Summer Share Three June 4th/6th 2024

Posted by on Jun 4, 2024 in Uncategorized

Important information;

  • This is an odd numbered distribution for the suburban sites, as well as weekly shares.
  • Please remember to bring your return box with you to exchange for a full one! Home deliveries, please remember to place your empty box where your full one was delivered.

Farm News from Jane
The garlic is nicely hoed thanks to our friend Mark. Now its time to remove the garlic seed stalks called “scapes”. You may find them shooting up from your green garlic bunch this week. This will be the last week of green garlic but next week we’ll begin sharing garlic scapes. They are even more versatile than the green garlic. Pickled garlic scapes are quite a treat if you have some extra time. And like refrigerator pickles, they can be kept in the fridge once “pickled”, without the extra step of processing them. Check out the recipe section. The peas continue to thrive and they will probably pop their first blossoms this week. The first bed of beets, red, will be ready for harvest next week. Because we have two separate biweekly shares we try and rotate the veggies every other week when possible. So next week there will be kale for the even shares and the following week there will be Swiss chard. It also allows us the ability to avoid inundating the members with the same green each week. Partnering with restaurants allows us to utilize the surplus when available. I will try to get a list of the restaurants we partner with if you like to eat out occasionally and still have great veggies on your plate! Quite a few of these restaurants serve nutritional size vegetable portions as opposed to ornamental/decorative portions. We have had a hard-working crew of bug pickers this past week. There is a financial compensation per bug which helps them while helping us. Ben’s two sons, Lemuel and Case might be having a bit of a competition to see who gets the most Colorado Potato beetles; new fishing and hunting gear is a good incentive. I had a bit of a chuckle as after they had combed through the eight or so rows of field tomatoes, they went across to the potato fields. Those rows are quite long and there are lots and lots of rows. But the financial gain could be enormous… We’ll see how we all “gain”. Fewer beetles are a great help to crop yields. They are our worst pest problem on the farm. Fences work well for deer but not for beetles…
The new moon is on Thursday and so if it is clear the stars will be spectacular. And that put us only two weeks to the summer solstice. The length of sunlight is getting close to fifteen hours a day. No wonder our tans are deepening quickly. Until next week and Flag Day, eat well, play fair and give a someone a hug, Jane

PRODUCE:  Asparagus  Salad greens  green Garlic  Romaine lettuce
Fennel  mixed Carrots  Rutabaga

Produce tips:
– Romaine is small but crisp! There is more coming…
– The asparagus has benefited from some good rainfall this weekend and the heat this week will help it shoot up tall. Last week’s cool temperatures slowed it down its growth quite a bit. (8 oz. this share).
– We’ve mixed some colorful carrots in with the orange to give you some extra color this week. Next week, the last of the fall carrots. We’re getting the next crop ready weeding them. Quite a grassy patch right now; we all know how that grows after some heat and rain!
– The fennel is quite small but had to be harvested to prepare the beds in the high tunnels for the peppers which are already blossoming in the greenhouse waiting their turn to be planted. Try adding it to your salad or stir fry. And the fonds or ferns are great additions to a salad too. Please check out the recipe section. Fennel has been used for centuries as food, medicine herb and even insect repellent. It is used as a digestive aid and eaten in India after spicy foods as a breath freshener and an anti-flatulent! It belongs to the umbel family like the carrots, celery, parsley, dill and anise. So, if you like dill pickles, give this flavor a try! I even pickled some for my dad as he loved dill and licorice flavor. You’ll have to pare the recipe size down; three may equal one small bulb.
– Rutabaga; now before you get too excited, check out the recipe section. There is a fantastic apple rutabaga soup, chili fries and lots of other delights. Remember that roots get sweeter in storage so taste the recipe before adding any additional sweet that the recipe might call for. I never add any sweet to the soup recipes; they are always sweet enough without adding more. Using our veggies anyways…

1/2 medium sweet onion (do not cut off root end); 2-3 fennel bulbs (stalks removed), about 1/2 pound; 1T olive oil; salt and freshly ground black pepper; 2T freshly grated Parmesan
Heat large cast-iron griddle (flat side down, ridged side up) on stove top over medium flame, or prepare outdoor grill for medium heat. Place flat surface of onion half on cutting board and cut into slices that are 1/3-inch thick, leaving some of the root end intact on each slice. Brush both sides of onions lightly with olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Grill onions on both sides until tender and lightly charred, 3-5 minutes per side. Meanwhile, slice whole fennel bulbs lengthwise in the same manner as onions. Steam them over boiling water 8-10 minutes; drain well. Brush lightly with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill on both sides until tender and lightly charred, 6-8 minutes per side. Arrange onions and fennel on a colorful platter; scatter Parmesan over the top. This is delicious with grilled fish or lamb, or as a side dish with Italian tomato-based pasta dishes. Makes 6 servings. Recipe from MACSAC

2 T butter or butter-flavored cooking spray; 4 cups water, vegetable broth, or chicken broth (or more for a thinner soup); 1 medium fennel bulb, thinly sliced (reserve a few of the fronds); 1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste; 4 cups sliced carrots (approximately 1 1/2 pounds) ; 1/3 cup orange juice; 1 garlic clove, sliced thin (you can add a couple of garlic scapes, if available); 1/4 cup sour cream
Heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add sliced fennel and cook, stirring often, until soft and beginning to turn golden. Add carrots and garlic; cook and stir for a minute or two. Add water or broth and salt; bring to simmer, cover, and cook until carrots and fennel are tender, about 20 minutes. Puree mixture in a food processor or blender, or with an immersion blender. Stir in orange juice and sour cream until smooth and creamy. Reheat on low heat, but do not boil. Serve each bowl garnished with fennel fronds. Makes 4 servings. Recipe from Edith Thayer, Vermont Valley Farm member

One large or 2 small fennel bulbs; 2 T frozen orange juice concentrate, partially thawed; 2 T white wine or red wine vinegar; 1 tsp Dijon mustard; 2 T extra-virgin olive oil; salt and pepper
Remove fronds from the fennel bulb(s). Cut away the root and slice fennel into very thin pieces (it can also be grated). Make dressing by combining vinegar, mustard, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and orange juice concentrate in a bowl. Gradually whisk in olive oil. Pour over fennel and allow to marinate at room temperature 20 minutes or longer. Season to taste with pepper and additional salt.
Recipe from Jenny Bonde and Rink DoVee, Shooting Star Farm

6 large eggs (not too fresh! they will be difficult to peel if very fresh); 1/3 cup finely chopped fennel stalk; 2-3 tablespoons chopped fennel leaves; 2-4 tablespoons finely chopped sweet red onion; 4 tablespoons mayonnaise; 1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar; 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard; salt and pepper to taste
Place eggs in saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to boil. Turn off heat. Cover pan tightly and set timer for 9 minutes. When timer goes off, drain eggs and immerse them in ice water 10-15 minutes. Peel and quarter eggs; place in food processor and, using the pulse button, pulse until finely chopped, 8-12 times. Add remaining ingredients; pulse until ingredients are well blended, 3-6 more times. Use as a sandwich filling, a spread for crackers, a cold sauce for chilled asparagus, or a garnish for tossed green salads. Makes 2 cups. Recipe from MACSAC

1 large fennel bulb, including the greens; 1 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tbsp olive oil; sea salt and freshly ground pepper; grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon; 1/2 garlic clove, minced; 1/4-to-1/2-pound fettuccine; Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Quarter the bulb, or if small not necessary; setting aside the greens, and slice thinly. (The core will cook to tenderness.) Heat a large pot of water for the pasta. Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter with the olive oil in a wide skillet. Add the fennel and sauté over high heat, stirring occasionally, until browned in places, 7 to 10 minutes. Season with 1 teaspoon salt. Toss with the lemon juice, and then add 1 cup water. Reduce the heat and cook, covered, until the liquid has evaporated. Add another 1/2 cup water and continue cooking in this fashion until the fennel is very soft and deep gold in color, about 25 minutes in all. Season with pepper. Chop a handful of fennel greens- enough to make about 1/3 cup-with the garlic and lemon zest and set aside.  Add salt and the pasta to the boiling water and cook until the pasta is al dente. Scoop it out and add it to the pan with the fennel and the chopped greens. Taste for salt and season with pepper. Serve with the cheese, finely grated or thinly shaved over the top. serves 4 to 6

1 bulb fennel, trimmed & quartered; 1/2 # fettuccini; 1 T olive oil; Grated Parmesan cheese; Parsley (garnish)
Simmer fennel in 4 quarts salted water until tender, about 15 minutes. Lift fennel from water and slice. Keep warm. In the fennel water, cook the fettuccini until al dente. Drain pasta. Add olive oil and fennel. Serve with sprinkle of Parmesan and parsley. Make 3 servings

1/2 cup butter or other shortening; 1 cup + 1 teaspoon sugar; 2 eggs; 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; 2 teaspoons minced fennel, separated; 1 Tablespoon milk; 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 1/2 teaspoon soda; 1/2 teaspoon salt
In a large bowl, cream butter and 1 cup of sugar until well blended. Add eggs, vanilla, 1 teaspoon fennel and milk. Mix well. In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, soda and salt. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture, mixing well. Pour out onto a well-floured sheet of wax paper turning over once. Form I-inch balls and place on cookie sheet. Press down with a fork. In a small dish, combine 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 teaspoon fennel. Sprinkle on cookies and bake in a 3750 oven for 8-10 minutes. Makes 4 dozen. Recipe from Especially Herbs

1 stick lightly salted butter, softened; 2 tablespoons chopped fennel fronds; grated zest of half a lemon; a little freshly ground black pepper
Put the butter, fennel, lemon zest, and pepper in a bowl and beat them until the butter is evenly speckled green. Pat it into a roll, cover with plastic wrap, and chill. Makes about 1/2 cup Recipe from a handful of herbs.

1 tbsp butter or oil; 4 cups thinly sliced onions; 2 tsp salt; 4 medium potatoes, sliced into thin pieces 1-2 inches long; 1 cup minced fennel bulb; ½ tsp caraway seed; 4 cups water; white pepper to taste; sour cream and fennel fronds for garnish
Melt the butter or heat oil in a kettle or Dutch oven. Add the onions and 1 tsp of salt. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 15-20 minutes, or until the onions are very soft and lightly browned. Add the potatoes, another ½ tsp salt, fennel and caraway seeds. Sauté over medium heat for another 5 minutes, then add the water. Bring to a boil, then partially cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender 10-15 minutes. Taste and adjust salt; add white pepper. Serve hot topped with sour cream and fennel fronds. Serves 6. Recipe from The Moosewood Cookbook.

1 1/2 – 2 pounds rutabaga; chicken or vegetable stock; 1 cup sour cream; 1-2 tablespoons minced fresh thyme or 1-2 tsp. dried thyme; salt and pepper to taste
Peel rutabaga, dice the flesh, and place in a saucepan. Add just enough stock to cover rutabaga, bring to simmer, and cook until tender. You can serve this three ways: 1) Soup: Stir in the remaining ingredients; 2) Side dish: Drain off stock and stir in remaining ingredients; or 3) Puree: Drain off most of the stock and puree rutabaga with remaining ingredients, using immersion blender, food processor, or blender. Makes 4-6 servings; Recipe from Linda Holley, Harmony Valley Farm

1 large or 2 medium rutabagas (about 1 pound); 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley; 1 large carrot (about 1/4 pound); salt and pepper to taste; 6-8 tablespoons Buttermilk Garlic dressing
Peel rutabagas and carrot; cut into large chunks and shred in food processor or on very large grate holes of hand-held grater. Toss with remaining ingredients and chill hour. Makes 4 servings; Recipe from MACSAC

1-2 medium garlic cloves; 4 tablespoons minced leeks; 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar; 1/2 cup buttermilk; 1/3 cup sour cream; large pinch sugar; 1/2 cup olive oil
Mince garlic; mash to a paste with fork or back of knife. Whisk garlic, leeks, vinegar, buttermilk, sour cream, and sugar in bowl. Gradually whisk in the olive oil. Season generously with salt and pepper to taste. Makes almost 11/2 cups. Recipe from MACSAC

Melt 4 oz. butter; Add: l cp coarsely chopped onion; l cp peeled, cored, chopped apple; l cp peeled chopped rutabaga; l cp peeled, seeded chopped butternut squash; l cp chopped carrots; l cp peeled, chopped sweet potatoes. Cook until onions are translucent, stir occasionally. Add; l qt chicken or vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and cook till vegetables are tender and cooked through. Puree in small batches. Add: l c heavy cream; l cp milk; 1/4 c maple syrup. Return to stove and heat through. Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste.

2T oil, 1½t chili powder. 1t onion powder, 1t garlic salt, 1/2t sugar, 1/2t paprika, ½ t cayenne, 1 ½ # rutabaga.
Heat oven to 4000. Mix first 7 ingredients in a medium bowl. Peel rutabagas and cut them into chunks that are about 2inches long and ½-1 inch wide. Toss with spice mix. Transfer to large baking sheet, spreading pieces out evenly. Bake until tender and somewhat browned, stirring occasionally, about 25 minutes.
Makes 4-6 servings

RUTABAGA & POTATO PUREE * This is where your ADK reds or Blues will shine!
1 1/2 pounds rutabaga, peeled and cut into small chunks, 1 1/2 pounds potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks, 4 cloves garlic, peeled, Salt, to taste, 1/3 cup nonfat milk, scaled, 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves, or 1/2 teaspoon dried, freshly ground white or black pepper, to taste
Place rutabagas and potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Add garlic and season with salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and cook until the vegetables are very tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain thoroughly and return the vegetables to the pan. Place the pan over low heat and toss for about 1 minute to dry the vegetables slightly. Mash the rutabagas, potatoes and garlic with a hand mixer or potato masher. Add enough milk to make a smooth puree. Stir in thyme and season with salt and pepper.
Serves 8; Recipe from Eating Well Magazine

1# carrots peeled, and 1# rutabaga, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces, 3T. butter, salt and pepper
Boil carrots and rutabaga until just soft. Smash together with a potato masher or food processor until it looks like a puree. Add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with parsley if desired.
Recipe courtesy of Robert Irvine; Food Network

1 large rutabaga or 2 small rutabagas peeled, and spiralized or shredded, 3.5 cups tomato basil sauce, 1/2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 8 cups chopped kale, 3 cloves of garlic minced, 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes, 1 large shallot minced, salt and pepper to taste, Cashew cheese or substitute of 2 C other cheese
For the cashew cheese: 1.5 cups cashews soaked in water for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight) and drained, 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast, 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 cup vegetable broth
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Slice halfway through the rutabaga, just to the center (careful not to go further.) Spiralize the rutabaga, using Blade A. Place a medium pot over medium-high heat, add in the tomato sauce and bring to a simmer. Once simmering, lower heat to low to keep warm on the stovetop. Place all of the ingredients for the cheese into a high-speed blender or food processor and process until creamy. Taste and adjust with more salt, if needed. Set aside. Place a large skillet over medium heat and add in the olive oil. Once oil is shimmering, add in the kale, garlic, red pepper flakes, shallots and season with salt and pepper. Cook the mixture for 2-3 minutes or until kale is wilted. Gather all of your prepared ingredients to build the lasagna. Take out a casserole dish (I use 4.2 quart) and add about 1/2 cup of the tomato sauce on the bottom. Then, add a layer of the rutabaga on top. Then, add a layer of the cheese mixture. Then, add in a layer of the kale mixture. Top with tomato basil sauce and spread it around with the back of a spatula or otherwise. Top with a layer of rutabaga. Then, add the cashew cheese. Then, add a layer of kale mixture. Then, add in a layer of the tomato basil sauce. Top with a layer of the rutabaga and then, top with the remaining tomato sauce. Cover the casserole dish and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes. After 40 minutes, poke the top layer and if you can easily pierce through the rutabaga, it’s done. If you can’t, bake another 5 minutes. Once the lasagna is done, carefully cut into 4 very large pieces or 6 medium pieces.

1/3 cup sesame or olive oil; 1 teaspoon minced garlic, pressed to a paste; 1-2 teaspoons grated fresh gingerroot or 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger; dash of cayenne; 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice; 1 teaspoon sesame seeds; 1 tablespoon chopped green onion, salad greens or NAPA cabbage. Mix all ingredients (except greens); toss with greens. This is also good with bok choy, snow peas, or cucumbers. Makes 1/2 cup dressing. Recipe from Oak Ridge Farm

1 cup red wine vinegar; 1 tablespoon honey; 1 cup olive or canola oil; 1 pinch salt; 1 tablespoon horseradish mustard; 1 pinch pepper; 5 tablespoons tahini (sesame seed paste); salad greens
Mix all ingredients (except greens). Toss with greens. This recipe was inspired by Rob Summerbell. Makes about 3 cups dressing. Recipe from Zephyr Community Farm

Makes about 3 servings
3 c mixture of three kinds of lettuce, such as red leaf, romaine and Boston, washed and torn into bite-size pieces; 1/2 c cashews
For dressing: 1/4 small red onion, grated; 1/8 c vinegar; 1/4 c sugar; pinch of ground black pepper; 1/2 tsp celery seed; 1 tsp prepared mustard; 3/8 c olive oil
Toss lettuce with cashews.  Place onion, vinegar, sugar, pepper, celery seed, mustard and oil in jar with tight lid. Shake vigorously to emulsify, or blend in blender. When ready to serve, toss salad with half the dressing, then add more, to taste, or serve dressing on side.

3 slices bacon; 1 1/2 Tbsp red wine vinegar; 1/2 T lemon juice; 1 Tbsp water; 1 tsp sugar; 1/4 tsp ground black pepper; 4 c leaf lettuce – washed, dried and torn into bite-sized pieces; 3 green onions, thinly sliced; 1 hard-cooked egg (optional)
Cook bacon over medium high heat until evenly brown. Remove from skillet, crumble and set aside. Reserve drippings. Combine lettuce and green onions in large bowl. To the hot bacon drippings, add vinegar, lemon juice, water, sugar and pepper. Stir over medium heat until hot and sugar is dissolved.  Add warm dressing and toss to evenly coat. Sprinkle with bacon. If desired, garnish with egg. Serve immediately. Makes 3 servings

6 T olive oil; 2 T red wine vinegar; 1 tsp anchovy paste; 1 garlic scapes or green onions, minced; /2 T fresh lemon juice; 1 tsp Dijon mustard; 1/2 tsp gr. white pepper; 1/2 c grated Parmesan cheese; 1 med head romaine lettuce; Croutons
Put oil, vinegar, anchovy paste, garlic, lemon juice, mustard and white pepper in food processor; blend. Add Parmesan; pulse just to blend. Rinse, pat dry and tear lettuce into bite-size pieces.  Add half the dressing to lettuce; toss. Add more dressing, to taste; toss, then add croutons. Serve at once. Makes 4 servings

2+1/2 T extra-virgin olive oil; 1/2 # asparagus, cut on the diagonal into I-inch pieces; Salt and ground black pepper; 1 T white wine vinegar; I/2 small shallot, minced (about 1 T); 1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon leaves; 4 oz. mixed greens; 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped medium
Heat ½ T of the oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over high heat until beginning to smoke. Add the asparagus, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; cook until browned and tender crisp, about 4 minutes, stirring once every minute. Transfer to a large plate and cool 5 minutes.  Meanwhile, whisk the remaining oil, the vinegar, shallot, tarragon, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper together in a medium bowl until combined. In a large bowl, toss the greens with 1-2 T of the dressing and divide among salad plates. Toss the asparagus with the remaining dressing and place a portion of it over the greens; sprinkle the chopped eggs evenly over the salads and serve.

In a screw-top jar combine ¼-1/3 cup of coarse grain mustard, ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup lemon juice, ¼ cup honey and 2 cloves of garlic, minced. Cover and shake well. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Shake well before serving. Recipe from the Betty Crocker Cookbook

Mix ¼ cup honey, ¼ cup creamy peanut butter and 1 T. lemon juice. Makes ½ cup dressing
Recipe form Betty Crocker Cookbook

3 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces, 1medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup), 1tablespoon Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour, 1tablespoon sugar, 1/2teaspoon salt, dash pepper, 1/2cup water, 1/4cup white or cider vinegar
Cook onion in bacon fat in skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until tender. Stir in flour, sugar, salt, celery seed and pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is bubbly; remove from heat. Stir water and vinegar into onion mixture. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute; remove from heat. Stir in potatoes and bacon.

8 oz. orzo pasta; 1/2 cup bunching onions, finely chopped; 8 oz. mushrooms, quartered; 1 lb. asparagus, tips trimmed, stems cut into 1/2-inch rounds; 1 cup frozen peas; 1/2 cup finely chopped toasted walnuts, optional
Vinaigrette: 3 Tbs. red wine vinegar; 2 Tbs. olive oil; 2 tsp. whole-grain mustard; 1 1/2 tsp. brown sugar
Cook pasta according to package directions. Rinse under cold water and drain. Set aside.  Coat nonstick skillet with cooking spray, and place over medium heat. Add onions, and cook 3 to 4 minutes, or until onions are soft. Raise heat to medium-high, stir in mushrooms, and cook 5 minutes. Add asparagus, and cook 3 to 4 minutes more, or until asparagus are crisp-tender. Stir in peas, season with salt and pepper, and remove from heat. To make Vinaigrette: Whisk together all ingredients in small bowl until emulsified. Place pasta, vegetables, and vinaigrette in large bowl, and stir to combine. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts, if desired. Serves 6

9-inch pastry shell; 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated; ½ cup green garlic or onions, chopped; 1 cup asparagus, cooked and chopped; 4 eggs; 1 ½ cups milk; ½ tsp salt; ¼ tsp pepper; ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
Place cheese, garlic or onions and asparagus in bottom of pie shell. Beat together eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Pour over ingredients in pie shell. Sprinkle parsley over top. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350° and bake for 45 minutes more, or until quiche is golden brown and knife comes out clean when inserted in the middle of the quiche.

Cut asparagus into 2-3-inch pieces. Blanch asparagus in boiling water for 30 seconds to 1 minute- the asparagus should turn a brighter green and slightly tender. Remove immediately from heat, cool rapidly in cold water. Serve cold with dip or alone. Our favorite dill dip recipe is below; asparagus disappears quickly when the dill dip is out.

Asparagus, chopped and lightly cooked; 1 C milk; ½ T butter; ½ T cornstarch; fresh oregano; salt and pepper
Dissolve cornstarch in ¼ cup milk; set aside. Melt butter in small saucepan; add milk stir well. Heat mixture till very hot, but do not boil. Add cornstarch and milk, oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Stir until thickened. Adjust seasonings. Pour cream sauce over asparagus and serve.

1 lb. rainbow carrots, cut in half and sliced, 3 T extra virgin olive oil, 2 T balsamic vinegar
1 T honey, ⅛ tsp sea salt, ⅛ tsp. black pepper, Coarse salt for sprinkling, Parsley, diced, for garnish
Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease a baking dish and set aside. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey sea salt, and black pepper in a bowl until fully combined. Toss the carrots and the honey mixture together in a large bowl until evenly coated. Place coated carrots in to the prepared baking dish. Roast for about 30-35 minutes until carrots are tender (but not mushy!) Cool for 5 minutes. Top with a sprinkling of coarse salt and parsley to serve. Recipe from

2 lbs. carrots, trimmed, peeled, and cut on the diagonal into 1/2-inch pieces (I used tri-colored carrots but you can use all orange), 2 T olive oil, 2 to 3 tsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped, 1 tsp fresh thyme, 1 tsp salt, or to taste, 1 tsp pepper, or to taste, 2 to 3 tsp fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, 2 tsp lemon juice
Preheat oven to 450F and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil for easier cleanup. Add the carrots to the baking sheet, evenly drizzle with olive oil, and evenly sprinkle with thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, and toss with your hands to evenly coat. Arrange the carrots in a flat layer with space between the pieces if possible and bake for about 30 to 35 minutes or until carrots are lightly caramelized around the edges and fork-tender. Baking times will vary based on the size of carrots and personal preference for doneness.
Stir and flip halfway through baking to ensure all sides cook evenly. Evenly sprinkle with parsley, evenly drizzle with optional lemon juice (brightens up the dish), and serve immediately.

1 # carrots; peeled and coarsely chopped, 2 medium- sized tart apples; grated, 1-2 T lemon juice, 1-2 T honey, (optional), pinch of celery seed, salt and pepper to taste, 1 c. firm yogurt.
Optional additions: 1T poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds, ¼ c. minced almonds or cashews; lightly toasted, ½ c. very finely minced celery, a handful of raisins or currants, ¼ c. shredded unsweetened coconut, lightly toasted, ½ c. finely chopped pineapple (or crushed canned in juice). Combine all ingredients and mix well. Chill. (This preparation goes fast if you use a food processor with a grater attachment.) Yield 4-5 main dishes for lunch; more if serving as a side dish. Recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook.

1 T olive oil, ¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp ground black pepper, ½# carrots, 2T balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a 9×13-inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Combine olive oil, salt, pepper, and carrots in a bag or bowl; toss to coat. Pour the carrots into the prepared baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven until tender, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle the balsamic vinegar over the carrots; shake the pan to coat evenly. Return to oven and bake until the liquid is absorbed, 5 to 10 minutes. Serve hot.
Recipe from

1 1/4 lbs. medium carrots, halved lengthwise, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1/2 tsp. curry powder, 2 3/4 cups chicken stock, 2 cups Israeli couscous, 1 1/2 tsp. ground turmeric, 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt, thinned with 3 tbsp. water, torn fresh mint, 4 lemon wedges
On baking sheet, toss carrots, oil and curry powder; season with salt and pepper. Roast at 500° until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. In saucepan, boil stock. Add couscous and turmeric. Cover and simmer until tender, about 7 minutes; season. Top couscous with carrots, yogurt and mint. Serve with lemon wedges.
Recipe from

2 C water, 2 C cider vinegar, ½ C sugar (more or less to desired sweetness), 1/2t salt, 1 T mixed pickling spices 2+1/4# carrots, peeled and cut into desired sizes for container
Place all ingredients except carrots in a medium sized pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Prepare carrots and add to a pot of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes until slightly softened. Drain carrots and place in prepared brine. Let mixture cool to room temperature. Place in jars or desired containers.
Makes approximately 2 quarts.

1 lb. carrots, peeled, 1 to 2T olive oil, ¼ tsp salt, ½ tsp freshly cracked black pepper, ½ tsp garlic powder, 6 C butter lettuce greens, or whatever greens you have
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Peel the carrots and place them on the baking sheet. I like to keep them whole, but it depends on how large they are. If they are really big or thick carrots, slice them in half either lengthwise or width wise. You can also use baby carrots here too!

Drizzle the carrots with the olive oil and toss week. Cover with the salt, pepper and garlic powder. Roast the carrots for 15 to 20 minutes, until tender. While the carrots are roasting, place the greens in a large bowl or plate. Toss them well with salt and pepper. Make the green goddess dressing and drizzle the greens with it, lightly tossing. Top with the roasted carrots. Add more Green Goddess if you’d like and serve.
Green Goddess dressing: 1/2 avocado, 1/3 C plain Greek yogurt, 3 T mayonnaise, 2 garlic cloves, 1/3 C greens; baby spinach or arugula, 2 T chopped fresh parsley, 2 T chopped fresh basil, 1 T snipped chives, 1 T freshly squeezed lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper, pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and blend until combined.

Recipes to think about for the upcoming shares:

8 oz. scapes cut in 1 in. pieces and processed with 1 C Olive oil, 2 C Parmesan cheese and ½ C lemon juice.

1/2 cup butter; 2 garlic scapes, minced; 1 Tablespoon parsley; 1/2 teaspoon oregano
Soften butter to room temperature. Combine other ingredients, mixing well. Use with meats, breads, and vegetables. Yields 1/2 cup

2/3 c. salad oil; 1/4 c. wine vinegar; 1 tsp. sugar; 3/4 tsp. salt; 3/4 tsp. dry mustard; Dash freshly ground pepper; 1 garlic scape, minced
In a screw-top jar, combine all ingredients; shake well. Chill thoroughly before serving. Makes about 1 cup

1 bunch green garlic, oil, ground cumin, salt, pepper
Wash the green garlic. Cut off the roots and the tough ends of the leaves. Dry on a paper towel. Lay the whole garlic pieces on a baking sheet. Toss with a bit of oil. Sprinkle with cumin, salt and pepper. Lightly oil your grill pan or the outside grill. Place on the hot grill and cook until tender and starts to brown. Turn the garlic halfway through cooking. A few pieces of the roasted green garlic can be served on each plate or it can be roughly chopped and served as a side dish. Roasted green garlic can be added to any recipe. Tastes great with any chicken or meat dish. Recipe from

1/2 lb. garlic spaces (approximately 2-3 bunches), 1 tsp. dill seed, 1/2 tsp. whole black, peppercorns, 3/4 C. apple cider vinegar, 3/4 C. water, 1 T pickling salt
Trim the ends of the scapes, both the blossom end and the hard bit that formed at the original cut, and cut them into lengths that will fit in your jar. Prepare a small boiling water bath and a single pint jar. Place the dill and black peppercorns in the jar. Pack the trimmed scapes into the jar. Combine the vinegar, water and pickling salt in a pot and bring to a boil. Slowly pour the hot brine over the garlic scapes, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Once the jar is full, tap the jar lightly to dislodge any air bubbles. Check the headspace again and add more brine if necessary. Wipe the rim, apply the lid and ring, and process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes. Let these pickles cure for at least a week before eating. Pickles will last for several weeks in refrigerator after initial seal is broken.