold whole pepper over open flame, turning occasionally, until skin blisters all around. Cool and peel off skin. Open pepper from top carefully; remove seeds and core. Fill with low-fat cheese, and pop in low oven until cheese melts and conforms to shape of pepper. Chill overnight. Slice pepper; serve with other vegetables or use in a sandwich. Makes any number of servings.

4 ears sweet com; 1 green bell pepper, diced; 1 red bell pepper, diced; 1/4 cup diced red onion; 2 tablespoons slivered basil; 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar; 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard; 1/2 cup olive oil; salt and pepper Husk com and boil or grill until crisp-tender. Cool and slice off the kernels. Place com in bowl with sweet peppers, onions; and basil. Whisk balsamic vinegar and mustard in a small bowl, then slowly whisk in olive oil a little at a time. Toss with the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Makes 4 servings.

2 pounds green beans, stem ends snipped off; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 medium onions, sliced as thinly as possible; 1 cup chicken stock; 1/2 tablespoons sugar; 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar; salt and pepper to taste Cook beans in boiling salted water until crisp-tender, 2-4 minutes. Drain; immerse in ice water. Drain again and let stand to dry. Melt butter in skillet over medium flame. Stir in onions and cook them slowly until very wilted and deepened in color, about 15 minutes. Boil stock in a saucepan until reduced to 1/4 cup; stir in sugar and vinegar. Stir in onions. Simmer until slightly reduced. Combine onions and green beans; heat through. Season with salt and pepper. Makes 8 servings.

2 lbs. potatoes, scrubbed; 1 lb. fresh green beans, washed and trimmed; 1 Tbsp olive oil; 1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch cubes; 3/4 c prepared pesto sauce
Bring pot of water to boil. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes in half-length wise, then cut them crosswise in 1/2-inch slices. Add potatoes to boiling water, cover and return to boiling; cook 3 minutes. Add green beans to pot with potatoes and cook 4 minutes; vegetables should be firm. Drain and set aside. In the same pot, heat olive oil over high heat and cook the chicken, stirring, 6 minutes or until meat is cooked through. Remove from heat; stir in pesto sauce. Stir in potatoes and green beans. Makes 8 serving

1 lb. fresh beans; 2 tablespoons butter; 3 tablespoons whole wheat flour; 1/2 cup milk; 1/2 onion, grated; 1/2 tablespoon honey; 1/3 teaspoon salt; 1/8 teaspoon pepper; 1 1/2 cups yogurt; 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced; 1/2 lb. Swiss cheese, slivered or grated; 1/4 cup wheat germ; 1 tablespoon oil
Cook green beans according to preferred method. Drain if necessary. In a saucepan, melt butter, add flour, stirring until blended, and then add milk. Continue to cook, stirring until thickened. Add grated onion, honey, seasonings and yogurt. Mix until smooth. Remove from heat. Preheat oven to 350°F. Make a layer of green beans in a casserole, then a layer of sliced hard-cooked eggs and then a layer of cheese. Pour sauce over top, poking casserole with a fork to be sure sauce seeps down into all the layers. Sprinkle with wheat germ which has been mixed with a little oil. Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or until sauce is bubbling and cheese is melted. Be careful not to overcook because eggs left too long in the oven can become rubbery. Serve hot. Yield: 4 to 6 servings

2 tbsp vinegar; 1/2 tbsp lemon juice; 1/2 tsp celery seeds; 1 tbsp sugar; 3/4 tsp salt; 1/8 tsp pepper; 1 tbsp chopped onion; 1 ½ cup sliced peeled cucumbers (1 medium); Chopped parsley (optional)
Combine vinegar, lemon juice, celery seeds, sugar, salt, pepper and onion. Pour over cucumbers. Chill thoroughly. Serve topped with chopped parsley, if desired. Makes1 1/2 cups.

1 large cucumber; 1/2 cup thick sour cream; 1-1/2 tbsp cider vinegar; 1 tbsp chopped chives; 3/4 tsp salt; 1/8 tsp. white pepper; hard-cooked egg yolk
Rinse and pare cucumber. Score 1/8-inch-deep by drawing tines of a fork lengthwise over entire surface. Cut into thin slices. Combine sour cream, vinegar, chives, salt and pepper. Pour over cucumber slices. Toss lightly to coat evenly. Chill thoroughly. Garnish with finely grated, hard-cooked egg yolk. Makes 4 servings.

2 (3 oz.) pkgs. lime flavor gelatin; 2 c. hot water; 1/4 c. vinegar; 1/2 tsp. salt; 2 tbsps. Grated onion; 2 c. grated or finely chopped peeled cucumbers; 1 c. mayonnaise
Dissolve gelatin in hot water; add vinegar and cool until slightly thickened. Meanwhile, add salt to grated onion and cucumbers. Mix well and drain off excess juice. Beat thickened gelatin with rotary beater until fluffy. Fold in cucumber· onion mixture and mayonnaise. Blend thoroughly. Pour into lightly oiled 2-qt. ring mold. Chill several hours or overnight. Makes 12 servings.

Roast 3 T. whole almonds and coarsely crush. Meanwhile, trim the ends off 1 lb. summer squash (a mix of green and yellow). Using a vegetable peeler, thinly slice the squash lengthwise into strips and transfer to a large bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 ½ ^T. extra-virgin olive oil, 2T. fresh lemon juice, 1 minced garlic clove, and kosher salt to taste. Pour dressing over squash. Let stand a few minutes, then add a few handfuls of baby arugula. Shave a little Pecorino over the squash and toss. Season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish with crushed almonds. Serves 4. Recipe from Bon appétit magazine.

2-3 tbsp olive oil and maybe some butter, 1 medium onion, sliced or chopped 2 garlic cloves, sliced or crushed, your choice, 6-9 medium zucchini or summer squash, or a mix, 4 cups broth, sour cream, for garnish
*You’ll need a blender or an immersion blender for this. Because you will be blending everything smooth, it doesn’t matter how well you slice or chop the vegetables—great, right? But large chunks still probably aren’t a good idea because that will affect cooking time. What I’m saying is: do a mediocre job at chopping, but not a sloppy one. In a large pot over medium heat, cook the onions and garlic in the olive oil and/or butter until they’re brown. It sounds pretentious but, if you are patient and cook the onion until it’s really brown and delicious, that taste will infiltrate the rest of your soup and it’s totally worth the extra time. Add zucchini and summer squash, toss with the onions. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Once boiling, cover, lower heat to a simmer, and cook 10 minutes, until zucchini is tender. Let cool to lukewarm and blend. Serve lukewarm or cold. Garnish with sour cream—it’s kind of great because the soup is somehow, mysteriously, creamy and the sour cream adds a nice tanginess.

1T. canola oil, 1+1/4 lbs. zucchini (2-3), halved lengthwise and sliced, 1 medium onion. Chopped, 1 4 oz. can diced green chiles, drained, ¼ t. salt, ½ C. extra sharp Cheddar cheese
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and onion; stir to coat. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until very soft and lightly browned, 12-15 minutes. Stir in chiles and salt; cook until heated through, 1 minute more. Transfer to a medium bowl. Mash with a potato masher until chunky. Not completely smooth. Stir in cheese and serve immediately. Serves 4 about 2/3 c. each

1 bunch Swiss chard, cleaned; 1 tablespoon peanut oil; 1 tablespoon minced garlic scapes; 1 tablespoon soy sauce; freshly ground black pepper
Cut off and discard thick stem ends of chard. Cut out ribs; chop ribs into 2-inch pieces; set aside in a pile. Stack the leaves in small piles; coarsely chop them. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high flame. Add ribs; toss and cook 1 1/2 minutes. Add leaves and garlic; continue to cook, tossing often, until chard begins to wilt, 2-3 minutes. Stir in soy sauce; cook until chard is tender, 1-3 minutes longer. Add pepper to taste. Serve immediately. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from MACSAC

1/2 onion, chopped; 1 garlic clove, minced; 1 tbsp oil; 1 bunch Swiss chard; 3 eggs; 1/2 cup shredded cheese; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1 pie crust
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Brown onion and garlic in oil. Trim and chop chard, add to pan, and cook down until wilted. Beat eggs in a bowl; mix in cheese, salt, and chard mixture. Pour into pie crust; bake until knife inserted into center comes out clean, 30-40 minutes. Makes 1 pie. Recipe from Susanna Trucke, Dog Hollow Farm

1 tablespoon butter; 1/2 teaspoon dried ground thyme; 1 teaspoon chili oil (or substitute vegetable oil with a little crushed red pepper); 3/4 cup cooked sweet corn; 3 sprigs fresh oregano, torn up (or other fresh herbs except mint); 1 baking potato, or 3-4 small red potatoes, thin-sliced; 1 leek or small onion, finely chopped; 1/2 teaspoon paprika; salt and pepper; grated Parmesan (optional); 1/2 pound fresh spinach, chard or other mild-flavored greens, washed and stemmed
Heat butter and chili oil in large nonstick skillet over medium flame. Add potatoes and leeks or onions, and season well with salt and pepper. (You may also partially cook the potatoes first in salted water until nearly tender before frying them.) Let the potatoes brown lightly in the pan on one side for several minutes. Toss potatoes, season with more salt and pepper, and let them brown lightly again. When potatoes are almost tender, toss in greens and thyme, then add a little less than 1/4 cup water, cover the pan, and raise heat to high. Let steam until greens are nearly done, 1-2 minutes. Uncover, add corn, oregano, and paprika, and allow potatoes to finish cooking and browning. Season to taste and top with Parmesan, if desired. Serve with fried eggs if you like. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from Morn Rosenbloom

2 lbs. potatoes, scrubbed; 1 lb. fresh green beans, washed and trimmed; 1 Tbsp olive oil; 1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch cubes; 3/4 c prepared pesto sauce
Bring pot of water to boil. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes in half-length wise, then cut them crosswise in 1/2-inch slices. Add potatoes to boiling water, cover and return to boiling; cook 3 minutes. Add green beans to pot with potatoes and cook 4 minutes; vegetables should be firm. Drain and set aside. In the same pot, heat olive oil

over high heat and cook the chicken, stirring, 6 minutes or until meat is cooked through. Remove from heat; stir in pesto sauce. Stir in potatoes and green beans. Makes 8 servings

3 medium potatoes (to make 1 1/2 cups mashed); 1/3 cup butter, softened; 2 cups mixed, chopped, cooked vegetables; 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese; 2 eggs; 1 can (5.3 ounces) evaporated milk; 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/8 teaspoon pepper; 1 cup bread cube (optional)
Cook potatoes in boiling water until tender; drain. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mash hot potatoes with butter. Line bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate with potato mixture. Spread vegetables over potatoes; sprinkle cheese over vegetables. Beat eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in bowl. Pour over quiche; top with bread cubes, if desired. Bake 40-50 minutes. Makes 8 servings. Recipe from Crystal lake Gardens

1-pound red potatoes, cut in 11/2- inch pieces; 1-4 cloves garlic, chopped; 3-4 T of your favorite fresh herb: Chopped parsley, rosemary, thyme, fennel, dill, etc.; 3-4 T oil; salt and pepper to taste
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat potatoes with other ingredients and spread out on a shallow baking dish. Roast until tender, 40-45 minutes. Makes 2-4 servings. Recipe from Patricia Schindler

2 cups fresh or canned pitted sour cherries, drained; 1/4 cup sugar; 2 tablespoon Chambord liqueur; 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest; 1 box Jiffy corn muffin mix; 1 large egg; 3/4 cup milk; 2 tablespoons melted butter, plus additional butter for cooking the cakes
Combine the cherries, sugar, Chambord, and lemon zest. Let sit for about an hour or longer. Combine the muffin mix, egg, milk, and melted butter. The batter will be thick. In a cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium heat, heat about 1 tablespoon butter until the butter is bubbling. Drop about 4 cups of the batter into the skillet for each corn cake. Spoon the cherries onto the wet side of the corn cakes. The corn batter is a little thicker than pancake batter and will not bubble through as much when it is ready to be flipped. Lift up an edge and peek underneath; when it is golden brown, flip it over. Make sure the batter is cooked all the way through, particularly around the cherries. The fruit will burn easily, so you may have to flip the cakes back and forth until they are done. Serves 2. Recipe from The Café Pongo Cookbook.

3 c pitted sour cherries; 1/2 c sugar; 1 Tbsp cooking tapioca; 1 Tbsp butter, melted; For topping: 1 c flour; 1 c sugar; 1/2 tsp salt; 1 egg; 4 Tbsp butter, softened
In bowl, combine cherries, sugar, tapioca and butter. Stir until well-blended. Spoon into buttered 71/2- by 11 3/4-inch baking dish. Prepare topping: Stir together flour, sugar, salt, egg and butter until crumbly. If desired, use pastry blender to blend in butter. Distribute over top of fruit. Bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes

1 9-inch pie crust; Filling: 2 3/4 cups cooked fresh, frozen, or dried apricots; 2 eggs; 3 tablespoons warmed honey; 1/8 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon lemon juice; 1/2 cup cooking liquid from apricots (or orange juice); dash of nutmeg; Crumb: 1/4 cup whole wheat flour; 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon; 2 tablespoons soft butter; 1 tablespoon honey
Preheat oven to 450 F. Arrange cooked, drained apricots in pie shell. In a small bowl, beat eggs, add honey, salt, lemon juice, fruit liquid, and nutmeg. Pour mixture over apricots. Blend flour, cinnamon, and butter into crumbs. Add honey. Sprinkle over filling in pie shell and bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 3500 F. and bake 20 to 30 minutes longer, or until set in center. If using fresh apricots for this pie, cook only 3 to 5 minutes; frozen, about 7 minutes; and dried, about 15 minutes. Drain and reserve the liquid. Yield: 1 9-inch pie Recipe from Naturally Delicious Desserts and Snacks.

1+1/2 pounds apricots; 1/2 cup orange juice; 1/2 cup sugar
Blanch apricots in boiling water. Peel and de-stone. Place in blender with l/2 cup water. Process until almost smooth. Combine with orange juice and sugar in medium saucepan. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, until mixture thickens. Cool. Serve as ice-cream, shortcake, yam, or sweet-potato topping; as ham, fowl, or pork glaze; mixed into cold fruit salads; or as cake filling. Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand.

12-16 apricots; 1 cinnamon stick; 1/2 cup sugar; 2 tablespoons honey; 2 teaspoons cinnamon
Blanch apricots in boiling water. Peel and de-stone. Place apricots in sterilized quart jar with cinnamon stick. Melt sugar, honey, and cinnamon in 1 cup water. Pour over fruit, leaving l/2-inch space at top of jar. Seal per canning instructions. Serve as dessert or as cold side dish with pork or poultry. Recipe from The Fruit and Vegetable Stand.

2 1/2 pounds ripe apricots; 1 pound sweet cherries or pie cherries; 2 tablespoons sugar; l 1/2 tablespoons minute tapioca; 1/8 teaspoon almond extract
Crisp topping: 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small chunks; 3/4 cup light brown sugar, loosely packed; 2/3 cup all-purpose flour; 1/2 cup rolled oats or finely chopped almonds; 1/4 teaspoon sea salt; 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg; 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, optional
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly butter a 2 1/2-quart gratin dish. Pit the apricots and cherries, then toss them with the sugar, tapioca and almond extract. Lay the fruit in the prepared dish. Make the topping. Using your fingers or the paddle attachment of a mixer, work the butter with the rest of the ingredients until the texture is coarse and crumbly. Pat the topping over the fruit. Set the dish on a baking pan to catch the juices and bake until the top is browned and the juices have thickened around the edge, about 45 minutes. Serve warm with vanilla or honey ice cream. Serves 6-8; Recipe from Local Flavors.

1/2 cup chopped, blanched almonds; 1 tablespoon honey; 1/2 cup whole wheat flour; 2 tablespoons wheat germ 1/4 teaspoon salt; 1/4 cup butter, diced; 2 pounds fresh red or purple plums, pitted and sliced; 1 tablespoon lemon juice; 1 tablespoon honey, or more (to taste); 1 cup plain yogurt or sour cream
In a medium-size bowl, mix the almonds, honey, flour, wheat germ, and salt. Add butter and work into the mixture with your fingers until well blended and crumbly. Refrigerate while preparing the fruit. Preheat oven to 400 F and butter a 9 x 9-inch baking dish. Arrange the plums cut side up in the baking dish. Sprinkle them with the lemon juice and honey. Spoon the almond mixture over the fruit and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until top is crisp and lightly browned. Cool 15 minutes or longer before serving. Serve with yogurt or sour cream. Yield: 6 to 8 servings Recipe from Naturally Delicious Desserts and Snacks.

3 cups whole, unpeeled, pitted plums, ground fresh ginger to taste, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 2 tablespoons water, 2 cups whole milk, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 3/4 cup white sugar, 4 egg yolks, beaten, 1 cup heavy whipping cream.                                                                                                                                                        Place plums, ginger and water in a large skillet; cook, uncovered, over medium heat until tender. Place in a food processor; cover and process until blended. Set aside.  In a small saucepan, heat milk to 175°; stir in sugar until dissolved. Whisk a small amount of the hot mixture into egg yolks. Return all to the pan, whisking constantly. Cook over low heat until mixture is just thick enough to coat a metal spoon and a thermometer reads at least 160°, stirring constantly. Do not allow to boil. Remove from heat immediately. Quickly transfer to a large bowl; place bowl in a pan of ice water. Stir gently and occasionally for 2 minutes. Stir in cream. Pour plums into the mixture by straining through a colander to catch the skins. Add cinnamon and liqueur if desired. Press plastic wrap onto bowl of custard. Refrigerate several hours or overnight.  Fill cylinder of ice cream freezer two-thirds full; freeze according to the manufacturer’s directions.  Refrigerate any remaining mixture until ready to freeze.) Transfer ice cream to freezer containers, allowing headspace for expansion. Freeze 2-4 hours or until firm. Repeat with any remaining gelato mixture. Yield: 1 quart. 8 Servings Prep: 25 min. + chilling Process: 20 min. + freezing